A Lucid Dreaming Class
March 19, 2010

I drove up to a small parking lot. It's an inner city parking lot next to an old building, with only enough space for about eight cars. The building was very old which was nice because it meant there were wild flowers and grasses growing everywhere, ripping apart the asphalt, giving this parking lot some character.

I park my car crooked and I'm too lazy to fix it. In front of the door was a man passing out pamphlets and giving you name tags before you go inside. He also offered you free soda! I grabbed the last orange can. Yum! I recognize a few people walking in the building, older students from my college class. And when I mean older, I mean literally older. I always felt like a little kid next to them.

I go inside, I guess I'm late! Class is already in session, the teacher looks a little annoyed with me. The class is almost divided in a childish way between girls and boys (well technically MEN and WOMEN, were all adults). I want to sit on the ladies side, but there's no seats left! So I head over to the guys side, I feel a little embarrassed sitting here. So as soon as a seat on the girls side opens up I sneak on over. Some where between my seat hopping I lost my orange soda!! I start asking people if they've seen my soda! We do find one unclaimed soda can, but it's empty. I only took a sip, who drank my soda!

I get to work. I don't even realize what it is I'm working on until AFTER I wake up. I'm working on a lucid dreaming book! I went all crayola on my book. That's what this whole class session was about, to create our own personalized lucid dreaming book. And my teacher, he had black frumpy hair. I don't remember his face, but I did wake up thinking "Dream?"

I wouldn't wake up for a while though. My dream mutates into something else.

The Serial Killer Boy
In the upstairs building there is a small boy of the age of ten. And he just murdered his entire family and everyone else in the building!! Except for me, I was hiding underneath his bed. This boy was twistedly sick and killed everyone, not because he hated them. But because he thought of himself as the only person beautiful enough, worthy enough of living. He deserves it all and everyone in comparison deserves death. He was cold. And showed no remorse or anger. I don't even want to know what he was eating now that he no longer had a mom to cook for him....unless..was....he eating mom?

My only companion was a cat, or a dog, it sorta switched now and then. I hid underneath the bed for days. Days without food, water, or using the restroom. I can't go on like this I'm going to die! For some strange reason I was roleplaying as a guy. I think I was supposed to be his older brother making this dream segment more demented

I had the silliest idea in my dream "What if I have to sneeze! Or scratch myself! Won't he hear me?" Well the boy eventually did hear something. He jumps down from his bed and squats. He looks right at me and I just stare back with wide eyes. I try not to blink. Maybe I can trick him into thinking I'm just a corpse. The boy is tricked! He comments "Ewww...It looks like someone shot you.". Thanks to days of just sitting on my ass, I probably do look like hell, and I imagined my face was pasty pale, sunken cheeks and black rings around my eyes. I made for a convincing corpse.

The boy walks out of the room to bask in his glory in the sunlight. It's like I could hear his thoughts. As he's outside he's thinking "What if that corpse is alive? And that stupid dog is bringing him food and water?" I was running out of time. I don't know why I haven't done this before since the boy has walked out of the room several times, but now is my chance to escape!!

I run out of the room yelling at the stupid cat-dog to hurry up! We need to make our escape now! We run down the fire-escape, out the same parking lot from the other dream, and across the street! At least it's night time now (like magic) so I can hide in the tall shadows. I was panicking even though my trusty pet is by my side. What if that freak checks underneath his bed and sees that I'm gone? Then he'll know I'm alive! Then he'll come after me!

I run by strangers in the alley-way covering my face, so the boy can't ask if they have seen me. I marvel at how light my feet are! I can just run like this forever! Where am I getting all of this energy from? Haven't I gone days without food and water? The dream sign goes over my head. I find this abandoned area of the subway system. It's small, dank, dark and filled with random litter. It's perfect, I can hide in here. I tell my trusty pet to please find me some food, and becareful coming back not to be seen. Oh and water! Please! Though my pet never spoke with me, he had such understanding eyes. I feel the need to relieve myself, it's been days you know, so I do so man style.
(That's a first for me, no squatting?). My pet scampers off and tries to find me some food to eat.

I hid underneath a dirty tarp. I decide that I'll have to hide here the entire day! It's too dangerous to come out, the crazy boy will see me!

I woke up soon after, pretty annoyed that I was so scared of the boy and that I didn't go lucid even though I was in a lucid dreaming class!!

Looking back on it, I think it was all the same dream! The crazy boy was living in the same building the lucid dream class was taking place in. There wasn't any real transition between one dream and the next. It was basically one moment I'm staring at my lucid dream book, the next I'm hiding underneath a bed from this psychopath boy who just murdered his entire family! And. . . when I first walked in the lucid dream classroom, I was forced to sit on the guys side. Only after wards was I allowed to go back to the ladies side. In the next dream, I was back to my lady self!

My animus is a coward, please forgive him! I've never roleplayed as him before. I've met him in several dreams now, and all I can say is, he's timid, shy. And rather than talking to people - he barely even talks to me in dreams - he talks to animals instead. He always, always, it doesn't matter what dream, he always has some magical animal companion. Sometimes I have to talk to his animal companion to tell him a message in dreams......for shame........ And just as I run into trouble, he has a bad habit of disappearing on me!

hmmm....my masculine is weak! (oops)