So, last night I had a dream about an alligator. In the dream, my older sister and I were at my grandmother's old house (she moved to a different home nearby) alone before any of the renovations had been done to the house (the renovations were done when I was in third grade). We weren't really doing anything when, all of a sudden, I heard my sister scream, "Oh my gosh! There's an alligator!". I turned around and saw an 8-feet long alligator. He started walking to the kitchen where he laid down near the eating table. My sister and I ran up the stairs to get out of his way. "Do something about him!", my sister said. "What? Me? Why me?", I responded. "Just go get the home phone and call animal control", she told me. "Fine", I replied. I started to look for the home phone and it turned out the home phone was on the eating table near the alligator. "Just great", I thought. I slowly started to inch my way to the home phone. When I got near the alligator, he didn't bite me, he just stared at me. I picked up the phone, slowly inched back away from the alligator. After a certain distance, the alligator started following me slowly. Out of fear, I ran for it and, of course, he started to chase after me. I ran toward my sister and when she saw me, she started running too. "Call animal control!", she yelled. I started dialing 911 when I remembered 911 doesn't cover animal control, only police and health services. Animal control had a different number. I then started dialing what I thought animal control's number was, but right as I pressed the 6, my mind blanked out. I started to panic. "I don't remember animal control's number!", I hollered to my sister. "What!?", she responded back. We then continued running (we weren't paying attention to where we were running, so the environment shifted to a place I didn't know) until we reached a fork in the long, dark hallway we were running down. At this fork, my sister turned right, but I turned left. Even though the alligator had been closer to my sister, instead of perusing her, the alligator turned left and chased after me. I continued running until I reached a room with a large, endless chasm through it. On my side was a spotlight shining on a wooden table and with a single, wooden chair. On the other side, was also a spotlight shining on an identical wooden table and single, wooden chair. However, the other side was a small, square platform with railings. Both sides were connected by a wooden bridge with a metal railing and frame. At this point, the alligator was right on my tail, so I ran around the wooden furniture and across the wooden bridge, but as I was running across the bridge, I noticed the table on the other side took up almost the entirety of the platform's width. I couldn't run around it. So, I leaped up upon the table in a superman-like pose and slid all the way to... almost the end of the table. Too bad almost the end of the table isn't good enough. The alligator soon followed up by jumping on the table before I could turn around, but I didn't give up. I swiftly positioned myself in the scooting position and slowly edged myself to the end of the table. Luckily, alligator scales didn't have the same traction as skin and I was able to get over the table before he got to me. However, it seems I wasn't thinking in this dream and my mind figured scooting on the floor was a more efficient way to move in comparison to running, but it wouldn't have made a difference. For I discovered after about 10 seconds of scooting that there was no doorway at the end of the platform, only a wall. Meanwhile, on the table, the alligator was able to scurry the end of the table and get over it. As I couldn't go any farther, it was only a matter of time before he caught me. The alligator soon leaped upon and I was trapped under the 500 pound reptile. I braced myself for the bite and what happened next... was kinda surprising. It didn't bite me. The alligator just wrapped his stubby little arms around me and just laid on top of me. That's it. Still, I was fearing for my life and my dream was fading fast. Soon afterwards, I woke up.

In retrospect, I don't think the alligator was ever actually trying to kill me. I think it just liked me, that was it. I'm not really sure what all this means though. Can somebody explain what this entire dream represents?