Hey, I've been having a few bizarre dreams lately, and I'm attempting to write them down when I wake up. I'd like some help interpreting them, if possible. Some background information about me: I'm 16, female, white, and from South England. I am in College full time and have a history of depression and possible anxiety. I don't know if that's relevant to the dreams, but it might be, so I'm including it. Anyway, here's one of the most emotionally distressing dreams I have had:

I was hosting a garden party, in a sort of swamp/marsh, long, narrow garden. Everyone that attended were dressed in red uniforms, and they were all about 16-21, and even genders.
In this garden, there are huge plants with big teeth and tongues, which we seem to have as pets instead of dogs and cats. These seem friendly and you can pet them and feed them. They look like the carnivorous plants in Mario.
I am jumping with several others on a trampoline, but I fall off the trampoline and into the mud. People begin to leave through other peoples' gardens, which are all on one massive plot of land and separated only by short fences.
A group of girls group hug on their way out on a path and they all fall.
One plant turns nasty to one guy and tries to eat him, I can't remember if it was successful, but he was screaming.
We flee, and I can't remember what happens next, but I can remember that we end up in a huge field with my dog, whom my Mum lets off leash. There is a giant bear-like creature approaching and I shout for my dog. I go into full flight panic, and I remember I was absolutely terrified. I wanted to run to him but I kept being held back. When he returns, I grab him by the collar and pick him up, then we all file through a thick steel door into safety, but the bear is trying to get in. All I remember after that is a lot of emotional distress and panic.