So, I typically have very strange, intensely symbolic dreams, but I've never had one affect me so much as this one that I had recently, and I've desperately been seeking answers/input as to what it could mean.

Obviously, I've formulated some of my own ideas, but I would greatly appreciate the input of others, as well, from their own points of view, knowledge, etc.

Here we go:
Pig/Human Hybrids is what I've termed it.

So, It started out back at my old high school; it was as if me and a few other people were attending some sort of get together in an old classroom. There were many strangers there, but also some intensely familiar people from my extreme youth who I've not seen, talked to, or even thought about in Years...Years, my friends. One in particular, was someone who I had gone to elementary school with; we had many classes together and went to the same after-school program; (how do I put this) very young, I had feelings for him for many years. This was back when I was very young (ages 5-11) and I had not thought of him since.

Anyway, We had a guest speaker stop by, it was a man and he began handing out random invitational cards to a select few of us. Each card had an amount of money stamped on it as a possible prize. He explained to us that we were invited to attend a Feast in which we would be eligible to receive the prize stamped on the card if we were to win. My card's prize number was $5,000 dollars. which was the lowest, I believe. My old friend (his name is Lane) I spoke of earlier received an invitation as well, his prize number was $1,000,000, which was the highest.

Let it be noted that I did not speak to Lane at all up till this point, we both recognized each other but avoided one another's glances.

So, next, the bus arrives to take all the invited individuals to the Feast. When we get there we noticed three long banquet tables set out in a courtyard surrounded by a building. (imagine a square shaped building with a smaller square inside it's perimeter. the smaller square was the courtyard which the building around it) So, we were led out to the courtyard by the bus driver. Our school's group sat at one of the table and their were two other school's as well whom sat at the other two tables. The bus driver told us are host would arrive shortly and left.

So, the three banquet tables are loaded with food. Delicious huge platters of steaming hot food. Our host arrives and informs us that our challenge to win our prize is simple: Do not touch the food. and then our host says he will arrive back later to begin. We wait. for what seems like hours in this courtyard. Our host never shows. My old friend, Lane, is the first to crack. (he also has the biggest prize, remember?) he says something like "He's not back yet and it hasn't started. it's no big deal, come on." and some of the others begin to eat too.

I hold out and at this point glance around at the other tables to notice some of them watching us nervously as our table is the first to begin eating. I notice some of them start to eat, as well. I also notice one other thing that greatly stands out. There's one male at one of the tables on our left. He's incredibly dark-skinned, very tall, though muscular and he is incredibly self-aware. I meet his eyes and at that instant it's as if we share the same conscious. I am him, and he is me. Like our perceptions are one in the same.

As we meet eyes, I slip and fall out of my chair and realize the grass in the courtyard is not grass at all and it is actually a carpet. a pink carpet.. When I fall onto it, I realize it is human flesh that was ground up and strewn into a carpet. Blood gushes out onto me when I squish into it. At that moment, I start to cry out to my table members when I have this sudden, ground-breaking epiphany (I will explain later), but the dark male has already understood everything the moment I did (considering we share the same conscious it seems) He jets out across the courtyard flesh carpet, while blood gushes out onto his shoes with every step and runs right to the building surrounding us. At this point, my consciousness in the dream switches to him and I see everything from his point of view.

He enters the building by busting the door in with his muscular long legs and finds a dark, quiet room. There is the buzzing of electronics that is the only thing that interrupts the incredible, impossible to imagine, silence that inhabits this dark room..only the buzzing. There is a flickering light from a t.v that is the only thing that breaks the darkness and from that light, I/he can see large shapes looming in the room. Some sit down on a couch silently. Some are standing by other large electronics filling the room. By the light of the t.v you can see that they are human shaped, but have very large snout like heads. Their heads look like a pig-head on a human body, though their heads are massive. (Why I deem them pig/human hybrids) There faces are stone-cold and expressionless like the room as if they are incapable of emotion or any human feelings really. As if all they are capable of is "being and thought" (Hope I explained that well)

Anyway, I/He feels a sense of horror and a need to let the rest of us in the courtyard know, somehow, what is really going on. I/He realizes these creatures will kill him instantly so I/he decide that if one of their heads is cut off it will let us know something wrong is going on as a signal. (Strange, lol, but I am just forwarding the details of the dream)

So he takes a giant electronic from inside the room and off goes the head of the nearest one and the others (Though they are stone-cold seem to experience some fragment of facial expression that resembles human surprise) At this point my consciousness switches back to my original self, and the others, though seeing him dash out across the carpet, never seemed to understand nor care and now all are eating from the Feast. There is one other person, I grab and pull with me to the house after the dark male (can't remember who) but we enter the house, see the empty, dark, cold, silent room and the giant pig head on the floor. and blood splattering the wall, we then begin to search the rest of the house when I wake up.

Added details- The realization me and the 'dark male' shared when I fell upon the carpet was that this entire prize/feast was a setup for something else. We realized we were under surveillance by the pig/human hybrids that inhabited the house of technology. The carpet of human flesh that we fell upon was the flesh of earlier individuals who had been invited to the feast to "compete for prizes."

After their surveillance was over, they were killed and strung into the carpet of flesh with the others.

So essentially, there was no "Game for prizes" the feast/food on the table did not matter. The words of the host were not real. We were not being challenged to not eat the food, even though the others failed at the "Set-up"/pretend challenge created to distract us from Reality. It was all a hoax to Observe us and when they were through with us we would be strung into the carpet with the others before us.

It is a very sadistic idea isn't it? Eating a feast of delusion upon the flesh from those who had come before you, whom were also clouded by said delusion...
and then being strung into the same carpet as the others before you and the others after you whom were deluded.

I would like to point out that this epiphany that I and the "dark male" shared seemed to be a First for the Hybrids considering the tiny fragment of surprise out. As if no other before us had "Seen-Through" the delusion of the challenge for prizes.
I just wanted to point it out as it is a very subtle detail some might not have noticed but could potentially be important in the analysis.

lol, but that is all the dream. If you have read this far, thank you so much. This dream means so much to me and I feel that there is so much depth to it and if I could have the input from others I would greatly appreciate it.

Again, thank you all for reading and sharing in my subconscious.