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    1. #1
      Warrior w/o a Battle Kanekutter05's Avatar
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      So I had sex with a ghost in my dream...

      So I had an interesting dream last night. Here goes...

      I am riding in a car with a person that I do not know. We are driving up to this small cul-de-sac high up on a hill in the middle of a city. There are 4 or 5 nice suburban looking houses on the right as you pull in, and then on the left is a giant wooden mansion with a clock tower in back. I ask the person I'm riding with "Wow, whose house is that?" The man simply stated "I think you know". (Now at this point I remember thinking to myself that I actually did know something about this house. I was thinking, I have dreamed about this house before I am pretty sure. But after that tiny thought I lost any semblance of lucidity for the remainder of the dream.)

      So we pull up to the side of the house, and the entire side is completely burned through. I get out of the car and walk into the house, which also looks like it had been in a fire, except for the curved staircase along the far side of the wall. I do remember that I had an ever so slight feeling of something not being right, but it wasn't enough to stop me from proceeding. As far as I can remember, a younger girl appeared at some point walking around in the house, probably somewhere between ages 16-19. I remember vividly she was absolutely beautiful, but I cannot recall a single detail about her appearance. Through talking to her I discovered that she was a ghost, but she appeared as if she were a normal living person. I do also remember at no point being afraid of her.

      At this point the dream skips, and suddenly there are two houses where the mansion once stood. On the left, there is a run down looking wooden house but it still has the clock tower. On the right is a nicer, newly built suburban looking home that is very similar to the others I described before. So I went into the nicer house on the right, and the ghost girl was there again. The dream skips slightly at this point as well, but I distinctly remember walking upstairs with the ghost girl thinking "Boy I hope my wife doesn't find out about this". So we proceed to go upstairs and have sex, and it was pretty vivid. I won't go into details (for obvious reasons), but one detail I will provide (as it is the only tie in to what I will type about my background below) is there was a television involved. We didn't watch anything on it, but the TV itself was involved in the "activities" so to speak. Then I woke up.

      Ok, so a couple of things that I am more curious about than others...what was with the clock tower? Absolutely nothing happened with it in the dream, but it was distinct enough that I remember noticing it and commenting on it to myself in my head twice in the dream. And two, why would I be having sex with a teenage ghost girl?

      Some background on me, I am 26, married and have a young son that is about 18 months. We have a very happy marriage with no relationship issues. We did have a conversation last night at dinner about getting rid of our TV though. We both agreed that we have been watching too much of it and we needed to do other productive things. I'm sure this is why the television appeared in my dream, but it was such a small part of my dream. I am really curious at where the other things in my dream came from.

      Thank you all in advance for any help with this. I look forward to reading your responses and I will provide any other information necessary to make an interpretation of this dream.

    2. #2
      It Was A Flood Achievements:
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      That is pretty strange, the TV Is obvious as you stated as you have been thinking about it, it is normal for things you think about to some how phase into your dreams. But the sex is a bit strange. As for the house, at anytime in your life have you experienced a house fire or possibly had a home burnt down? Just some ideas.

    3. #3
      Warrior w/o a Battle Kanekutter05's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
      That is pretty strange, the TV Is obvious as you stated as you have been thinking about it, it is normal for things you think about to some how phase into your dreams. But the sex is a bit strange. As for the house, at anytime in your life have you experienced a house fire or possibly had a home burnt down? Just some ideas.
      Nope never had anything like that happen (fortunately). The one thing that I did turn up on the sex thing when I did some google-fu was something about a succubus? I guess some type of demon that seduces men to have sex with them in their dreams? Only problem with that was I was sure she was a ghost and I didn't feel seduced. However the dream does skip from entering the house on the right to walking up the stairs...I don't know what happened during that skip.

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      Yeah. That skip could have been pretty key, as you don't know what happened during it. Also; by skip do you mean you did not remember that part or do you mean the dream literally skipped forward?

    5. #5
      Warrior w/o a Battle Kanekutter05's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
      Yeah. That skip could have been pretty key, as you don't know what happened during it. Also; by skip do you mean you did not remember that part or do you mean the dream literally skipped forward?
      I'm pretty sure it was a literal skip. There were a couple of minor details that I can't recall throughout the entire dream but that part I remember pretty well.

    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by Kanekutter05 View Post
      I'm pretty sure it was a literal skip. There were a couple of minor details that I can't recall throughout the entire dream but that part I remember pretty well.
      Yeah, this is pretty strange then.

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