Hi there,
I had a horrible dream last night that I'm struggling to interpret and would like any insight.

I was in an old, beautiful house- ostensibly my older sister's new house. But no one was there, I was alone, slowly taking a tour and discovering all of its charm. It was empty, not even a stick of furniture yet.

Suddenly I hear screaming and rush to the window in time to see a man with an enormous butcher knife gorging his wife and son. They were on the roof of the building across the street. The man was standing with his wife in front of him, and the son in front of the wife. I yelled out at him, hoping to interrupt the heinous act. He disappeared in an instant, dragging his wife and son with him.

I ran down the stairs and out into the street in a flash. I took a quick note of where I was and where the building was, and then ran as fast as I could, looking for an officer.

I found a policeman and told him what I had witnessed in quick, clear, and concise terms. His response was condescending, jaded, cool and unattached. He took out a clipboard and looked at a long list, and then indicated that that must be "Jane" (MY NAME!), then corrected himself and said that the victim was named Jane.

I impatiently dragged him, still somewhat hopelessly convinced that we could go snag this man before the woman and child were actually dead. Only I couldn't find my way. I'd only run a few blocks, but I was entirely disoriented. We passed through the patio of an enormous Starbucks, and I suddenly remembered that the intersection of the house had an independent cafe. In the same moment, I felt like we were in Santa Barbara, where my grandmother lives (and where my sister incidentally lived with her for a year or two when she was a young adult).

When I told the officer about the cafe, he indicated the street name, and we headed in that direction. Then I woke up.

I felt horrified, disappointed, and angry....thoroughly unsatisfied with myself and the officer, almost to the point that I wished I could continue the dream to find resolution.

Any outside interpretation would be welcome.
