• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views


    I am greatly interested in Lucid Dreaming and Dream Control. I also enjoy just remembering dreams and sharing them with others via this dream journal. The best part about dreaming is that there is no end to it. I can explore places buried deep in my imagination, but I will never see every one of them. Why? Because the mind is infinite, or as I like to say... Mentis est Infinata!

    Just remember this; I do not post my dreams online for myself. I don't keep this dream journal to help me recall dreams. I keep it for you. I mean, think about it. Isn't it kind of entertaining to read about the adventures that occur deep in another person's subconscious?

    Many things occur in these adventures. Some are scary, cheerful, silly, embarrassing, funny, cute, depressing, mysterious, fun, boring, or even all of those emotions packed tightly into one long dream.

    The funny part is that all of this stuff is just in your head. It's amazing how a whole universe of excitement and adventure can fit inside a tiny little brain. Well, hat are you waiting for? Go read my Dream Journal, and see what my dream universe has in store!