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    night 11

    by , 07-04-2012 at 04:56 AM (340 Views)
    people who do nude skydiving - a conan obrain business

    see a person with dog face (he has a black face with a little brown on the edges and yellow eyes a bit like a wolf ) while walking my dog he got along with my dog

    at the synagog my cousin orel has a bar mitzva and the whole family goes ... my father tells bad jokes and i feel ashamed ...the gabi ask who has a bar mitzva and lots of people raise there hands and i feel ashmed that lots of my family children raise there hand including my brother who allready had a barmitzva later when he asks the kids what did they learn - so some ethiopian kid says that this kind of cheese is not kosher and i say to my father it dosnt make sense cause it is kosher then its my sisters turn so she puts on a record of her singing at the barmitzva i thought it was super funny but later also felt ashamed then she drops a cake on the floor

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    Updated 07-04-2012 at 05:10 AM by 55917

