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Non-lucid Dream
Lucid Dream
WILD attempt

First night I've practiced recall in a while--but hey, it's all in the wanting.

Dream 1

I have no idea what dream this was connected to or when it occured, but I remember pulling teeth from something or someone and placing them on a round container. It was white and cylindrical, and completely solid. But when I put the teeth on the middle of the container, they somehow got pulled into it. After I was done pulling the teeth, I examined them--two were little, normal-sized teeth, but one was HUGE and square.

Dream 2

I was in a classroom teaching middle school students. We were watching a video, when I got some kind of call from someone I knew to be my brother (though he wasn't really my brother). I was suddenly transported to a jungle where I was being chased by a big green, nasty creature he called something like the "Whomp" monster. My "brother" told me to say "whompa, whompa." When I did, the monster was tethered by long vines to a huge tree with W-shaped branches. We were going to stay there and watch it, but it started to pull at the vines like it was going to rip them, so we left.

I went back to the classroom, and the kids were giving me a hard time. They weren't paying attention to the video, so I asked who wanted to go back to the classroom. Two sarcastic kids raised their hands, a rough-looking white boy and a black girl in a pink plaid shirt. I pulled them out into the hall, but it wasn't a middle school hallway, it was in the elementary school where I teach. I saw the vice principal and asked her if she thought I should write these two referrals. She said yes, and pointed to a referral slip hanging on the wall right next to me. I started writing their referrals, but the black girl was gone, and I was writing a referral for a young woman (about 25) who I understood to be the superintendent's daughter. I didn't even wonder where the other girl had gone--I don't even think I realized there was a change. I wrote a little note on hers recommending leniancy. They were headed to the office, and she was looking at it smugly when I woke up.