I had a long vivid dream I was outside of some store.
It was dark, cloudy, and never stopped raining.
I already knew it was the end of the world for some reason and ran into the store at one point, took the microphone and said "Attention shoppers, the rain is acid it will kill you if you go outside."

Then I was talking with a friend to try and find a place out in the woods in the middle of nowhere where me an her can hide in case someone went looking for us.

After that I big black horse came out of the shadows and walked right by me but I didn't get close enough to touch it. It just stood there.
Then I looked over and I much smaller black horse was running around and kicking its back legs.
Some lady walked out with her bags and I told her to watch out but the horse trampled her.
That's when I woke up.

This has to be one of the weirdest dream I had, so I was wondering if it has any meaning? Also I haven't had vivid dreams since school started this is the only one I remembered.