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    1. #1
      Nebuchadnezzar - recruit
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      Feb 2008

      Small dream universes

      Last night I had my second DILD. I was at home, and a guy I know in reality and I were talking about methods of flying. I don't recall actually saying my method, but he told me he likes to focus on an object or point and pull himself towards it. While we were discussing this, it seemed very natural because I was not lucid at this point and flying around was normal and part of everyday life, so the conversation was, in context, quite boring and more like smalltalk. But then I remembered that this guy's method was mentioned in one of the flying tutorials on this site, whereupon I realized that flying shouldn't be possible anyway and became lucid. Something to note is that when we were talking, it was day time. However, when I became lucid, I had not even noticed that somehow it had become late at night, and I never questioned it until after awakening. Anyway I just felt like flying around and exploring the outside world instead of roaming the house. So I passed through the window and started heading towards beyond the backyard fence, keeping in mind the need to receive input from the dream by analyzing what I saw in detail and rubbing my hands. It was extremely vivid and lifelike at that point. However, as I mentioned, it was night time, and it was a very dark night. The visible range only extended as far as a few meters beyond my fence into a weedy field, where it seemed that the edge of a floodlight (which I assumed was the back yard light) remained. I wanted to push on, however, and did so. I noticed that there seemed to be a giant window or pane of glass about one hundred meters out which was a side of a cube that engulfed the house. I could barely make out the house reflection on it, and the frame, because it was beyond the light and in the darkness. I wanted to pass through it, but I had already gone too far, entered the darkness which meant I was receiving no more visual input, and the dream had not enough strength to continue.

      It seems that, when not lucid, my dream universe can be any size and under any kind of weather, day and night... but every lucid I have had (about two ) since trying to induce them has had a nighttime dream atmosphere in very small dream universes... When I try to go beyond the edge of the dream universe (where it is dark and there is no light), I can no longer see anything (because I went into the dark), therefor I am missing a major sense of input from the dream and it ends...

      In my first lucid the universe was only as big as my kitchen, then last night it extended a bit beyond my back yard (not far)... On top of this, each lucid only took place in a depiction of my real house. Will the universes continue to expand? Can I help them expand? I'd rather not be stuck in the house in all of my lucids >_>

      Maybe it's because the dream is taking place in my house from reality which causes me to question the extraordinary, being in an ordinary setting. I can remember quite zany and epic travels across extensive worlds in some of the best non-lucids I have made sure to remember. Maybe it's because the worlds are as extraordinary as the things going on in them, balancing the equation and thus making the entire thing seem natural.

      I will continue in my endeavors for awesomeness, but as for now I'm just wondering if any of you have any advice to help me expand my universe whenever I want to go beyond the spotlight...
      If there really is no spoon...then how am I to eat my fruitloops?!!?

    2. #2
      Member analyst's Avatar
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      Mar 2008
      My head, too often!
      hi ImageAll.

      i cannot attest to the size of my LD universe yet, as i haven't reached a limit per say, but i want to talk about perceived limit, or how i think the mind processes what is necessary information. now, this is only my belief, so it is WAY open to other ideas!

      from my experience in LDs and non-LDs i have always noticed a "need to know" type of visualization event horizon which my subconscious mind paints just as my conscious mind in LDs (or in non-LDs, my general perception) arrives to "see it", or interact with it. it is like every moment, the painting is being painted by one part of me and the other part is reacting to the painting. so for instance when i turn around (and it is similar for a lot of ppl here on this forum too i think) i find that characters who were there are now gone, furniture is different, etc. when going around a corner, the painting is not set yet and it gets set rather hastily and sometimes with many "errors" if one's visualization skills aren't built up well. i would refer to BillyBob's dream yoga post on this type of training. truly awesome.

      anyways, i read somewhere (wish i could credit someone!) that a person's dream universe is endless in intent, but limited in sight. so when you are in a dream room, nothing really exists outside this room at all, until you will it, or intend it. usually this intention occurs before or at the need of sight... and for me, i find that every moment in a non-LD, my intentions (future hopes and past memories) occur orthogonal (90 degrees!) to dream-time (actual occurrences). this produces the semi-random "how did i get here" syndrome! fun!

      either way.... just my thoughts. i did vomit them out, eh?
      oh and also wanted to keep this topic active (and back up at the top of the list!!!)
      excellent topic.... just one i haven't really experienced yet in the same way you have.

      be good.
      Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge, experience and even your inquiries regarding LDs!!!

      WILDs: 10
      DILDs: 3

    3. #3
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      Doncha Know, Murka
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      There's no reason other than your own perception why your universe is so small. There is not blackness beyond the window, only a stretchy curtain that you must lift rather than try and pass through.

      Be creative. There are no limits to a dream universe.

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    4. #4
      Sorcerer alfy984's Avatar
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      IN MY HEAD
      its like the so called real universe once they look out far enough with the hubble telescope all they see is blackness... but come up with a theory like the light from stuff that far away hasn't reached us yet thats why we see darkness and then voila you got more universe. Maybe instead of trying to go so far and discovering more maybe you should look right in front of your nose. Maybe try and find the smallest particles or try entering parallel universes that overlap our own. Think about a human cell. What If a cell tried to leave the human body to figure out why it was there or what was outside it. Or what if an ant looked up at a human trying to figure out what it was. I think there is a reason we can only look so far... The universe may have an end but there is no end to the possible universes you could go to.

      ponder that for a while
      C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Desktop\alexgrey.jpg
      The worst mistake you can make is to think you're alive when you're really asleep in lifes waiting room.

    5. #5
      Ninja hootman's Avatar
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      One word: Placebo
      "He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it."

      Last updated 3/15/08
      LD(s): 4 :yumdumdoodledum:
      WILD(s): 1
      WBTB(s): 3


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