Well, this was last nights dream but I feel that there was a lot of deeper meaning to it. [There's a fragment from the dream before I wish could be interpreted too but, no need to get too greedy.]
Good or Bad?
Escaping was it? That can not do, for a young lady to be meandering about the plains of the Earth, twas a crime. A crime accounted with omens.
See, though I was running under the hot sun, for no known motive, two very clear beings appeared as if they were my judgment call. A raven winged angel and a dove white demon. Sure, the angel was in black leather, clubbing clothes if you will, and the demon was a pale blond with fashionable bleach-white army pants and muscle sweater-tank top, but neither were to be trusted, that much I was certain.
"We'd like to make you an offer," the demon extended his hand, a peace offering on the surface, a snake bite underneath. Wary, I didn't take it, rather, in the blaring light, I asked, "And the price?"
"One wish for a soul," the angel replied, stepping forward.
A soul... the cost of a wish, my soul, though angels are holy, he was a demonic to me as the demon... What angel requests for a soul? [Plus, I've already dealt being the soul that was toyed with by an angel, and the demon even had pity on me then, another dream though]
"You mean my soul?" I try to reconfirm. "Sure you can have it."
Somehow odd logic allowed me to say yes, my soul would be safe, my body would burn, my soul would still exist, not in a lake of fire, but in a pocket of some man.
"How about your soul soul," the demon teetered. He understood what I meant by soul... They didn't wait for me to answer, the angel whisked me off to another location.
A wish for freedom. It was only he and I. Alone in this savanna. As serene as it sounded, I was far from calm.
"Why am I here?!?!?"
"You wished it, no?" I was angry. I had no wishes, I had nothing to trade a soul for, I wanted it not.
In my rage, I found a small cactus, I uprooted the plant and threw it at him.
"Too slow, too late." He chuckled, dodging. And I understood. Only a minute after throwing the vegetation, did I feel it hit me squarely on the back of the head.
A sniper in place of the angel, a murder in place of freedom.
The demon woke me. He worried little of my health, asking if treasure would be enough. Dazed, I nodded, and I was upon the back of a purple dragon, flying to a castle in the sky.
A wish for wealth. The castle of the sun dragon, Dong. [No idea where that came from.] We hid and while others were bothering with the angered dragon. I find myself trying to lift a bulky navy and silver treasure box onto my dragon's back. Wondering if I could ever dream of having a dragon ride.
Then, when things turn sour, Sypro flies off to find me, to save me from this wish. As to whether the demon sent him there to save me, I would not know, I awoke too abruptly to gaze in on the end.
It's not the first time I've had dreams of angels and demons and all that jazz, but this is the first time it really hit me as deep. Right now though, I think I'm at a time in my life where everything is just... different. All the wonderful teenage drama and personal confusion of "Well, do I like so & so" or "Is there anyone for me" exists.
But also, there exists the me that wants to take action, yet at the same time balance out all the things I have to do and study for, etc. So yuh, confusion much? I think a vague suppression of desire may be part of the cause of this dream...