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    1. #1
      a.k.a BlackSabbon Kanano's Avatar
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      Kanano's Entertaining Dream Journal (comments appreciated) :)

      I'm going to post dreams here, mainly for entertainment. My dreams usually follow a story that's somewhat coherent. I'd like comments because I love talking about my dreams and seeing what other people think of them. (oh, I had a dream journal thread here before but it's been so long since I've been here, I want to start a new one)

      So anyway, enjoy

      Dream 1:

      I was with a boy, we were on a road. He'd been using yellow chalk to finish writing something on it. It was a continuation of someone's else's drawing. I think it was an around the world thing or something. I was helping him draw I think. At some point, I slipped off the road and fell under a bridge. I wanted to get back up on top, to the road but the hill was too steep. There was a broken shack that was hanging off the side of the hill. The back walls were higher up and it broke in a line. The porch was on the ground, along with a part of the living room. There was a girl and a man who were looking for treasure or something, and they investigated the shack.

      Suddenly, a bus flew off the bridge and hit the ground, and started driving away. The kid was in it, at the back. I waved to him and made gestures with my hands to let him know I had tried to get back up on the road, but the hill was too steep. I pointed and he thought I flicked him off, so he did it to me. I quickly waved my arms to show him I didn't mean anything and he nodded, then the bus left.

      Dream 2

      I was in a school. I had somehow created a T - Rex, and it was destroying everything. It was running down the halls attacking rooms, and going after people. I was running from it for awhile, by dodging in and out of rooms, but I only remember the last part. Or maybe it was the beginning, I'm not sure. What happened was: I was running away from it, and ran into a room. I could see it going after people, they were running all over the place. The room I ran into, had an opening to a second room. Both were classrooms, and had kids in them, with a teacher at the front. The first room was normal, but the kids had heads like T - Rex's, but they were green, I had a feeling if I thought about them too much, they would attack me, so I ignored them. The second room was white colored mostly, it had white boards up instead of chalkboards. There was a doorway in this room too. I was in the doorway between the two rooms, watching the T - Rex pass by the first one by looking out the window, I kept checking to see if it was to the second one yet, by looking at the second door's window. When it completely left the first door, I looked over to the second door but it had disappeared, it was supposed to be a trap I think. The T - Rex was going to turn around soon, and come in the first room and attack, and there'd be no other doors to escape through. I wasn't going to wait though, I ran out of the first door and started running down the hall, away from the T - Rex, who still hadn't reached the end of the hall. I looked back and he was rampaging like before, he was swinging his tail around, I think they were trying to capture him. There were still people running around and the weird thing was, some were running towards the T - Rex.

      I ran down the hall a bit, and saw a woman standing by a doorway yelling "C'mon! Over here!" so I ran over to her, as did about five other people. It was a doorway, leading down a blue tunnel. There was twenty people or so running down it already. There was a black guy in front of me, he had a white muscle shirt on and jeans and was really strong looking. He was looking around like he didn't know what to do, so I kicked him and said "Go man!" and he started running down the tunnel. When we got to the end of it, the woman was standing by a machine, with a seat in front. Behind it, there was a wall of glass, and another tunnel. She said that the machine would take you back two dreams before you had this one, and if this was one of the first two dreams you had, it would wake you up. People were climbing in in and being rocketed into the glass part, and going down the tunnel. I didn't get a chance to get on before the dream ended.


    2. #2
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      I was kinda grabbed when you said the boy was writing with his yellow chalk- I instantly wanted to know what he was drawing. Too bad about that T-Rex rampaging your dreams! I think the machine was really interesting. I wouldn't mind one of my own little time-traveling dream machines!

    3. #3
      a.k.a BlackSabbon Kanano's Avatar
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      Granite City, IL
      "I was kinda grabbed when you said the boy was writing with his yellow chalk- I instantly wanted to know what he was drawing."

      I don't remember what he was drawing, it's been awhile since I've had that dream I don't think it was any specific picture though, it was around the world after all, I think it was just doodles people would draw, then someone else would add to it and make an abstract shape.

      "Too bad about that T-Rex rampaging your dreams!"

      lol yeah, that was kinda scary >_>

      "I think the machine was really interesting. I wouldn't mind one of my own little time-traveling dream machines!"

      yeah that would be fun if that was real, I must've been in the two first dreams of that night because I woke up lol.

    4. #4
      a.k.a BlackSabbon Kanano's Avatar
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      Dream 3 (willy is my cousin)

      I think I was trying to escape from Willy. He was the bad guy in the dream. I ran into a room with brown cabinets by the wall and a white table in the middle. There were doors, that looked like kitchen doors, they had the small circle of a window in both of them. I walked up to one, and looked in. Everything was completely dark but I saw a kid, he had on a red hat, freckles, red hair and he was wearing a jean jacket. He was frozen to the door. His mouth was open wide like he had been screaming. He was one of the people from the first dream in the subway tunnel. I turned around and started walking away. Suddenly, he blasted through the glass. He stood there for a minute, still partly frozen and then shook himself off I think.

      Willy decided to come in at that exact second. He ran up to me and pinned me against the wall. He had a pair of scissors I think, but they were huge. He was getting ready to kill me I think. He leaned in and sneered. My mouth dropped open wide. He looked surprised. He said "What?" and I said "Your face". His face had looked perfect when he was leaning into me. It looked beautiful. I said "Hold on" and ran to get my camera. I came back and started taking pictures of him. He was posing. There was a part, where his eyes got completely blue, and luminescent. They had lightning going through them in little lines and his eyes were really bright. I couldn't see much of his face anymore. I aimed my camera and tried to click the button to take a picture. He moved away from me before I could click the button though. It ended there.

      Dream 4

      I was in the backyard on Nevada. It was night. I was a soldier or something I think. There was a man by the back gate that looked like Tom Arnold. He was in all black, he had a bulletproof vest on. A woman I knew in the dream was in the yard, I walked over to her and started talking to her. She said she had to trade something with the guy by the gate, it was like an international treaty or something. She started walking to the gate and I walked with her. I said "Where's your backup?" and she looked at me, and I went "Oh!" and raised my gun at the guy so he wouldn't kill her. The dream switched here.

      We were outside the gate talking to the guy, there were some other guys there too. I had sniper rifle, that looked exactly like the one in gta: sa. There was something that looked like a really tall telephone pole, silver, that was above the trees. I wanted to shoot a piece of metal off it, but I only had one bullet left, so I didn't want to waste it. We all started walking through the yard, going to the back door of the house. Next door, something started to rise out of the ground. I looked and it was Godzilla. Except he was made out of grass and dirt. We walked up the stairs. No one seemed worried. He was having trouble getting out of the ground. We walked in the door and they went by my computer, that was on a table like Dad has his on. I was by the side window, looking out. My bed was on the right of me, and my old toybox was on the left of me. It was day outside the window. Godzilla was still struggling to get out of the ground. I still had my rifle, and I had a good shot. I knew I would hit him if I fired. I said "What would happen if I fired?". The guy that looked like Tom Arnold turned to me and said "Then you would rain terror down on us all." It ended there.

    5. #5
      a.k.a BlackSabbon Kanano's Avatar
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      Dream #5 (Inuyasha is an anime, and name of the main character)

      I was Inuyasha. I was with Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Kaede. I had been fighting a demon but I couldn't beat it. Kaede said "Let me try MY Wind Scar." She pulled out a Tetsusaiga (with no handle) and said "I can do the Wind Scar with this."
      Kagome said "Don't talk about it! Just do it!"
      Kaede pulled the sword back and slashed it forward. "Wind Scar!"
      The energy beams ripped through the ground and hit the demon. You could see her struggling to keep the energy high enough to kill the demon but she managed to kill it and then abandoned the Wind Scar.
      I was impressed even though it wasn't the real Tetsusaiga. I said "Yeah, yeah" and jumped up off the ground to find the little demon I knew could replenish my energy. They were objecting but I needed it to heal me. I got to the spot and saw dark energy swirling around. I grabbed at it with one of my hands and spun in a circle getting more of it. I thought I had enough since it was pretty black and swirling fast around my hand. I went back to them and they said they didn't want any part of this. I said "Fine."
      I said something and the energy fell off my hand and hit the ground. It looked like it was sucked into the ground. I said something else and a little demon popped out. That part of the dream ended there though.

      Later on, we were in the house and I felt it was the right time to use the demons powers. I held it up and said "Demon, heal me." It did and I felt a tingling go through my body. Than I said "Now replenish my mana." It did and I felt a tingling go through my body again. After that, I took it outside and said "Now you're free demon." It changed into a centipede worm thing and began leaving. I said "I don't mind you but everyone else does so, don't come back unless I order you." than went inside.

    6. #6
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      lol cool dreams, I like the one with inuyasha in it, must be funny to have a demon body.

    7. #7
      a.k.a BlackSabbon Kanano's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Walms View Post
      lol cool dreams, I like the one with inuyasha in it, must be funny to have a demon body.

      lol yeah, it felt exactly how you'd imagine being in his body would feel.

    8. #8
      a.k.a BlackSabbon Kanano's Avatar
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      Wow, am I glad I found this, I'd completely forgotten most of these dreams and I lost my original dream journal when my computer messed up

      Anyway, I'll post some of my newer ones. Like I said before, I want comments on these, but not interpretation. I already know what all my dreams mean to me. The point of this dream journal is to post my cool/ interesting dreams and see what people think of them.

      So, here goes:

      Dream #6

      For Fans of Yu-Yu Hakusho:

      I was Yusuke and not at various points in this dream, he was a bit older then he is in the show. It started off and I was the teacher of a class and I wanted to show them Spirit World. There was something like some of them were spiritually aware and some weren't. I opened a door in the back of the room that opened into some place in Spirit World. When we all stepped out of it, there were storms and earthquakes going on. The four Saint Beasts were attacking Spirit World. They weren't like how they are in the show though, they were much more powerful. Byakko for instance, wasn't just a tiger, he had complete mastery over water. So instead of calling him Byakko the White Tiger, they called him Byakko the White Water. Like rafting water. I saw his vague shape literally made of water, sometimes it would rise up really big as part of the water, and sometimes small. He tried grabbing some of the kids and dragging them into the water with him but couldn't as he was too far away.

      The other three Beasts were there too but couldn't see us as they were farther away. I was scared so I immediately yelled and told everyone to go back through the door. The kids that were spiritually aware had been staring in shock at the chaos but when they heard me, they immediately tried running back in, and the kids that weren't spiritually aware, were laughing, thinking I'd led them to a river at the back of the school or something. They did eventually run back in though but only to hold the door closed on me and the rest of the kids that were out there. The kids that were already in were trying to get them out of the way to open it but couldn't. I was in front of the door, trying to push the bar so it'd open but there were too many kids holding it. One of them yelled "C'mon teacher, whats the worse that could happen?" and I yelled back "Well, I know one of them has the power of lightning, and the other's psychic!" and they laughed at that, I couldn't remember the other one's power though, though I think Suzaku was the psychic one. I still couldn't get the door open but then I remembered I had Spirit Power, so I used it, pushed the door, and it flew open and all the kids landed on the floor in a surprised heap.

      Dream #7

      Kinda disturbing at the end, and I was lucid.

      There was something about this guy wanting to kill me over this girl named Yukimora, Yukimori or Keiko or something, but he couldn't. He would shoot me and stab me but to no effect. There was a part where the girl and I were trying to hide behind a vending machine so him and his friends wouldn't see us, but they saw us easily. They pulled the girl out and threw her to the floor, then went after me. I raised my hand and a wave of white light came out of it and blasted them. Then I think I grabbed the girl and we ran for it, we ran into this room with machinery all over the place, I think the girl hid and the guy followed me, we shot each other a lot of times but neither of us got hurt by it.

      There was one part where the guy somehow damaged the girl, and she had to sleep in a iron lung type of machine, in a small vat of blood, that would pump into her body, and back out to keep her alive. My mom in the dream was Ash's mother (Pokemon). She looked down at her and said "Now she'll end up like Kajeena" and looked over. There was another girl in a different vat of blood with the same equipment around her.

      Dream #8

      Funny, random DBZ dream

      There was something about a baby, that needed help cuz it was hurt, so Vegeta threw a bunch of fireballs at it's crib, but made a valley around the baby instead. Goku was like D:

      Dream #9

      Excerpt from long, lucid dream

      We walked some more and through three glass doors. She said something like "This is the bathroom" and I said "Ok, this is getting scary, I normally don't mind scary things, but scary things in my dreams are not cool." Then we opened the door, it wasn't a bathroom but a huge back porch. Still marble and still black/ grey. There were around six stone pillars in the very back, about twenty feet away. Suddenly, one of the guys from the group was with us, and he had brought two little kids, a girl and boy. I said "Ok" and we started walking. We were still on the back porch, we went left, not straight ahead where the porch ended.

      At some point, more people joined up with us. We passed by some people setting up booths and things for Halloween. We said hi, and then continued on. We then got out into the sunlight. There was a steep mountainside to our left. There were people sitting in chairs and on branches of the trees of it. One was Kevin Sorbo, who developed a crush on one of the woman in our group. He started telling her how much he loved her from the mountainside. I decided to try a control it a bit. I thought fast and hard: "Tell her how much
      you want her, tell her how much you want her" and he said "I really want you" and I think he said her name but I don't remember it. I think it was something like Elise. We left, and went down some steps. As we were going
      down, I said out loud: "I love controlling dreams" then we went into a yard. There was a big cut out log that we needed to get past. There were tiny sections of roofing going down the edges of it. I went first, and then everyone else came. J.J was there, plus someone else with the initials J.J was there too. I forgot the other guys name, and asked him what it was again, and he said two names starting with J and I said "J.J" remembering it,
      as he said it. We got off the log and into a picnic area or something. There were tables with umbrellas sticking up out of them several feet in the air so it was hard to see the sky. I noticed one slow guy still coming down the
      stairs and walked over to him. I said "You remember back there when Kevin Sorbo was telling that one woman how much he loved her?" and he said "Yeah, that was weird" I said "I was making him say all that" and he said
      "Really? How did you do that?" So I put my index finger out and moved it up and down, making him go up and down. He started laughing like he enjoyed it. There was also something about me doing the same thing to other people, but making them fly really high into the sky.

      Dream #10

      Resident Evil 5 dream.

      Me and some other guy were Chris and Sheva playing the battle against the Ndesu in RE5. We were actually our characters. We were behind Prather school. The battle wasn't going well, and I wanted to die to go to my items and bring something else in, so I stopped firing the gatling gun. But since it was "real' in the dream, we'd have to actually get physically killed by the Ndesu to go to the item management screen. This is also the point I fully
      realized we were fighting a real giant, that was about ten feet away from us. The guy playing as Chris said "What do we do now?" and I said "Well, I wanted to let us die to bring something else in, but we can't really do that... so that roughly translates to us getting the **** up out of here!" and we both leaped off the truck and ran around the side of Prather with the Ndesu chasing us.

      So, that's all the new ones that I thought would be worth a read for someone else. Would really appreciate comments on them.


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