Oook so I'm really sorry that I haven't remembered most of my dream but ill tell you the most important part I think have happened.

Most of my dream was blurry and forgetful but there was this one part that was very vivid.
In this part of the dream, I am taken to a beautiful garden scene with a nice old castle like that of what royalty would live in.
On to the dream, the man taking me was dressed very royal, like he was royal himself.
And he took me to a grand table, where layed many gold and silver boxes and vases and in those boxes were the partially cremated hands of every royal person that ever lived in England. He said the queen is next.
And then he pulled out the hands which were inside big jewel incrusted gold and silver septers.
One caught my attention which was a large septer and with a squarish or diamond shape and it was crusted with rubies and emeralds.
I asked the man if he knew who it belonged to and he said
"This belonged to The duchess of Atargatis".
Or something similar.
And I was suprised because I thaught it was a queens septer because it was the best looking one.
Then the man sort of realised that he'd shown me it and said "I have to go!"
Then he rushed inside and transported me to another blurry dream
I'd like an interpretation please