This was another Epic dream and this is the exact detailed description out of my DJ. I am 17 years old an in recoverey. I have been sober a little over a year and have grown up a lot. I have a lot of fears in which i face on a daily bases, a lot of them are social ones....E.G it is hard for me to meet new people, talk to girls i don't know, feel comfortable in the room, simply be myself. That is a huge thing for me now. The question who is myself. From my limited ability to interpret dreams it seems that i am "wrestling" with this question quite a bit in this dream. But i am more intrested to hear your thoughts on this.

I do not remember how it arrived I just know that it was. I was in the living space with my family and noticed a large black muscular man standing aside us. He seemed friendly but it was hard to tell. This character was a shape shifter and it is extremly hard to tell wether he was good or bad. In some scenes he would be extremly huge and really intimidate everyone with his size and occasionally yell really loud. His mucles were absurdley huge with the veings poping in every direction his skin as thick and rough as that of a horse, his face of a similar semblance. He roared. Was he human? I dialed the police hopen the fire de partment would arrive in case he decide to through any more tantrums. They were already aware of the giants presence but had nothing against him so they said they would deliver me a package with instructions on what to do. I waited and when i came back in the house it was if the monster already knew what i had done. he shifted down to my size and we began to wrestle. I never knew if i had him in a lock or if he had me, we seemed tied the entire time and nobody was winning, still i afraid he would grow bigger and crush me. Everyone was terified but no one wanted to do anything cause no one wanted to get killed. So the night progressed and i got a phone call from Jajeh and a package was thrown at me from a moving car as the phone told me to follow the intructions in the envelope. Inside the container was a bomb, and i was to kill this monster. Soon after i told my dad to take this bomb to a safe location while i sort things out with the police. *I really was just terrified and didn't know what to do. I came back in the house andd too my surprise a ton of new people were in the house. Some were family members of this huge monster and they sobbed looking at all the police who had thrown the man in a huge quarantined tank made out of brass metal. I noticed inside there was a large electrical current radiating from this container and the man appeared to be growing bigger as the electric currents waved into him. I explained to an officer since the currents in the ciricular dome had know where else to go, they reflected of the walls and pulsed through the man in the cage making him more angry and stronger. I begged to get him out of there! I took a phone call from my dad and spoke secretively holding wires in the other hand. Where did i get these wires? It seemed the family of the monster knew what iwas up to and the mom sobing and crying grabbed me and told me not to do it. Then i saw the interogation occuring. Bt it was at a dinner table and the huge monster had shrunken down to the size of a tiny boy. Everyone was suspicious especially me. He behaved in the manner of a 3 year old, but still seeemed mature in comparison to his previous states. I pondered theories to plead for his innocence but the fear i had of this man stopped me from saying anything. eventually the pressure was to much andi left the house. I began walking down the street crying knowing what i thought i had to do. I did not know what was right and thought about God and asked for God's help and cryed harder. I kept walking and seemed to appear at a hotel where i got a text message from my dad. It read somthing like this "I am so proud of all you have accomplished and don't want my son to risk spenind years in the pennetuary, don't do this matt you don't ahve to do it" I cried harded so hard that everything faded out and i woke up back in a court room extremly disoriented .I sat behind the desk and could see my self from the judges perspective, i frantically shoook in the chair shouting I didn't do it! not knowing wether i had done it or had not. The court house was full but i simply sat forward and looked at some weird music box on my desk. When i would wind the music box it would read *to me, but it was distracting from the court house so i decided to leave it alone after a while of tinkering. *Evntually the dream faded out again and ireapperad at some kid named rosses house where they were firing or playing some sort of gun game on bikes. I ran into some girl and asked her, "what ever happened in that movie" and she said that the little monster that everyone feared so much commited suicide in his cell.
The dream continued on and i was in the house * with roses cuzin until he took me to a spot to ride bikes up on this huge hil and all these crazy jumps down like *sand dunes and everything. It was really fun. *But then i ended up at movie theater with meghan matt j and shelby and we went to see some shit. I didn't have enough to pay but then all the sudden i did and bought tickets and 29 cookies because they would not sell us 30 for we did not have enough money. the dream ended with me kissing meghan in the theater