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    Thread: Ninja's Twilight Zone

    1. #226
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Sarah Jessica Parker
      I'm being punished by being forced to milk cows (I think they were cows.)
      I hope they were cows, and not just some guy in a cow costume!

      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Dream Fragment
      I was on Dreamviews and I noticed that someone had posted a huge signature image and it was bugging me because it slowed down my render time.
      Those annoy me as well.

      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Dream Fragment
      I got my manuscript sent back to me. I was trying to figure out why it had never made it to Tor.
      You wrote a manuscript in RL, or was that just dream fluff?

    2. #227
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      No, that's real. I sent it to Tor a few weeks ago. If it gets accepted I'll be plugging it here

      I got up a number of times last night and tried to induce a lucid dream but it didn't happen. I suppose that I should have done a WILD.

      I was a star player on a hockey team at the YMCA. I'm not sure if it was roller hockey, or floor hockey, but it wasn't on ice. I remember scoring a number of goals and saving a few myself. I lost my stick at one point and had to commandeer someone else's.

      I'm on vacation and Tyler Beach texts me or calls me and says that he attached a bomb to my computer. It wasn't in malice, just a small explosive as a prank. I managed to figure out how it was set off and disarmed it, but then through iChat he figured out how to set it off again.

      Then Shayna and my mother came back in the room. I guess I had been waiting for them. Shayna had tripped and needed stitches.

      I saw Tyler yesterday.

      My Family is Cursed
      I had a large ball and we were going on vacation. I wanted to go to Morocco, it was symbolic. Our family had been forgiven for something that Hercules (I guess he was an ancestor of mine,) had done thousands of years ago. He had thrown the sphere of Apollo into the ocean, it held the secret to immortality.

    3. #228
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      Cuddles with Becky
      Becky and I were walking television late at night and she told me that she was tired. I told her that she could rest her head on me if she wanted, she did, her hand too, kind of spooning me. I put my arm around her. She thought that I had an erection for some reason (I didn't) and got offended. I told her that I didn't and she reached down for it.

      Wow, it's been a while since I needed the red colour. I was at the house that I grew up in and there were notes and clues all over the place that someone was there and meant to do me hard. The clues were in the forms of posters on the wall and even a set of three CDs.

      I broke the CDs and ran into my room. I thought that I was safe, locked in my room, but then the clock on my desk reset, obviously this person had access to my room.

      I grabbed a sword, it was bent and the edge was on the wrong side of the curve, but I could use it. I opened my door and gave them an ultimatum. Leave or fight me. I heard a female voice respond, this surprised me.
      I woke up.

      Hummer to Soccer
      I was going with someone to soccer. We were riding a hummer, I was actually riding on the top of it and told my father to slow down because I nearly fell off of it. He said that he would go as fast as he wanted.

      We got to soccer and it was packed. This was a different day than I normally play. It was all adults, mostly over forty, but some my age. I noticed Jerry Seinfeld and Kramer walk in and was shocked that they would show up to a little thing like this.

      Pink Hair
      I was in the bathtub and dying my hair pink with Kool-Aid. It started out really pink, but then I kept soaking up colour with wet paper towels and looking in the fogged up mirror until it was subtle. Then I dunked my hair under so that most of it was gone and it was really subtle.

      Shannon mentioned yesterday that she wanted me to Photoshop her with bright pink hair.

      Dream Fragment
      I remember playing the guitar.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 11-10-2007 at 05:11 AM.

    4. #229
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      That Hummer to soccer dream reminded me of a dream I'd had about riding on top of and not inside of a limo. Pity we didnt' clue in they were dreams, huh?

    5. #230
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Yeah, it would have been nice to just fly off of it and go somewhere else. Oh well.

      I'm a police officer and I notice a guy in the middle of the street walking back and forth like a crazy person. I go into a shop (turns out to be a dress shop,) and ask to borrow a flashlight. He asked me what I wanted and I told him the most powerful one he's got.

      He hands me a big awkward thing, and tries to give me another one too, but I don't need it. I go outside and shine it at the guy, trying to get his attention and walking towards him. He then turns and ends up on the other side of me.

      I walk with him, following him into the same shop that I have gotten the light from. I follow him upstairs and he turns a corner. I try to turn it and find that it's just a wall. Then I see the purple shirt of the guy hiding behind some dresses. "What the fuck?" I say out loud, then leave the room.

      I place the flashlight on the counter and make sounds like I'm walking down the steps. Then I sit and wait. The guy crawls out of his hiding spot like a bear and goes into an adjacent room. He doesn't know that I'm still there and I intercept him.

      "Hi," I say smugly and he just turns away. "Chuck?" I call, recognizing the guy. He continues to go through rooms and I just keep intercepting him until we find ourselves outside.

      He says that he's sinking into depression because of his grades. I tell him how I managed to pull myself out of a hole and that he could do the same.

    6. #231
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Me and my father were investigating paranormal activities at a house. The husband and wife were outside and two kids were inside. Me and my father went into the basement and I poked around the ceiling. I decided to screw with them and reached through a hole in the ceiling to the floor below and started moving a tile.

      Then we went back upstairs and dog greeted us as we went to look around. I noticed that other things had been moved. I see the tile that I had been moving was underneath a coffee table, but tiles on the table itself had been moved.

      I try to explain to the kids that there are no supernatural things here, then they tell me about the phone cord. They had found it one day mangled in the middle of the room and then it made it's way back to the phone. I concluded that the dog had been playing with it, then got down on my stomach and felt what I thought I would. There was a draft. I told them that that was how the line moved back to the phone.

      I had doubts, however, that even a strong draft could move a phone line. I thought that there really might be a poltergeist. I then went outside and started mowing the lawn. With a regular push mower at first, then it turned into a ride-on, but even that got stuck in the high grass.

      I then had to do the side of the road, on the lowest settings. It was a pain because it wasn't level and the grass was long. I then went back to see what was going on. Everyone was hanging out and then I looked away and then back. One of the kids had turned into Jason Vorhees. No one else noticed so I pulled out a broadsword.

      Then one of the arms dropped and another kid came out from behind him with the machete. Then another kid came out from the inside. Together they had committed all of the murders.

      They started to sing as I fenced the guy with the machete. I'm no expert as using broadswords so it took me a while to get the hang of it, then reverted to straight-sword fencing with the broadsword. I was able to stab him easily then.

      Now there was a hoard of vampires all around me, a blonde girl, and a brunette. The brunette hurried us into a sewer. We used each other to slide down a series of steel slides.

      Then the blonde girl fell. Me and the brunette stood there, deciding who should go next. She cried and said that it shouldn't have been like this, then she bit me. I accepted the inevitable and then worked my way down to the blonde. I laid on top of her and bit her too.

      I watched The Blob last night so the sewer is probably from that. There is also a short cameo appearance by Jason Vorhees in it. As for the mowing it probably came from buzzing my hair yesterday. The part about the girls in the sewer was from The Reaping.

      I was both a contractor and a professional baseball player. I was building someone else's house at the time who was playing against me. I was up to bat, but I was also the entire team. There was no one else on the team, so no one else on the bases, but somehow I managed to hit a grand slam.

      The other guy got really mad and said that he would quit if I didn't get fired. I thought that they would side with me, but the didn't. I got revenge by not finishing the house. It was framed, but that's it.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 11-11-2007 at 10:06 PM.

    7. #232
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      High School Track
      I was up at the high school track during a track practice. I had forgotten that they would be there so I walked around watching instead of actually working out. Some of the people recognized me, I was surprised that more didn't. I went into the shed to see what had changed, and to see if I was still on the list of records.

      I noticed Allie Juhcam and went to talk to her. I forget what we talked about.

      Dubya was going door to door giving out one dollar bills. I wasn't sure why, but then he started throwing them at a boarding house. I snatched a few as the wind brought them in my direction.

      I was at some sort of buffet / date party thing. I'm not sure if my date was Shioban or Wentz, but I'd have to say that it was Shioban. However, Wentz and I were flirting the most, by the end of the dream it was just the two of us. We were eating tomatoes.

      I was at a party. Joe and Lindsay were there too, making out. Lindsay looked great and her boobs had grown. I think there were two stories to the building and I was above them.

      Arm Lock
      I was teaching a heavy kid how to perform the cross hand grab escape that converts into an arm lock. He wasn't even close to getting it, even though I demonstrated it multiple times.

    8. #233
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      A cop had come into my apartment, I don't remember why he was there, but he was friendly. I had a different roommate, a small guy. I don't know who he is. The cop entered my room and noticed the beer that I was drinking and asked me for ID. Now I was a little annoyed, but gave it to him anyway. He made some comment about my driver's license, but I forget what it was.

      There were a bunch of us at Skinners Falls and we had found the deep hole and were swimming around. I was going to be the first to dive in because everyone thought that it might be cold. A few kids got in my way and I waited for them to move, then dove in.

      I had a mask on and examined the sandy bottom for a while before surfacing and taking the mask off. I dove down again, forgetting how deep it was so making my hands into fists incase I hit the bottom.

      I then climbed out and went up the rocks to hang out with Lindsay. She reminded me that tomorrow she would be going to Alaska for a modeling thing and a taco eating contest. I made fun of her for that as she hopped into a rocky hot-tub type thing with Stephen Colbert.

      I was at my grandfather's house, but Joe was throwing a party. I had a huge, old camera and a Diet Pepsi. I was flirting with two girls. They were short, but tone, one was a brunette, the other one was a few inches taller and blonde. We flirted for a while then I leaned in to kiss the brunette, but she pushed me away.

      I apologized and then started small talk again. We went outside and Joe had built a coffin for some reason. He was gone, but I saw his car coming back. I went back inside, the party had winded down to me, the two girls, and like four other people. We welcomed Joe back and he asked us all to leave. I was on my way out anyway. I grabbed my soda and hug camera, commenting on how much it sucked and how much I wish I brought by digi instead.

    9. #234
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      An odd thing happened last night. I had a dream while completely awake. I could hear Becky talking on the phone above me, anything that she said materialized in front of me.

      It was halloween night and I was going out to a party, I wasn't in costume yet, but I had a really half assed one for later. I went o my friend's house but decided that I didn't want to be there. I went to another house and walked in the VIP line.

      They told me that I couldn't get in, it was grads from some high school only. So I went walking around. I saw Megan Wall walking towards me, she was trick or treating, which I thought was kind of creepy. She told me that I should come with them and I promised her that I would catch up later.

      Then I went into a college to go to the bathroom, but there was a huge line so I said the hell with it and went outside, grabbing a piece of candy on the way out. It was like a screwed up Reese's Cup, but they weren't ordered, it was just a packet of mixed chocolate and peanut butter.

      I went around the back and saw some kids playing with what they called "numchucks" They were hitting a basketball with them. That made me want to play with them, so I showed them up by showing them how nunchakus are really used.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 11-14-2007 at 02:30 PM.

    10. #235
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I had a big dog that I was playing with, but it turned into a horse, which I was grooming, but still talking to it like a dog.

      I was playing an insanely difficult level of mario in which there were ghosts and spiny guys all over the place. I was getting seriously pissed off with it.

      Last Day
      It was the last day of school (I think both college and high school,) I couldn't wait to graduate. We counted down the last few seconds and then played a game with our phones. I forget what the game was, it was some sort of dating game.

      I told Punzi that we would have to hang out and Kane that he would have to play soccer with us. I got both of their numbers and gave them mine, but it took forever. We were on a bus and I wanted to get their numbers quickly so that I could get off and run back to my car.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 11-16-2007 at 03:26 PM.

    11. #236
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Hypnogogic Imagery
      I saw shapes of multiple dimensions, points, lines, cubes, and hypercubes (4D.) Of course I only saw a 3D cross section of the hypercube, it rotated like this:


      I saw Flatland the Movie yesterday.

      I was back at the good old Carousel, someone told me that they were getting wasted later at Moe's. I didn't know who Moe was, I was working on a slide, it was really tight, but I went down anyway, knowing that I could get through without getting stuck.

      I landed in the water and swam to the hot tub where everyone else was. We hung out in there for a while, I used the jets to ease my back and calf muscles

      I was in Becky's room (which was full of adult toys) and we were discussing a line of new toys. Something had gone wrong with the toys and I went to talk to her about it, but she was more interested in going out that night.

      She and her friends asked me what I thought of their outfits one at a time. I told the short one to wear heels and Erin came down in a really slutty outfit, I told her that I loved it.

      I love living with the girls

    12. #237
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Huh, I slept in so I guess it killed my dream recall. I tried a WILD last night, but it really hurt so I stopped in the middle. I do recall seeing two blue sphere during the hypnogogic images. One was about twice the size of the other one and they had soft lighting.

    13. #238
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      The Simpsons
      I was watching a Simpsons Intro in 3D, however, Homer didn't walk, he kind of slid along sideway and always turned at right angles.

      Then I was Bart and was running a 5K against Lisa and everyone else. I recalled that the mind controls the body so I blocked out pain and took the lead. It was just two laps around a loop and we were almost done with the other.

      Then Principal Skinner started yelling at someone for cheating on a test. Turns out that it was Martin, who counters by saying that someone must have copied off of him.

      I had hit some strange key combination on my computer and suddenly the GUI turned almost Windows like, there were Vista's clear windows and even a Start button, although that was hard to see because the screen kept flopping over. I think I called Apple to figure out what I did.

      Blades of Rust
      I was doing some fencing techniques and realized that my new blade was covered in rust. I rubbed it and took a huge amount of rust off, especially near the tip. That pissed me off because it was supposed to be stainless steel.

    14. #239
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I was in a bar and there were a lot of people partying. I had a beer and something fruity I think. I was under the table hanging out with a really drunk, obnoxious girl. She was kinda cute though and all over me. I kept pushing her away because she was so drunk, then she came out of no where and tossed me on the ground and put her knee on my head.

      I didn't want to do anything so I called to the bouncers to take her away. They misunderstood and dragged me out by my arms and legs. They stood me up and I turned around and told them what had happened and that I wasn't drunk.

      My eye was crusty and I kept picking at it as I talked to the bouncers, but they were being assholes. I reminded them that I was the one that taught them how to fight in the first place and didn't want to hurt them. There were only two of them, I knew that I could take them out if I wanted to. They had forgotten who I was and stood their ground. I didn't want to make a scene so I just waited around outside with a bunch of other people that were partying outside.

      I noticed Sean Craig, and so did a bouncer. He was only 19 so he ran and the bouncer ran after him. Sean literally ran circles around him, I kept yelling to him to run straight. Sean is one of the best XC runners in the country and I just laughed as the bouncer tried to catch him.

      Then I started making out with that annoying blonde girl. She kind of looked like Erin.

      Dream Fragment
      There was something with a cat, I think it was Garfield.

      Hypnogogic Imagery
      Before I fell asleep I saw intricate structures, almost crystalline, in both 3D and 4D.

    15. #240
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Hypnogogic Imagery
      Before I fell asleep I saw intricate structures, almost crystalline, in both 3D and 4D.
      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Hypnogogic Imagery
      I saw shapes of multiple dimensions, points, lines, cubes, and hypercubes (4D.) Of course I only saw a 3D cross section of the hypercube, it rotated like this:


      I saw Flatland the Movie yesterday.
      Sweet! Where did you find the flatland movie? And which one was it, there are like 5 different movie versions of it. I just finished the first half of the book.

    16. #241
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I think it was Flatlandthemovie.com. It was the one with Martin Sheen in it. Yesterday and the day before I didn't have internet access, here are backed dreams.

      November 20

      Some Notes

      Saving space, I wrote them down, but don't have them here.

    17. #242
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      November 21

      Living Boat

      There was a boat with a face on the front of it. The captain was taking us through some really shallow water. It was hurting as I was the boat now and we were rubbing the ground.

      Then I was on the water, grabbing a hold of the rocks and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the other guy (TwoShadows will know his name ) it was the white haired vampire.

      Then I picked Buffy up and put her in the closet to hide her from something, then I kissed her.

    18. #243
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I was in a video store looking for some movies. I settled on Ghostbusters three and some horror movie. Then the horror movie came real and there were creepy people with weird eyes.

      Then I was in the bathroom, hiding from three kids who I thought were going to beat me up. I was a character in a movie, not myself.

      Racist Bus Ride
      I was on a bus to somewhere nice and we were dicking around in the back throwing chocolate chips around. I wasn't doing it very much, but I had another bag of mini-chips for some reason.

      There were three black kids who were screwing around and the bus driver started to yell at them, but then their big sister got up and sat down next to the bus driver.

      Then the bus driver came back and yelled at us and I hid mine. We ended up in a swimming pool and Dr. Kelso was yelling at us, then the bus driver, who was a large black man.

      I was wet and needed to change. I stole a pair of shorts and shirt and went into my grandfather's bedroom and started to change. There were two girls in there, telling me that they were swingers. I told them to prove it, thinking that they were fucking with me and the brunette reached out and grabbed my crotch.

      The one told me that she was deep from the side and I said that was good, I could do her sideways while I licked the other one's clitoris, which I then licked.

      I tried a WILD twice last night, but I didn't even get hypnogogic imagery, I think I had woken up too much, but as soon as I rolled onto my side and gave up I had really vivid imagery, and tried to step into a dream, but it wasn't like that.

      Yard Lucid
      I was rolling up my blackbelt in the back yard of my old house.
      All of a sudden I became lucid for some reason. I went to hang my belt on a hook that was floating in the air. I then grabbed the end on my belt (it wasn't my belt anymore, it was stretchy.) I used it like a tarzan swing and on my second attempt made it over the fence. I went about twenty feet in the air and purposely bellyflopped on the ground.

      Next to me was that big spruce tree so I decided to see if I could punch a hole in it. I hit it hard, but just bounced off of it. Don't worry, it didn't hurt. I hit it again and made two large dents in it where my knuckles made contact. I tried once more to take a chunk out, but I just made scratches.

      I looked around for something to do. I tried to think of the lucid task, but remembered that I'd already done them. I couldn't think of any of my ideas either. I thought about jumping through the window and into the basement, but decided instead to climb the old television antenna.

      After a few pulls I got to the roof to see that there was a soccer field up there. That was weird. I pulled the huge antenna out of the ground and used it as a pole vault to get to a wobbly table on the front lawn. I was going to smash a car with the pipe, but there were none, but a big tractor came and destroyed some of my yard.

      It wasn't worth it and a vaulted to the other side of the street and noticed the swimming pool. I dove through the fence and into the water, noticing that I could only skim along the top. I dove under the water, breathing fine and noticed that it was 9'6" deep.

      I said that the murky water would probably end my dream so I started to swim to the surface, but woke up.

    19. #244
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      There are few things more fun than smashing stuff while lucid.

    20. #245
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      My entire school class was held hostage by two or three people, I think that they were women. Something had allowed a large chunk of the hostages to leave, either the gunmen could no longer see them or it was a negotiation, anyway, I wasn't part of them.

      They addressed me and I was polite, not wanting to piss them off. They told me that they would kill me with four painful shots. Some kind of acid. I noticed none of them had their guns drawn so I bolted around the corner, zig-zagging until I made it to the door.
      Then I woke up.

      A large class, my literature class I think, were looking for a bathroom in a building that wasn't locked. I knew my way around the building because it was the building that the hostage situation had taken place in. I found many bathroom that the others didn't, but they were all locked.

      Then we boarded an elevator and it descended very rapidly, almost falling. Then it slowed down and opened up.

      Marble Madness
      It was a game and we had a cool controller that let us control golf balls into holes. I was playing against my brother. I was racing him on the last level, we started in different places and had to go through a bunch of holes to get to the main one. I realized that it was in fact faster to skip the shortcuts and just fly through it, so that's what I did.

      When I got to the end there were two holes, I went in the wrong one and it took me back to the beginning. My brother wasn't watching so I picked up the ball and put it in the right hole.

    21. #246
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      Double Terror
      I was swimming in a fast moving river and there were sharks. There was at least one very large shark that swam through us and attacked some of my friends. I also looked back and watched someone else get eaten by a killer whale.

    22. #247
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Three nights in a row with nightmares. It must have something to do with being home.

      I was at a basketball game with my family when I noticed a T-Rex outside the window. It crashed through the window and ate one of the players and everyone panicked. My family and I had to jump from high up and they all did, but I jumped forwards (towards the dinosaur) first, then backtracked.

      They ran, they had grabbed the T-Rex's baby and drove away with it in their car while I ran to mine. I was on the phone or radio with them and told them that that meant that there were at least two big dinosaurs in order to make a baby.

      Then I found myself in a Halo game, I was driving a warthog and it flipped over and I was thrown far. I ran around, trying to get to the woods or back to my warthog before the T-Rex got to me, I died once and came back in the middle of a big field.

    23. #248
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I was talking with Mes Tarrant about something, I'm not sure what. I was in a wheel chair and went through a few doors towards a room that I wanted to check out. I was Turk from Scrubs and a doctor stopped me, telling me that I had to be a doctor to go in there.

      He didn't believe me that I was a doctor so I told him to piss off and then realized that there was a doctor's lounge that i had never seen before. He started bitching that he lived there because he was really poor.

      He started telling me how he had no home and had to work so many jobs while in school and how his mother bought all of his books, and she's an OBGYN (wierd, they make tons of money.) I started reading a book on sleeping. There was a graph that said that men have slightly more dreams than women and the wealthier a person is, the more then dream.

      I scheduled a lucid dream date with Mes Tarrant last night, but couldn't get the WILD right.

      I was climbing a hill with some of my karate students and there was a tough part. I climbed it, butt hen went back down to help Vince up. He made it and I nearly fell, but managed to get up anyway. Then I found out that Vince had jumped and killed himself.

      I then looked up and saw a ball of water above us with seals playing around in it. It wasn't contained, it just floated up there. We went around the inside of the cave and entered where the water was. It was the most surreal thing that I had ever seen, I even said so in the dream. It probably would have made me lucid if not that I had woken up.

      Lots of Tattoos
      I was in a cave or something and I was looking at all of the tattoos on my body. The number kept changing, it should have made me lucid, but it didn't. Let's see if I can recount them all: A rose on my lower left leg, beneath my Mercury wing tattoo, Lis's tattoo on my chest, that's all I can remember, but I had other ones on my arms and I think one on my stomach as well.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 11-27-2007 at 12:48 AM.

    24. #249
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I was up on a deck overlooking a computer lab, it was a disciplinary deck where I would put people that were being disruptive. There was no one else up there so I was watching the lab from there. I then realized that I hadn't signed in and that it was ten after.

      I went downstairs to start watching the lab better and when I knocked over a ton of stuff off of someone's desk. I went and signed in and then started to put all the stuff that I knocked over into a bag. There were some strange things there, lots of toothpicks, rubber bands, weird things.

      Karate Tournament
      I was at a tournament and there was a younger student that I was going to do three steps with. He asked me "Do you know how to block," I looked at him stunned and then nodded. He was only a first degree black belt, what a nerve.

      After I got done with him and older lady came up to me and pointed out a man who was sitting to the left of the bleachers near some of the masters. She said that he was a homeless bum who, every year, got handsy.

      I told her that if he did it again I'd get rid of him, she asked me to also take a picture of him doing it to show to the police. I went up into the stands and asked the people there with me if any of them had a camera with a zoom. A girl's husband did, but he wasn't there.

      My students have a belt test today.

    25. #250
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      Breast Implants
      For some reason I had women's breast implants. They were hanging down and it was a bad job. There were nipples on the implant, but they didn't line up with mine. When I jumped they would bounce around like crazy. I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror. At certain angles they looked like men's pecks, but from the front they looked like breasts.

      I was laying in a hospital bed and my brother was right next to me. We both needed to have some sort of surgery and already had some done. I thought now that the next set of surgeries was going to be on my penis. I asked if I needed anestetic and they no.

      Then they started to cut into my abdomen. There were five cuts, then (my mom was now the operating doctor) she started to poke around inside my abdomen. It hurt and I kept my eyes closed.

      Then she started to tell me that it was a simple five step procedure, but it had to be correctly because Tom Fogg had tried to improvise it once on a plane and it didn't work.

      Now were were in a plane and my mother was both the surgeon and the pilot, she was pissed that she couldn't get above the power lines.

      Suddenly I was riding home and Layton was there with me. I was drowsy and had my eyes closed. I was also naked and tried to cover myself up as I got out of the car, but was too tired. I thought I felt my stomach getting thicker (a sign of internal bleeding.)

      We got inside and Layton asked me if I knew that the oven didn't have an off button. I said it was weird and went to look at the pizza that I had put in there, it still needed a little bit more baking time so I put it in and noticed that my shirt was stuck to my stomach.

      I pulled up my shirt to see that she hadn't thoroughly dressed the wound. There was just some surgical tape on it. I took a paper towel and then dressed the wound with that and soaked up the remaining blood.

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