There are many times when I dream about the same scary place. (I am a 20-year-old female college student. I do not watch scary movies or ghost shows. And I am not a religious person, but I do think of myself as a spiritual person.) These dreams occur over a long period of time, having one about every couple of months. The most common one is of a mental institution.

1st Dream: The first dream I remember of the place is when I first saw it and walked up towards it. In this first dream I am taking the front door into what looks like a mental institution. It has about 4 floors and looks very creepy. I enter with a group of people, some of them my family members, who are, unbelievably, going there with the purpose of ghost hunting. (Keep in mind, I do not watch those ghost hunting shows). We are about to enter the building and I am expressing my extreme desire to NOT enter the building, telling them that the place is unsafe and we should not do this. They do any way, and to avoid being left by myself, I follow in after them. We enter this long hallway that looks like a typical scary hospital hallway that leads us to this huge room that looks like a theater. It looks like a huge round room with a center platform, where a preacher may stand or something. (Weird thing for a mental hospital to have). They are using this room as their command post and after setting up, they head down a hallway to the back left and by the time I reach them they have turned the corner to the right and entered the room on the immediate right. I go in as well. They are looking through many patient records and I can see tons of film canisters and pieces laying on the floor. I can feel something scary in the place. They are excited and fascinated; I am completely scared. Then we hear a scream. We head out into the hall and look further down the hall, where we have not been yet, and see my little sister, at the very end of the hall- in front of a open door (which leads to the other hall), being grabbed by a dark black figure. I cry out that, “See we should not have come in here! It’s a bad place.” Then we run down the hall and the figure runs through the other door and stands there watching us. I grab my sister and shake her saying, “Wake up! Get a hold of yourself!” She doesn’t move, just stands there staring blankly. I scream and look at the figure. I am completely terrified. I get angry and remember I am wearing a ring that has an exorcism prayer on it (Not sure why). I shove it to her forehead and cry, “By the power of Christ I command you, leave her!” over and over again. After saying it she falls and I can tell she is okay again. I look up and the figure is gone. I look at everyone who is just standing there, mouths open, and I scream for us to leave. Then I wake up.

2nd Dream: The second dream in much shorter than the first. This is one really scared me. My dream begins with me walking up to the hospital, this time from the front left side entrance. I am entering with two other people who I do not recognize. We begin to explore the building, walking down halls that look exactly like the halls from the first dream. I already feel uneasy, but then I feel scared. I realize something is in here with us. We begin running down the halls. It feels as though the halls get smaller the further in we go. I am crying and huffing for breath, but I keep running. I can hear it behind me. I then realize the other people are not with me anymore and that the thing chasing me must have got them. I turn a corner left, then right, the hallway smothering-ly small now. I turn a corner to the right and then it gets me. I feel intense fear- And I wake up.

3rd Dream: This time I enter the dream through the cemetery, following a path to enter another side door of the building. I am with another group of people, some I know, some I do not. There are about 4 of us, armed with flashlights. We enter down the similar looking hallways and explore the hospital. It is dark and damp looking, wheelchairs and hospital utensils everywhere. I voice my hesitance and suggest we leave. They do not want to. Then things start to happen. I begin to see things, shadows and figures walking around us. I believe they cannot see them because they are not reacting to them at all. I start freaking out and tell them we need to leave and that if we do not then something bad was going to happen. They refuse to listen and then I look back and see the shadows following us. I look forward again and realize I am completely by myself now. I freak out and yell for them. No answer. My flashlight starts to flicker and goes completely dark. I stand there in complete darkness, alone and terrified. I can hear things moving around me so I close my eyes. The anxiety to open my eyes to make sure something is not right in front of me (I can feel something is there) gets stronger and stronger, and right before I open my eyes I wake up.

4th Dream: This is the longest and most vivid dream of the place I have had. It begins with me walking down a pathway, enveloped in trees, to the hospital. I can see it, forebodingly, as I get closer to it. As I near the building, I notice two figures standing next to it waiting for me. My twin brother and a friend of his are there. As I greet them, they inform me that we are going inside, that is when I notice the open basement window. They climb through and I follow them. We enter into a room with one door that is locked and in the center of the floor is a rectangular hole and a ladder protruding out of it. We climb down the ladder, this is when I get nervous, like something is going to happen. I follow them anyway, in fear of being left alone. At the bottom of the ladder is a room similar to the one we were just in, except the door is open in this one. We go through it and enter the basement hallways of the hospital. They are very creepy looking and it is dark, and there is some liquid leaking from the ceiling. I tell them that this is not a good idea. They head forward anyways, laughing. Then we hear something. It is getting close to us, and it sounds like a lot of whatever it is. I back up and stay close to the room. They are not near me anymore, having gone to investigate. I hear them scream and something scurrying closer to me. I quickly climb up the ladder. That when I see the figures enter the room, they look horrid. I am completely scared by this point. They are clawing at the ladder, so I knock it down. I look to the window to exit through it but the exit is now blocked. I am alone. I hear my brother and his friend, they are alright and outside the hospital now. I cry for them but they cannot hear me. So, I try the door again and it is now unlocked. I walk down many halls, finally finding, and entering into the theater-like room (from my first dream of the place) again. I remember this room in my dream and then hear someone approaching. It is my dad and my older brother and his wife. I look at them like they are crazy and ask them what they are doing here. They tell me they were just looking around. I tell them it is unsafe to be here, that there is something bad, and that we must leave. He tells me that he got separated from my sister and is trying to find her. I can tell he doesn’t believe me about the evil things in the place and he walks past me down the hall that I just came through. I head through the hall he entered from, heading for the exit. As I step into the hall, I hear something in front and rush into the room to the right to hide. Upon entry, I see the room set up as a beautiful bedroom, with a canopy bed. This is when I feel something in the room. I can tell it is a spirit and that it is a female. She appears before me, wearing a red Victorian style dress. She is angry with me and says, “You should not have entered here, now you will never leave.” I am scared. She steps closer to me, right in front of me. Then she points to the bed. That is when I notice a person lying on the bed. I do not know this person. She says to me, “If you agree to kill this person, then I will let you leave.” I am crying by this point. I shake my head, flatly refusing, and cry, “No!” repeatedly. She gets angry and I back up. She starts yelling something and rushes at me, then I wake up.

After each of these dreams, I awake completely frightened and have a hard time sleeping afterwards. I have no mental disorders, take no drugs, I’m healthy, and do not even watch scary movies. I have no desire to harm myself or anyone, and I believe I live a relatively happy life. I don't really have any major or troubling events going on in my life at the moment, but I seem to have nightmares quite often. Many times, my dreams have ghosts in them. I do not know if I believe in spirits or things, but I do not think of them often, and they do not scare me in real life. I will say that I do have a fear of being chased, and that is one reason these dreams disturb me. But since this place has appeared to me this many times, I believe it may have some meaning for my subconscious.

I'm hoping to get some sort of interpretation of why I am having these dreams and what I may need to deal with to not have these dreams anymore.

Please help.
