For all of those interested in reading through my dream journal, I welcome you! Recording what goes on within the realm of my mind is new to me, but it's something that I truly look forward to. I've just been getting back into the swing of being interested in my dreams and will be posting my dreams to increase recall and to raise my personal awareness for gaining lucidity in the future.

It seems that many have a color system to describe their dream types, so I figured I'd jump aboard:

Dream: Non-Lucid = Green
Dream: Lucid = Blue
Comments = Black

My personal goals basically include mastery over lucidity:

1. To eventually attain lucidity on a nightly (or near nightly) basis
2. To increase the vividness of my lucid dreams
3. To increase the length of my lucid dreams
4. To use all of the above as a tool to gain some better understanding of myself
5. And... well... to have a bit of fun in the process!
