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    Thread: Two strange dreams I really need help with

    1. #1
      Join Date
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      Exclamation Two strange dreams I really need help with

      I'm currently struggling to interpret two dreams so any help would be so appreciated! Last night I had a dream I was a man (I'm female) and I was in a rowing boat in the ocean with a man and we were rowing and he was gay and I had some romantic interest for him and I was flirting but he wasn't aware I was interested in men. Then suddenly a storm started and these waves were incredibly high and over exaggerated and then there was a ship we were on and we had to get back to the people we were with but we were panicking and trying to find a way back and eventually we managed. After we were safe the storm calmed down and a man ran through the door shouting with a gun and threatening me but in such a state because his girlfriend or wife had a baby and he found out it was mine, I started threatening him back with a gun and fired shots which made him calm down and apologize but then when I ran out of bullets the roles reversed and he had the gun to my head so shouting in my face aggressively asking why we lied so I said I was sorry, we didn't know what to do and she decided to not tell him because she didn't want to hurt him.

      My second dream was the other day and me and my Mother caught two baby mice in my room and I had been going crazy for ages hearing them in my room but no one else could but me and I thought I was going crazy but I said look there they are to everyone and I felt so relived, they were a light grey in colour but while in our hands they turned into pure white bunny rabbits. This is also true to my life as I've been hearing strange noises in my room which sometimes resemble a mouse scurrying around

      Thank you so much for any ideas on what they could mean. Happy New Year!
      Last edited by catwifi; 01-06-2016 at 07:20 PM.

    2. #2
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      Gender switches could possible mean that you're acting more like that gender stereotype. The flirting could maybe be some unrequited love of yours? And that's why that violent storm came up; to represent possible emotions you may be feeling from this. Anger, anxiety, usually negative ones would represent something like storms. Your salvation in this case was the ship, and that's another interpretation of something else. The man with the gun seemingly came to greet you with a gun right after the storm, meaning that could be that you think your despair or whatever your feeling has ended but there's still more. I don't believe his claims have any meaning, but it may be that you're accepting a new part of your life to enter you, as is the normal interpretation for having a baby in a dream. The fact that you never directly saw your baby and the man is saying you cheated with his wife shows me that you still may have not accepted that part and you lied your way to it, or something similar. This is assuming his claims have any meaning, like I said I don't think it does. This danger now, in the form of a man with a gun, starts shooting at you and you retaliate against him. In the end, though, it's him who got you in the end. This may be an interpretation that by not accepting it, it will win in the end and/or it's too strong to fight against.

      As for the second dream, the white bunny rabbits are a clear representation of pureness and innocence, and seeing how they were transformed from grey baby mice shows that whatever it represents, it was something that looked innocent from the outside (babies are innocent), but because of their grey colour they had something to hide. They were baby mice when they were hidden and you thought you were crazy, but when they were caught in your hands they were actually white rabbits.

      I'm actually disappointed with my interpretation, I'm too lazy to think about it critically right now. At least, I hope I helped.
      kadie likes this.
      Just a scared old llama on the outside planning to dominate these forums...

      Don't you dare defy me!
      Note: I'm big on grammar, you won't see one error coming out of me!

    3. #3
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      Although in order to provide a more accurate interpretation it would usually be best to have some general background information about you (and a description of events just before the dreams), a few ideas about their meaning can be tried out to see if they might fit your own situation.

      For example, extensive research by the renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung (which has been confirmed over the years by many more professional psychologists) has shown that each person has within her or him various “contra-sexual” traits.

      These come from the fact that each person carries so-called “male” and “female” chromosomes for example.

      Speaking very broadly, a girl therefore has a kind of inner “male” personality which isn’t as strong as her natural female side while a guy has an equivalent “female” personality which is also weaker than his stronger male side.

      The male side of a girl isn’t under as much control by the ego as her usually stronger feminine side, so it can come out in a generally negative way if it’s influenced by certain outside influences.

      Broadly speaking, a male in the dreams of girls represents “mind”, that is, her thinking and logical side, focus, determination, opinions and assertiveness etc.

      While these traits can be very valuable, they tend to be negative ones if they’re “untrained” in some way.

      For instance, a girl can sometimes be sort of taken over by this inner male side. If so, she might latch onto a fixed opinion or judgment that is just strongly assumed to be right even though there is no actual evidence in the situation to prove this fact.

      This type of stubborn attachment to something which is untrue in the specific circumstances can be very irritating and frustrating to anyone who is trained and comfortable in using logic and deduction to come to conclusions.

      So since you’re shown as a male in the dream, it’s possible that at times, your “identity” is kind of “being taken over” by something that really isn’t “you” in a true sense.

      Since a boat is symbolic of how a person moves forward in a practical way through various day-to-day activities of smaller or larger importance (as symbolized by moving over the ocean), the dream could be saying that the possible reliance on fixed opinions and a certain stubbornness etc. in your attitude isn’t the best method for you to be using at this time.

      This idea is based on the simple analogy that rowing a boat along in the ocean wouldn’t be an effective or safe way of moving around.

      The appearance of the violent storm emphasizes this fact and apparently only being near a larger ship somehow saves you.

      “Getting back to the people you know” which may actually “cause” the storm to stop could possibly symbolize the need to get back to an earlier way of acting when you were maybe more “harmonious” and more in touch with your true feelings.

      The problem might be that it won’t be easy to stay with this very long (e.g. you’re still a man in the dream and are being attacked by another man).

      It turns out that you fathered a baby with his partner, perhaps showing that something keeps pushing you to take the masculine-like dominating role, maybe as a kind of armour to protect you from feeling vulnerable and threatened in some overall way.

      Unfortunately, this could come out in you sometimes tending to be overly argumentative and controlling but also in being too critical of yourself (Just to mention that the equivalent situation of a guy being “taken over” by his undeveloped feminine side means that he’d tend to be moody, ruthless and snide with others etc.).

      For instance, the threatening man could symbolize various ongoing negative thoughts and opinions about yourself that pop into your head like “You’re so dumb you may as well give up trying to succeed at anything” etc. etc.

      The way the dream ends without any apparent resolution could be saying something like “Here’s the situation, so what are you going to DO about it?”

      Your other dream about the mice probably means that you might not be letting in enough your normal reactions, intuitions and feelings etc., so they become annoying “mice” which are “scurrying around” in your unconscious mind in the form of little anxieties and fears etc. which spoil your sense of relaxation and contentment with yourself.

      In your dream, you catch the mice with the help of your mother, that is, with the help of your innate feminine nature which accepts things as they are and nurtures them as best as she can.

      Doing so symbolically turns certain drab, grey emotions (the mice) into loveable, soft, pure white bunny rabbits that make you feel relieved and happy again

      So the idea is emphasized that if you become apparently less “armoured” and let in your feelings, certain self-hurtful opinions and judgments about yourself can disappear over time.

      Anyway as mentioned, without knowing anything about you, this way of looking at your dreams might not fit your personal circumstances very well, but I hope these ideas weren’t too confusing and that they can be helpful in some way.

      Please feel free to ask any questions or to make any comments about this particular way of looking at your dreams.

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by catwifi View Post
      I'm currently struggling to interpret two dreams so any help would be so appreciated! Last night I had a dream I was a man (I'm female) and I was in a rowing boat in the ocean with a man and we were rowing and he was gay and I had some romantic interest for him and I was flirting but he wasn't aware I was interested in men. Then suddenly a storm started and these waves were incredibly high and over exaggerated and then there was a ship we were on and we had to get back to the people we were with but we were panicking and trying to find a way back and eventually we managed. After we were safe the storm calmed down and a man ran through the door shouting with a gun and threatening me but in such a state because his girlfriend or wife had a baby and he found out it was mine, I started threatening him back with a gun and fired shots which made him calm down and apologize but then when I ran out of bullets the roles reversed and he had the gun to my head so shouting in my face aggressively asking why we lied so I said I was sorry, we didn't know what to do and she decided to not tell him because she didn't want to hurt him.
      Some ideas...

      Babies may represent a relationship.

      Going out on a limb here, but something you said about "she decided not to tell him because she didn't want to hurt him." part struck out at me. I generally assume most characters of the same gender in a dream represent me (this one is a little confusing as you're male in the dream and female irl). Still, the girlfriend who had the baby may be another aspect of yourself. Do you have a partner or someone you don't want to hurt emotionally, someone maybe who cares for you, but you don't return the feelings / or are in love with someone else?
      Last edited by Hilary; 01-11-2016 at 03:55 AM.

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