hey guys, havent posted in a while, i miss this site =(

so last night i had a good 7 hours of sleep after a tiring night of work, the most sleep ive had in a while, and i had a couple of dreams. dont remember everything but lets give this a go...

1) i was gardening. gardening in a weird way. i had a packet of 3 seeds (like, peas in a pod type seeds) and there were these flower stalks that had grown in like a circle arrangement so that there was a hole in the middle big enough to fit one of these seeds. there were also three of those. my gardening task was to put each of these seeds into one of these leaf arrangement things (ps- no one arranged them like that, they had GROWN like that). I didn't know originally that the seeds went in there so in the first arrangement i put something else in there (different type of seeds maybe? i forget). then someone, or a voice or something said to me that i had to put the seeds in there. i should have freaked out more about putting the wrong thing in there but i didnt (im a freak out type of person! ). so i put the other 2 seeds in the other one and just as i was going to figure out a way to put the right seed in the first arrangement i woke up.

2) dont remember much of this one but the one thing i remember was that i was in some sort of vehicle. it might have been like a van or a plane but there were like 8+ seats in it. i remember buckling in and being w/ family and freinds that i didnt recognize. then i remember the sky, and blue, and going really fast. cant remember much else

3) third dream i was in my sisters room on the bottom bunk bed. (you see, in the summer my 2 other siblings and i go to my sisters room cause she has the big room w/ the air conditioner and when it gets really hot we just all sleep in there. thats probably why i was in there) i had a book or a journal or something (weird cause i dont journal) and i was focusing on that. i was all grossed out cause my sisters sheets i thought were dirty (and they probably are, she never does sheets laundry) but i didnt move even though i felt completely grossed out. but i went back to what i was doing (maybe i was texting my boyfriend?) and i dont remember much else from that either. i think the perspective changed at one point to that of looking at my sister from above in the top bunk and she looked mad cause i kept complaining about something. yea, something like that.

sooo those are my dreams that i vaguely remembered from last night. please help! and ill be glad to give any sort of background info needed, thanks =]