When present, elevators are something else in my dreams. Getting on an elevator in a dream, which doesn't happen too often, is a fast lane to completely destroying the physics of the world. The building the elevator is in will contort, shrink, grow, shake apart, all kinds of craziness. It usually ends up with the elevator and building completely breaking apart and then to a safe, but hard landing on my feet on some ground below. Or if I am aware of being able to fly at that point, I'll just fly off to somewhere else. Escalators are interesting as well, usually I find them when I'm in some huge mall, convention center or something else with multiple stories. Escalators often only seem to down and drop off into the center of the area, with no ground below except the ground floor.

Sometimes these escalators spiral once like a stairwell before they drop off. If so, they are always square like a stairwell would be, they never spiral. I am never riding the escalators, but in dreams where I am inside a spacious, populated building I often notice them when flying up and down stories.

Despite their relative uncommon occurrence in dreams, their behavior and characteristics seem to never change from dream to dream.

Also, it is quite often the people and places in my dreams do not notably resemble any place or people I know from real life. Very often, I find myself in places with very physically impossible geographic features and structures. It is always known, lucid or not, that gravity means little in my dreams, and there is no real difference between falling a story, 10 stories worth, or an indefinite seeming distance. It is also very often that I am not myself, and I can be any number of different people or things from dream to dream.

Water is no different from regular air either, at most it represents a barrier between tow different physical layers where the body of water meets the air, but you'd never know the difference being under water, from being on land. Food very often is flavorless, and many times it will somehow expand as I chew on some food, leading to me pulling wads of partially chewed, flavorless food out of my mouth, being unable to swallow enough before it perpetually keeps my mouth full.

I never feel pain from all sorts of what would be terrible mishaps, but appropriate numb sensations tend to accompany things. When I get stabbed in a dream, it's like my flesh is Jello or something, often, I just pull the object protruding from me out, with no mark, scar bleeding, anything.

Flying is another seeming innate trait I possess in dreams. However, how it's accomplished can vary widely from dream to dream. From levitation, to 'swimming' in the air, to arm flapping, to different physical features, most often wings of some kind. In some, I am not very good at flying, and often I have to keep jumping until I get high enough to more glide than fly; then gaining extra height is difficult. In others it is effortless. I recall in a few, flying so terribly fast that I essentially flew into an entirely new dream. Vaguely going by theories on travel at the speed of light, I was blind during the process, though I could feel the atmosphere I was breaking through.

Also, in dreams where things come to physical blows for some reason or the other, unarmed, I can't actually hit anything. My fist will slow to a crawl and slid away in any attempt to make physical contact with something. However, anything in my hands, I mean anything, then whatever I hit with it goes flying, crumbles, explodes, etc. An exception is ammunition, all bullets seem to be made of rubber and only bounce off of things with little consequence. In one dream I fended off a bunch of zombies with a giant levitating spoon I found and controlled...

Very VERY seldom does anyone notice my ability to fly or find it odd, despite the fact that no one else ever can. One notable exception was a dream where a bunch of students at some flight academy, ie piloting aircraft, were jealous of my ability to fly naturally, which lead to some cheesy, kung fu flick type wackiness as Eye of The Tiger started to play out of nowhere.

Switches between third party to first party perspectives and back, either aware or unaware, are extremely common in my dreams.

That should be enough for now, but I know there are many other recurring, consistent elements I'm not thinking of at the moment.