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    Thread: Caradon's Dream Journal

    1. #226
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Power lines, shmower lines... Just go right through them!

      Quote Originally Posted by Clairity View Post
      I felt like I was right there beside you!! :bravo:
      Does that make you his sidekick?
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    2. #227
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      Does that make you his sidekick?
      Hell yeah!!

      Caradon, anytime you need help.. call for me.. I got your back!!
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    3. #228
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      Thanks for the compliments guys I appreciate it. yeah, probably could go through the power lines. But it would be nice to eliminate the cause of their appearance in the first place. I actually was going between them. but the problem was, that there were always more to go through. that's why most of the time, I will stop and play on them. Once I start to think of them as something other than an obstacle, they stop being an obstacle. I have had a little experience with going through walls and doors. but I haven't done that in a long time. I'm still in the process of relearning skills.

      Not going to be able to write my next Lucid today. Storms are rolling in and I don't want to plug in the computer. I'm on the battery right now and not sure how long I have.

      LOL, I'll try to remember to call for you next time Clairity.
      Last edited by Caradon; 09-07-2007 at 03:09 AM.

    4. #229
      Good With Syrup Pancaka's Avatar
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      In your nightmares!
      This is straight from my Dream Journal. I thought of it as I was reading your awesome dream. I even gave it a fun title... (note: I watched "300" that day, also there are some things that are kind of like inside jokes so only I would know about them)

      Date: August 20, 2007
      SHOWDOWN: Me vs. Matt!

      Matt, Mom and I were in the car Matt was talking about something, when at some point I notice Amanda (his sister) is riding shotgun. Matt is angry about something and says something to the affect of “My mom’s family is not stupid!” (which is a bit odd) so I said something like “Your mom’s family is stupid and the rest of your family is too!” so he started punching me in the face. They were weak and so I told him he couldn’t beat me. Someone told mom to pullover so that we could fight and surprisingly she was right on it! We parked the car in a parking lot and we all rushed out of the car. At first Matt and I started pussy fighting. Sure it was lame, but it got better when Matt went into a kung-fu pose (WHAAAAAA!). I could even hear the gong. Then we started throwing some punches, but Matt started running away (bitch tactic!). I chased him but I could hardly move since I was doing that floating slow walk. I ended up chasing him into what looked like a shop with big windows, but it had bookcases and curtains behind the windows and it was very dark. I could only feel Matt’s blows but could see nothing. We continued fighting and somehow made it outside our house (but it was way different. I could see Sam and Israel (“Pepper spray”) playing video games inside through a big window. I threw Matt into the window and then went to the opposite wall. Sam and Israel’s responses were not what I was expecting though. The only thing that got out of them was something like “Whoa! …It’s Matt.”
      “Yeah! I know. It’s…wow…we should like…get out or something.”
      “Yeah, I know! Huh?”
      Matt was out cold on the other side of the wall, so I used telekinesis to push and pull him into the wall, bashing his head in. I went around to meet him and I found myself wandering through some broken down tenements. Suddenly, Matt burst through a wall looking like a buff, cyborg Darth Maul (I wanna be Darth Maul)! He and I were now wearing something like Mandalorian armor, with cybernetic backpacks with little robot arms and gadgets. He emerged from the dust bloody and angry, with bandages over one eye and his forehead. “Look what you did! That shit was uncalled for!” (Charlie Murphy) We started fighting again now going through the hall. It got really tough for me when he started pulling out all the gadgets. There were these floating laser beam things that when connected unleashed a powerful attack. Everything got slow-motion and I even had a targeting reticule. I was in mid air destroying all of his gadgets, kicking him in the face and then we got to the end of the hall (which for some reason ended the whole tenement thing), where I kicked him into the room. There were explosions, and then he flew in slow-motion into the wall above the bed and then onto the bed causing a humongous crack in the wall. He was on his back almost knocked out. I jumped over his ragged remains and finished him off, as I punched him three times I said, as I held the armor on his chest…

      THIS!!! IS!!! SPARTAAAA!!!!

    5. #230
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      LOL, the 300 meets star wars! I thought that 300 movie was pretty fun to watch.

    6. #231
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      A Lucid Dream!
      Lucid Dream # 38 of 2007

      I have no idea what point I became Lucid in this dream.

      I'm already fully Lucid in my first memory of this dream. I'm flying above a military helicopter. I'm just above the whirling blades, and flying superman style. I decide to do a big loop in the air, and the helicopter follows me as I do. It's kind of strange, it's like I'm controlling the helicopter. It moves with me when I fly. I do a couple of loops, when suddenly, a group of enemy helicopters come baring down on me from behind.
      I'm not sure how many there are but there's a few of them. They come at me spraying a shower of bullets. I actually find this kind of funny, I'm not afraid of them at all. I turn around so that I'm flying backwards and facing my attackers. I'm flying on my back now, and I point my finger at them like it's a gun with my thumb sticking up. I pretend like I'm firing back at them. It's just kind of a silly display to show them how little I fear them. After a few moments, I start to get annoyed with all the commotion of the helicopters around me. And since my imaginary finger gun isn't really doing anything. I shout, "All helicopters destroyed!" And I punctuate the word destroyed, with a forceful wave of my hand. To my delight, every helicopter instantly vanishes. and I'm now in the sky alone. I was so excited that I was able to make them disappear like that. I'm not used to having that form of dream control. And I had never tried using commands before. Now I just fly, for what seems Like a very long time.
      My memory here isn't very clear. But I remember that I was flying for so long that I decided that I should do something other than just fly. So I land. I don't remember much about the area where I landed. My next clear memory is that I'm in a shopping center Like a mall or something. And I'm just walking along Looking at everything in fascination. I love stores in Lucid Dreams, There is always so many amazing things to see. I'm walking along a corridor of the mall, and I come to an area where there are lockers along the wall. And there is a bunch of very nice looking girls in front of the lockers. Their doing who knows what, getting their stuff out of their lockers or whatever. I'm just standing there checking them out, when the dream environment reforms itself around me. And I'm now standing in the middle of a womens locker room! now there are all sorts of girls walking around, in various states of undress.
      Some fully clothed, some topless, some just coming out of the showers with towels around them. And some completely nude. And every one of them is as perfect as a dream.(OK, now how can a guy be expected to resist this kind of temptation!) I move towards one of the girls, But then I hesitate thinking that I'm probably about to throw the dream away. So instead of trying to have sex with any of them, I just do a little bit of exploring with my hands. The girls are friendly and don't mind. Except for the exception of one, who gets pissed off and tries to slap me. I duck and move away real quick, and go back to some of the more friendly girls. After a while of playing around in this way, and marveling at how real they all are. I ask, if they are wondering how I can be in their locker room with out getting into trouble. they seem kind of confused, and no one has an explanation for it.
      "Maybe it's because, this is all a dream!" I say. And I start laughing. The girls laugh too, because they think it's a funny idea. I exit the locker room, and I find myself back in some store of the mall. There are people around shopping. And again loudly, I say, " Maybe this is all a dream!" And the people around me start to laugh. And I start laughing so hard, that I must have been laughing in my sleep. Because the joke is going right over their heads. And I'm the only one who knows, that it really is a dream. For some reason I find this to be funny as hell. Then I say, "Man, I've never had so much fun in my entire life!" I start to think about what I might want to do next, when I wake up.
      Last edited by Caradon; 09-08-2007 at 06:49 AM.

    7. #232
      Good With Syrup Pancaka's Avatar
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      In your nightmares!
      Quote Originally Posted by Caradon View Post
      A Lucid Dream!
      Lucid Dream # 38 of 2007

      I have no idea what point I became Lucid in this dream.

      I'm already fully Lucid in my first memory of this dream. I'm flying above a military helicopter. I'm just above the whirling blades, and flying superman style. I decide to do a big loop in the air, and the helicopter follows me as I do. It's kind of strange, it's like I'm controlling the helicopter. It moves with me when I fly. I do a couple of loops, when suddenly, a group of enemy helicopters come baring down on me from behind.
      I'm not sure how many there are but there's a few of them. They come at me spraying a shower of bullets. I actually find this kind of funny, I'm not afraid of them at all. I turn around so that I'm flying backwards and facing my attackers. I'm flying on my back now, and I point my finger at them like it's a gun with my thumb sticking up. I pretend like I'm firing back at them. It's just kind of a silly display to show them how little I fear them. After a few moments, I start to get annoyed with all the commotion of the helicopters around me. And since my imaginary finger gun isn't really doing anything. I shout, "All helicopters destroyed!" And when I say the word destroyed, I punctuate it with a forceful wave of my hand. To my delight, every helicopter instantly vanishes. and I'm now in the sky alone. I was so excited that I was able to make them disappear like that. I'm not used to having that form of dream control. And I had never tried using commands before. Now I just fly, for what seems Like a very long time.
      My memory here isn't very clear. But I remember that I was flying for so long that I decided that I should do something other than just fly. So I land. I don't remember much about the area where I landed. My next clear memory is that I'm in a shopping center Like a mall or something. And I'm just walking along Looking at everything in fascination. I love stores in Lucid Dreams, There is always so many amazing things to see. I'm walking along a corridor of the mall, and I come to an area where there are lockers along the wall. And there is a bunch of very nice looking girls in front of the lockers. Their doing who knows what, getting their stuff out of their lockers or whatever. I'm just standing there checking them out, when the dream environment reforms itself around me. And I'm now standing in the middle of a womens locker room! now there are all sorts of girls walking around, in various states of undress.
      Some fully clothed, some topless, some just coming out of the showers with towels around them. And some completely nude. And every one of them is as perfect as a dream.(OK, now how can a guy be expected to resist this kind of temptation!) I move towards one of the girls, But then I hesitate thinking that I'm probably about to throw the dream away. So instead of trying to have sex with any of them, I just do a little bit of exploring with my hands. The girls are friendly and don't mind. Except for the exception of one, who gets pissed off and tries to slap me. I duck and move away real quick, and go back to some of the more friendly girls. After a while of playing around in this way, and marveling at how real they all are. I ask, if they are wondering how I can be in their locker room with out getting into trouble. they seem kind of confused, and no one has an explanation for it.
      "Maybe it's because, this is all a dream!" I say. And I start laughing. The girls laugh too, because they think it's a funny idea. I exit the locker room, and I find myself back in some store of the mall. There are people around shopping. And again loudly, I say, " Maybe this is all a dream!" And the people around me start to laugh. And I start laughing so hard, that I must have been laughing in my sleep. Because the joke is going right over their heads. And I'm the only one who knows, that it really is a dream. For some reason I find this to be funny as hell. Then I say, "Man, I've never had so much fun in my entire life!" I start to think about what I might want to do next, when I wake up.
      sounds like fun (hehehe...just kidding). I am not expecting it to be real, but I think it would be cool to share a dream with a girl and go on a date. No sex of course. I don't agree with pre-marital dream sex (haha...dc's are a different story! Don't judge me!!!).

    8. #233
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      Quote Originally Posted by Shinjiro-yan View Post
      sounds like fun (hehehe...just kidding)
      Oh it was a very fun dream! all the next day I kept thinking about it. And lost focus on trying to induce another one. that happens to me after a couple of really fun Lucids. It seems to take me a couple days to get my mind back on track. Got to stop letting that happen!

      as fun as the girls were, the highlight for me in this dream was making the helicopters disappear. That was so cool!

    9. #234
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      That was a good one! I've had those before, where it's so funny and you think you must be laughing in your sleep and you wonder why you don't wake yourself up. That also kind of reminds me of the time I was looking at the rain-drops with amazement, because they were so real, and I look around and all the DC's are doing it too.

      Hey, good control with all those girls! The helicopter part was cool too.

      You are really getting back your lucid ability, I'd say.

    10. #235
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      I'm glad the girls in the locker room were so accommodating for you.
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    11. #236
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      That was a good one! I've had those before, where it's so funny and you think you must be laughing in your sleep and you wonder why you don't wake yourself up. That also kind of reminds me of the time I was looking at the rain-drops with amazement, because they were so real, and I look around and all the DC's are doing it too.

      Hey, good control with all those girls! The helicopter part was cool too.

      You are really getting back your lucid ability, I'd say.
      Thanks, Yeah I remember reading that dream in your journal. I got a kick out of that too.

      I need to start remembering what I wanted to do in my dream. I never used to have that problem at all.
      The night I had this last Lucid, I went to sleep with the intention of remembering to do the water sculpture task.
      But it never crossed my mind. I think I was about to remember to do it, just before I woke up though.
      Last edited by Caradon; 09-09-2007 at 04:19 AM.

    12. #237
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      Quote Originally Posted by Caradon View Post
      I went to sleep with the intention of remembering to do the water sculpture task.
      But it never crossed my mind. I think I was about to remember to do it, just before I woke up though.
      I bet you'll do it. A bear, perhaps?

    13. #238
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      I bet you'll do it. A bear, perhaps?
      I was thinking along the lines of raising something like Godzilla or King Kong up out of a lake, and sending it rampaging across the dream-scape. I giant bear would work too though. Or maybe a water dragon!

      This is something I want to try, even if it's not by the end of the month.
      I'm pretty sure I can levitate water out of a lake, and form it into something.
      I'm not sure about giving it a life of its own though.

    14. #239
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      Good luck. I'm going for a worm or a snake.

    15. #240
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      I got eight hours of sleep last night, And had a ton of crazy vivid recall.
      And a couple of missed chances to get Lucid.

      I was in a grocery store/restaurant combination. I was sitting at a small table with a plate of food, in the middle of the store. I was dunking celery sticks, into a vegetable dip and eating them. I actually had a whole stock of celery, with the leaves and all on them still. I notice that there is still dirt on the celery too, and that I should have washed it before bringing to my table. I try to brush off as much of the dirt as possible, and I keep eating it anyway... dirt and all. (Would never do that in real life!) Near by, is a bench Like would be in a mall. There is a man sitting there. And as I watch another man sits down next to him. I'm not sure what it was, but there was something mysterious about the new man. And I got the idea in my head, that he had come to tell the other man that he was dreaming. But then he just seemed like a normal person again, and they were talking but I can't remember what it was about. I was sitting there thinking about how cool it would be if this was a dream. I even thought about it for a little while. I made the mistake of thinking it wasn't a dream, because of how perfectly real everything was. Even the feeling of the dream was just like waking life.

      I eventually get up from my table, and I come across an isle that has these Batman, and transformer dolls. they are hanging from hooks on the side of the isle. their not made from hard plastic. They are made from this really cool soft rubbery material. I squeeze them and enjoy the feeling of them in my hand. One of the Batman dolls was designed to look like it was climbing the wall if you hung it against the wall. And I messed around with that for a minute. I wanted to buy one, But I couldn't think of any good reason to. I figured it would just end up sitting in a drawer somewhere.

      I move along and I come to an area that has HD TVs along a wall, Like at Best Buy or something. One of the TVs has some really strange movie playing on it, and I stand there watching it. A man walks up to the TV, and is looking at the information about it and the price tag. I think I get pulled into the movie here, because now I'm in a different place.

      Hidden deep in the mountains, is a place where Giant evil robots are being created. And eventually, to be set loose on humanity. I'm not sure why I know this, But it's up to me to find this place and do something about it. I embark upon this long journey, across dark and sinister looking mountain ranges. But they are still very beautiful. It's Like something out of the Lord Of the Rings. A place where evil lurks. And the heights I travel are dizzying. The intensity of some of the visuals become over powering, and I get vertigo just standing there.

      Eventually, I come to a valley miles across and surrounded by a ring of mountains. In the center of the valley, Is a high and wide tower of rock. It's nearly a mountain in it's own right. The sides of the tower are smooth, except for small alcoves cut into the sides here and there. I'm not sure how I get there But I find myself sitting in one of these alcoves, very high up near the top of the tower. As I sit there, the mountain itself begins turning. Slowly at first, but gradually begins to pick up speed. As the rock tower begins to spin faster, the centrifugal force begins to pull on me, and I am now in danger of being thrown out of the alcove and off of the tower. Now I'm getting scared, And the tower is spinning faster every moment. There is an indention in the rock wall, and I put my hand in it to hold on. And I brace myself by pressing my feet up against the opposite wall. Which thankfully is close enough. The tower continues to spin even faster, and I just hold on for dear life. The motion of the spinning changes and gets even worse. Now instead of going around in a circular motion, it's like I'm looping upside down in the sky. Like some kind of theme park ride, with nothing to hold me in. It's terrifying! And between my fear, and being dizzy from the spinning I feel like I'm going to throw up.

      Now, the dream instantly changes, and I'm on the ground again. Now it is a theme
      park, and there is a line of people waiting to get on the ride I was just on. I start telling them about the scary experience I just had, and they should not get on it. Only one person listens to me. this girl, and she walks away with me, and things continue to get strange.
      this girl is being compelled by supernatural forces to travel to places unknown. And me, feeling some kind of connection to her, is following where ever she goes. To help keep her out of danger or what ever. We are on foot, and the dream is about to turn into some other big adventure, but I wake up.

      the last of many crazy dreams from last night. Wish I would have gotten thrown off of that tower. Would have been instant Lucidity. Surprised I didn't get Lucid anyway it was so damn scary. I have a bad fear of heights in real life. And in dreams, heights get very intense when I'm not Lucid. It's one of the ways my subconscious tries to get me Lucid. So I welcome those kind of dreams.

    16. #241
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Good luck. I'm going for a worm or a snake.
      I'm sure you will do well! your good with The Lucid tasks. I've only done two so far. And the one where you were in my Lucid Dream was just good Luck, and good timing.

    17. #242
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      A brief moment of Lucidity!
      New dreamsign noticed

      I was about to travel somewhere, and I had to put a tag on my suitcase with my name and address. As I was trying to write my name, I was having trouble with the pen. At first it didn't work at all. Then I kept writing the wrong letters, that was getting annoying. Then, as I watched, the letters that I had written started to fade away, then were gone. Immediately, I realized the reason for it was because I was dreaming. And that familiar awsome feeling washed over me. I was fully Lucid. But Then, just as quickly, the dream faded to black and I was laying on my bed with my eyes closed.
      I thought shit lost it! I got up, and was trying to decide if I should count it. But I was actually still dreaming. I lost Lucidity due to an immediate false awakening.

      Then I had two other dreams that should have turned Lucid, that I will post a little later. I just wanted to get this one down.

    18. #243
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      I was at the school park down the road from my house. I was with my dog, and I did not have her on a leash. (thats a dreamsign I really need to learn to notice!) after a minute I get worried about her not being on a leash, and I can't believe that she isn't. In the dream, there is a busy road near by and I'm worried she will take off running into the road and get hit. I get her back on the leash. things gradually change in the dream. There is a thin layer of snow on the ground, and a little ice. The snow is so thin that you can see the grass still. I end up on some cross country skis and I'm skiing around a little. eventually the skis are gone, and I'm skating around on my feet. as if I have roller-blades on. But I just have shoes on. There are a lot of kids around, and I start showing off to the kids. I start doing all sorts of tricks. I would jump into the air, then push off of some object with my feet. Then do a back flip and land on my feet and keep on skating. I was getting a momentum going so that I was doing this over and over off of all sorts of stuff. One time I even pushed off of the shoulders of one of the kids. I was doing tricks for sometime before waking up.

      Fear factor
      I was at a live filming of the show Fear factor. There was a guy in a phone booth shaped box on a stage. The front of it was glass so people could see the guy inside. the guy had a bowl of hamburger mixed with maggots. he was mixing it around with his hands, then taking hand fulls and eating it. eventually my perspective changed so that I was the guy in the box. Thankfully, the hamburger maggot mixture was already eaten by the time I became the guy in the box. I was looking out at the crowed, and they were all looking back at me like I was some kind of sick freak. The glass then became milky white, so that I could not see through it to well. Then I feel movement.
      There is a crane with a cable attached to the box. The box gets lifted into the air, and they begin swinging it around above the heads of the people in the audience, with me in it still. My perspective keeps changing, so that sometimes I can see whats going on from outside the box. Somehow I know because it's my dream about a new stunt they are about to try. But supposedly I don't really know about it. Not sure how I could know and not know at the same time, but thats how it was. Somebody had mathematically figured out the exact speed and trajectory to swing the box. And then disconnect the cable. And have me thrown through the air, to land perfectly on the balcony of a tall far off apartment building. which was my apartment, and this was how they would send me home Fear factor style. It worked perfectly and I get out of the box and enter my apartment before waking up.

      the last three dreams took place within an hour of sleeping. My subconscious was really working hard to get me Lucid.(thank you subconscious)
      I'm really glad about the fact, that I noticed a dreamsign other than just getting airborne for a change. Even though I lost it right away, I still consider it a success. Don't think I'm going to count it though.
      Last edited by Caradon; 09-12-2007 at 04:39 AM.

    19. #244
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Mmmm... Hamgurger and Maggots! Not so far fetched for a fear factor episode. I like how they sent you home.
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    20. #245
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      Quote Originally Posted by Caradon View Post
      A brief moment of Lucidity!
      New dreamsign noticed

      I was about to travel somewhere, and I had to put a tag on my suitcase with my name and address. As I was trying to write my name, I was having trouble with the pen. At first it didn't work at all. Then I kept writing the wrong letters, that was getting annoying. Then, as I watched, the letters that I had written started to fade away, then were gone. Immediately, I realized the reason for it was because I was dreaming.
      I've never tried to write in a dream but I can certainly relate to having something not work. I can never get phones, copiers (basically anything electronic) to function properly.. either the buttons don't work or they're in the wrong place, etc.

      Quote Originally Posted by Caradon View Post
      There is a thin layer of snow on the ground, and a little ice. The snow is so thin that you can see the grass still. I end up on some cross country skis and I'm skiing around a little. eventually the skis are gone, and I'm skating around on my feet. as if I have roller-blades on. But I just have shoes on. There are a lot of kids around, and I start showing off to the kids. I start doing all sorts of tricks. I would jump into the air, then push off of some object with my feet. Then do a back flip and land on my feet and keep on skating. I was getting a momentum going so that I was doing this over and over off of all sorts of stuff. One time I even pushed off of the shoulders of one of the kids. I was doing tricks for sometime before waking up..
      Very impressive tricks.. especially since your skates were your shoes!

      Quote Originally Posted by Caradon View Post
      Fear factor
      Thankfully, the hamburger maggot mixture was already eaten by the time I became the guy in the box. I was looking out at the crowed, and they were all looking back at me like I was some kind of sick freak. The glass then became milky white, so that I could not see through it to well. Then I feel movement.
      There is a crane with a cable attached to the box. The box gets lifted into the air, and they begin swinging it around above the heads of the people in the audience, with me in it still. My perspective keeps changing, so that sometimes I can see whats going on from outside the box. Somehow I know because it's my dream about a new stunt they are about to try. But supposedly I don't really know about it. Not sure how I could know and not know at the same time, but thats how it was. Somebody had mathematically figured out the exact speed and trajectory to swing the box. And then disconnect the cable. And have me thrown through the air, to land perfectly on the balcony of a tall far off apartment building. which was my apartment, and this was how they would send me home Fear factor style. It worked perfectly and I get out of the box and enter my apartment before waking up..
      LOL.. I actually got kinda dizzy reading about you being swung over the crowd as tho I was in the box with you! That was some stunt! I'm glad it worked!
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    21. #246
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      Thanks for the comments guys. I'm glad that stunt worked too! And at the time I was glad I didn't know about it until it was over... Even though I did know about it. Hmm... strange!

    22. #247
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      Apr 2007
      Dog dreamsign almost noticed!

      I was with my dog at the park preserve. And like always in my dreams she was not on a leash. And like always, I start to get worried she will run off chasing animals into the woods. Then I stop and say "hey this happens in my dreams all the time" But, then I say, " This time it's really happening though!" Wish I would remember to do reality checks in dreams.

      I think I just may get this one. It would be nice because it happens so often.

    23. #248
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      Apr 2006
      Quote Originally Posted by Caradon View Post
      Dog dreamsign almost noticed!
      It's bound to work soon (I hope, altho dogs are a DS for me too, and I must have done hundreds or thousands of RC's when I see or am with my dogs, but they still haven't gotten me lucid. Not as many dog dreams lately, now that I think of it.) Hopefully it will work for you.

      Lots of crazy dreams you've had lately!

    24. #249
      Good With Syrup Pancaka's Avatar
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      Aug 2007
      In your nightmares!
      I can't remember if this was from another time but it was definitely similar. I was in some kind of bus and then had to transfer buses and then it turned out that we were all avoiding oppression by traveling a long distance. After that dream faded out, I was at school, attending science class. The teacher was replaced for some reason and we were all kind of mouthing off to the new teacher, but for some reason it was dark and we were in a parking lot that trailed off into an obstacle course that lead to a strange house. We all grew to like the teacher (and for some reason it ceased to be class and started just being some place with a cool teacher with cool assistants in some cool program that we all enlisted for) So at this point I was trying the very small obstacle course and the man at the top was putting me down because I couldn't climb the wall at first because of my bad back. I tried again and succeeded and even went on to take down the sloppy, kooshy, parts and segments of the climbing walls and bury the man in the rubble, giving a defiant cry, like a roar. I went on to explore the house, almost every old, creepy nook and cranny felt like home in what seemed like an old mansion. Eventually it became smaller and more like a small constricted place with a bad television, a worn out sofa, and a counter that seemed to signify the beginning of a small, barren kitchen area. I drifted off into some other place and I was in some really nice looking clothes, black leather jacket, black jeans, black shirt, black shoes (I'm not an emo or a goth but it looked really cool) I was at the base of a large platform about a story high or more, where Winnie the poo was standing puzzled as to how he would get up there. I payed him no mind and ran up the wall to get to the platform. I looked around for a while when I think my perspective shifted to a cartoony, giant movie theater where two mischievous, teenage, twin boys were messing with giant wires that hung down from the ceiling of the movie theater, planning to sabotage the movie experience for everyone. The screen went haywire and eventually shut off. It ended up as just a light and some people panicked, others just whined. The twins handed me a large bundle of cords and urged me to take them to the exit. They started clapping as I walked out behind large curtains, down a large corridor, to a small door. As they clapped, the others began to clap and cheer with them. I was being hailed like a savior as I made my exit gloriously, to accomplish some mission that I had no idea about. I re-entered just after their applause, just for the reaction and then skipped off merrily. I exited to find that I was on the side of one of those large cylindrical platforms, except this one was stories upon stories in the air, suspended by an invisible force. I jumped off one of them to one about three platforms down to find Tigger (what's with the poo bear influence in this dream?) hopping in place joyously. I jumped again continuing to drop until I was almost at the ground, did a back flip just in time, landed on my feet, creating a ripple in the solid ground below my feet. I thought That was a piece of cake. I'm way better than Tigger. I was thinking about the floating platforms and how cool they were, when I wake up. Had a couple of weird dreams today I guess

    25. #250
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      Apr 2007
      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Lots of crazy dreams you've had lately!
      Yeah, glad the crazy wild dreams are coming back, they are a lot of fun.

      I've been getting a few dreams about aliens too. Last night I was in some space ship with two aliens,and we were in some kind of race.

      The night before I was ambushed by some insect looking aliens. and was fighting them off with a laser gun I had picked up.

      There has been some annoying stuff going on at my work, that's messing me up a little. And I have to put a bunch of extra time in because of some new crap going on. So much for actually enjoying my job. hopefully it's just a
      temporary thing. I'll try not to let it get in the way of my Lucids, But I don't think I'm going to make my goal this month. And I may not have as much time to post non lucids. But I'll see what I can do.

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