I was in my eighth grade reading class again, but there were different people in the class and the teacher was my english teacher from this year. A girl was sitting in front of me who I don't like very much, and we were handing in our poems (we did this for real in class a few weeks ago). Mine was about the sun and had a picture of the sun printed on it. The girl drew on the sun with permanent marker and made it into the most disturbing demonic face I have ever seen. Then she edited my poem. So there was black marker all over it. I was thinking, "How could you do this to me? Why are you such a horrible person?". Then a girl was sitting behind me who I know and enjoy talking to, but she kept touching my hair in the dream. I got so mad at her and I turned around a lot to tell her to knock it off/stop it! I was so angry. Then I realized I lost my contacts and had been wearing my glasses the entire day. I was embarrassed because I don't think I look very good in my glasses. Then we were reviewing for the ACT but I didn't know anything and eveyone was making fun of me and said, "You're so stupid, why are you even here, you should just leave because you don't know anything." Then I left and pulled the fire alarm and walked outside. Then I went back inside to make it seem less suspicious and then came back outside and stood around with some people from my cross-country team. Then I was thinking about how to get out of trouble for this and went back inside again to maybe apologize to my english teacher for pulling the alarm but she didn't know that I did, but before I did I woke up.