About 20 years ago (I'm 41) I had a series of dreams where I wasn't sure if I was having a OBE or lucid dream. I was never "in control" of these and was a (terrified) observer.

I was a fan of Queensryche in the day (still am), and their song "Silent Lucidity" got me interested in Lucid dreaming. I was especially interested in dream control. I didn't actively "try" to lucid dream so while I was interested in it it never went anywhere. Skip forward and the movie "Inception" got me interested in lucid dreaming again. I actively persued it, but again nothing came of it.

Then there was last night. Saturday night is my "game night". I grew up playing video games (starting with the TI-99/4a) and have always loved them. Of course now that I have a wife and child I just don't have the time. So once a week on Saturday night I drink and have a blast playing games (currently it's "Battlefield 3"). Anyway, due to this I get to sleep in Sunday morning. Today (Sunday) I woke up to my four year old yelling he has to pee. My wife asked me to move to the guest room so she could let him watch TV in our room while she gathers herself. Ok, I moved to the guest room and went back to sleep.

So I'm dreaming. I often have vivid dreams that I remember well. I dreamt (among other things) I was in a resort and came across this unique room that could only have happened in dream world. Woke up, thought "That was cool", and went back to sleep. I dreamed again, and was in another place, but came across that same room. This must have triggered something because I immediately thought "I'm dreaming." My next thought was "I'm in a dream so I can do what I want!" I thought I want to fly through space and immediately was sitting in a space ship at the end of a tunnel (al la "Battlestar Galactica"). There was a voice coming over an intercom saying random things. I wanted to launch so I said "Launch." Nothing happend, so I stomped my foot (I remember this) and yelled "Launch!" Suddenly things starting fading away and I was awake.

Does this sound like an actual lucid dream with dream control? Is there anything I could do differently next time to maybe actually "launch?" I'm not sure if I was in control or it was just part of the dream. What do you think? What should I do next?