I've been trying to have lucid dreams since june but didnt have my first till october. After that i had 1 in november and december around the beginning if the month. In all three I couldnt control at all and then yesterday morning I had two lucids in a row. The first was me waking in my bed and seeing my girlfriend topless in my room which never happens so I realized that I'm dreaming. Once i realized I was dreaming I said aloud "I'm dreaming" then the dream immediately ended and I woke up. Then I went back to sleep and in the next dream i got out of my bed and just sort of knew that I was dreaming. Then tried rubbing my hands to increase clarity but it didnt work. Then I tried going to a mirror and changing my appearence and then tried spinning to teleport but neither worked. Once I stopped spinning i woke up. Strangely, neither time I did a reality check. i just knew i was dreaming

Then this morning I had another lucid dream. I got out of my bed and my mom and sister were yelling at me (I dont even have a sister). Again, I just knew that I was dreaming for no reason as i went to the bathroom. I lifted my leg and peed like a dog while thinking once I'm done I'll do a reality check. I did the reality check where I hold my nose and breathe in and it worked. I had closed my eyes as I did the reality check but when I opened them, I was awake.

All three times in two days, I had lucids where I just knew i was dreaming for no reason right as I got out of my bed. And all three times i woke up a few seconds after i became lucid and I had no control the little time I was lucid.

I am hoping that I'll have another lucid tomorrow morning because of these strange coincidences but when I do, I want it to last more than a moment and i want to have some control.

Does anyone have any tips or advice that I can use? Everytime I've had a lucid I couldnt control a thing. I cant even jump higher than normal or do anything. I really need help to control my dreams next time and any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks