I've experienced very vivid and often lucid dreams since I was a kid. They usually stay on my mind for about a day or so but they are occasionally so delicate that they crumble any time I attempt to grasp them. I've never really taken a step further by consulting others for possible dream interpretation, although, I have wanted to.

Background: I'm 28yrs old, working in as a finance banker but I find the industry to be extremely lacking and shallow. I've been in a relationship for 1 1/2 years and my girlfriend recently had to go back home to Europe due to a family emergency, she'll be there for approximately two months. This is significant because I'm the oldest male in an old school Irish Catholic family, I've never really had to do any sort of domestic activities before. My Grandmother passed away almost two years ago, she was my best friend and practically raised me.

Dream: I was in my yard with a number of other people including my brother and possibly my girlfriend when I noticed a transparent snake just outside of my fence. I have no fear of snakes in the real world and I was pretty excited to see it in my dream. The snake then vanished right when I moved closer to get a better look. Then it appeared again inside of my yard and I noticed that it actually had big, bright red jewels for eyes and by the outline caused by the distortion of its transparent body I could see it was some sort of small cobra. The snake vanished again and reappeared in the air about eye level, I then decided that I needed to get a picture of this on my phone and called my brother over to check it out as well. I have an iphone in real life, however, my dream phone was some sort of old flip style phone. As I ran up to snap the picture I became excited that my movement wasn't impaired as in many dreams my dream body moves as if its extremely heavy or in water whenever something significant happens and I need to act quick. I got there just fine and stared right into the red ruby like eye of the snake but I could not get the phone to work. The snake stayed there motionless and I got the feeling that it was an ancient and intelligent entity. There was almost some sort of telepathic understanding between the snake and I but it's very difficult to explain. The significance was primarily on the eye of the snake and not the fact that its body was completely transparent.

Before I could get the picture it disappeared and I woke up.......