Why Do I Lucid Dream?
Well, the first time i knew lucid dream, was because i watched inception. However, i was interested in lucid dreaming, in july (or june, i forgot ) 2012. Since that i always try to share lucid dreaming with everyone i know. i made a simple ( reaaaaly simple) blog about lucid dreaming in indonesian. I keep wondering, in indonesia, they do not even have 1 blog where lucid dreamers can gather easily. (they do have a place in a forum. the club is quite big, but the forum itself is not ment for lucid dreaming. it's like, they do not have a special place for lucid dreamers). but, if you look at google trends, (Google Trends) (look at the regional interest, and click the 'list'), Indonesia (,with the search volume index of 87), got the second place. because of that, i got more motivated. i share lucid dreaming to everyone i know.
Too bad, i do not have long lucid dreams. my LD are simple and short. so, whenever i want to give examples to other lucid dreamers, i would say "a friend of mine got a dream about.." but, in the end of 2012 (december). i started to have these, vivid and long LDs. but i was not motivated, so i didn't practice my lucid dream. I didn't practice until the end of january. In the beggining of february 2013 i become motivated again, and started to LD again in the middle of february. but i think my LD are short and simple again now. Whenever i am lucid, i will wake up in a few seconds/minutes.
So that's my story.
(oh and, i probably have like 20-30 LDs)
Techniques I Use, and Reality Checks
june/july 2012 - december 2012 : mostly DILD. sometimes DEILD also.
December 2012- january 2013 : no LDs
January 2013 - now : mostly DEILD. Trying to DILD also, but started to do RC and ADA again on early march (riiiiiight now... yes. i was totally motivated again, fully motivated, yesterday, when i discovered this forum..)
my reality checks are :
- My glasses (you know, if you take it you can't see clearly), the most trusted one for me.
- look at hands (to see the details)
- nose plug (rarely)
- jump (NEVER! do it in real life, but did it in a dream, which changes it into lucid. idk how come?)
- the rest is ADA i think..
1. Short term goals.
- Have a quite long lucid dream.
- Eat something
- Made something appear from the ground.
- Fly (i've done this before, but never try again since the december thingy)
- messing the visual part of my dream (zoomed, pixelated)
- +++(extra, addition) TOTM advanced task one.
1. Long term goals. ( i do not really understand what are the long term goals, but here they are
- To fight fear using lucid dream.
- Talk about what should i be in the future.
- get benefits from my subconscious
(i actually have a lot of goals, i think i will just post 8 first, then i will add later. Is that ok?)
My weaknesses:
- I'm too lazy. when i wake up i only record the highlighted events. (i know how to do this,)
- To keep my mind active (that's why i never do "only WILD")
Commitments to self:
- WRITE MY DREAMS IN A BOOK. detailed dream journal. (i have a special notebook for DJ that i keep since june/july)