• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      My Momentary Lapses of Reality

      Lucid dreams and dreaming in general have recently fascinated me, and I thought I should start a journal here on Dreamviews. I've been keeping a normal journal in a notebook since December, and will now transfer my dreams from there to here. Hopefully this will give me an even greater recall boost, which I could use.


      Regular dreams will be in black.
      Comments will be in italics.
      Especially long or vivid dreams will be in red.
      Lucid dreams will be in blue.

      Note: For my sake and the sake of those around me, I reserve the right to conceal actions/dreams/identities if my dreams become a bit too strange.

      I'm attempting a WILD tonight, so hopefully things will get started off well. Wish me luck, and I hope you enjoy my momentary lapses of reality.

      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    2. #2
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      My dog, Wrigley, got second place in a contest where owners must send in pictures of their dogs. Me and my mom sent in a picture of him where he is with a puppy version of one of my other dogs, Rocky. Which is strange, as Rocky had ran away years before we got Wrigley. I got an email confirming the place he got. Included in the email was the picture we submitted.


      I'm "playing" NBA 2k8. One team is the Celtics, and i forget what the other team was. It was a close game the entire way, with Kevin Garnett hitting a bunch of crazy jumpshots. The last part of the dream was the Celtics executing an inbounds play, but it was viewed very strangely. I'm not even sure how to describe it.The players are all in rows, with brick walls that have gaps in them. They head to one spot, and then it shifts back to a regular view, Rondo hits a jumpshot. Then the dream ends.

      My cell phone alarm then goes off at 3:30 and I get up to WILD. I go to the bathroom, and then sit in bed for 15 minutes. i try WILDing, but I couldn't get in a comfortable position, and couldn't concentrate. I gave up and went to bed.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    3. #3
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here
      2-7 and 2-8

      No recollection for either night. I've been sick, and had trouble sleeping.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    4. #4
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      I remember a few fragments of dreams. One where I'm at my grandma's house, and then another where I'm checking some basketball statistics on the internet.

      My alarm then goes off and it's time for me to do my WBTB. I stay up for 15 minutes, and go to sleep.

      When I wake up, I recall some dreams, but I didn't write them down. Instead, I went back to bed, and had another dream.


      In this dream, I'm a baby. (Think Rugrats) My Dad's truck has been stolen, and the thieves planted it in a neighbors house before taking off. Me and my dad go into the garage, and go into the truck to take stuff out of the car to make sure it isn't stolen. The owner of the house comes out, and is confused and angry about what's going on. We explain ourselves, and then leave. We return later to apologize to the owner of the house. He accepts, and the dream ends.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    5. #5
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      No recollection again.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    6. #6
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      Me, my mom, and my sister are having a discussion about a movie, who's main character looks remarkably similar to Frankie Munez. The strange part is that my mom appeared to be a statue, not an actual person. She could still talk, but could move or anything. So we discuss the movie, I can't recall what we talked about, however.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    7. #7
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      I'm uploading some songs onto itunes, but the info for the songs is all wrong. Songs from the same album had a bunch of random genres, some songs didn't have titles or album names or artist names. I seem to be able to read fairly well in my dreams. I read two phone numbers very clearly in a dream a week ago.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    8. #8
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I remember being at my old elementary school, but I can't recall doing anything.


      I'm again uploading songs to itunes, but this time, most of the songs are already on there.


      I'm at my school, and a friend of mine almost dumps a glass of chocolate milk on my head.


      I'm in an auditorium, and my school's band is getting ready to play. I go to the seats to find a place to sit, but there is something quite strange about these seats. The higher you go, the seats begin to lean over, so it would seem like you should fall out, but you don't. I take a seat next to my friend, and then two members of the band show up late. They are punished by having to go on an extremely fast tilt-a-whirl like ride. They get off after a few minutes, and then they both throw up into some machine.That was pretty nasty. My dream ends.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    9. #9
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here
      No recollection from 2-14 to 2-17. I'm really kicking myself, because on 2-15 I remembered three very long and very vivid dreams, but I was too lazy to get out of bed and write them down, and now they are lost forever. Curse my laziness.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    10. #10
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I'm on a cruise ship, and I'm wandering around the extremely dark lower levels of it. It's almost pitch black where I am, and I'm trying to find a strange person, likely some criminal. I go into a 3rd person perspective, and I find the guy like I'm playing a video game. Once I find him, I have to pay him, but I pay him TOO MUCH and he kills me. I respawn, and the dream ends.

      Hey! A lucid dream! I didn't have school today, so I was able to sleep in, and got a very long lucid. I had a false awakening where I woke up downstairs at my dad's house, and I just out of the blue thought "This could be a false awakening!" I did the nose plug RC, and I could breathe! I was pretty ecstatic, good thing I didn't wake up. I went to the bathroom and I had to pee, so I went, and did the nose check RC a few more times, just to make sure I was really dreaming. A began having some vividness issues. It seemed like my eyes couldn't stay open, and things were fuzzy. I rubbed my hands together, yelled clarity, and everything got remarkably lifelike.

      I then wandered around my dad's house, bewildered by the amount of detail everywhere. I tried to use the open a door to teleport method to explore, but it did not work. Still at my dad's house, I thought about how everything here has been made from my mind, and I noticed that I stand where some pictures normally are has been replaced with a giant picture of a birthday cake. That's odd. I then ventured upstairs, but I didn't find any DC's. I went to a bathroom upstairs, got naked and decided to try to turn myself into a girl. Inspired by the November advanced task of the month. I failed at that. My face didn't change, the jewels went nowhere, and while I grew breasts, they were all distorted. I then felt the urge to pee again, which seems to be a recurring theme in my lucid dreams, but I was fed up with it, and said the heck with it. So I just kinda pissed all over the bathroom. Yeah, that's pretty nasty, but time was of the essence, and I wanted to waste none of it.

      I left the house, and noticed that some of my family members were gathered around having a party. I greeted them and left. I returned to the house, and noticed on the clock that one of the hours had been replaced by the word yellow. The dream then fades.


      I actually then have another false awakening here, but the nose reality check didn't work. I quickly wake up from this dream.

      What a night. I keep getting amazed at how much more vivid my lucids are becoming. This one was so real...
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    11. #11
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I'm once again on itunes which appears to be a recurring theme in my dreams, I should start doing an RC when I listen to music. I'm checking the music I left to download when I went to bed, and I get a strange error message, but the files still download, but very slowly. They finish, as does my dream.


      Two girls from my school are in my bathroom, and one is apparently upset because her boyfriend broke up with her. They leave, and something is knocked over in the bathroom, which causes a very tiny fire which I quicly put out.


      A dream where I'm in the mountains, and a dog sacrifices himself to save another dog. That's all I can clearly remember.
      Last edited by Pastulio_; 02-20-2008 at 03:50 AM.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    12. #12
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I'm in a tent at an amusement park or fair. Two guys are there and one starts doing this crazy dance. That's all I got.


      I remember a bunch of fragments from this dream, but they don't make a lot of sense. In one scene, I'm in a dark junkyard like place with no light. I hear movement, and then a women screams. I'm expecting all of this to happen. A light comes on, and I see a guy who I know in the dream, and it appears he just murdered a women. Later in the dream, I remember adventure elements that remind me of The Legend of Zelda, but I can't recall why. I remember earlier in the dream seeing a prophet or something similar to one. That's all I can remember.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    13. #13
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      No recollection. I was up an hour later than I normally stay up playing Apollo Justice. Really fun game I must say. Attempting a WILD tonight, assuming the cut on my right elbow doesn't make it hard to get comfortable.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    14. #14
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      #1 and only

      I'm inhaling helium out of two balloons that keep mysteriously refilling themselves when they get low. This was probably my most vivid nonlucid dream. I remember the feeling of breathing in and out, I remember how my voice changed, and I remember questioning whether I should be doing it, because it's bad for you.

      My WILD attempt once again was unsuccessful. I'm going to get this eventually.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    15. #15
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      No recollection
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    16. #16
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I'm watching a Celtics-Lakers game on TV. One of the commentators is saying something about the Cavaliers being better than the Suns, and then the crowed at the game starts to go crazy because their is a celebrity in the stands. It's an old fat guy who starts hitting on an old lady around him. That was strange. That's all I can recall.

      I then woke up at 3:30 and stayed up for 15 minutes for a WBTB, which failed to induce a lucid dream.


      I'm in a giant aquarium, and a scientist is telling me that the fish in the tanks are dieing because the tanks are being pumped with too much water, and it's drowning them. What?


      I start out in a dark forest. I'm with a bunch of classmates, and we are playing a card game. Someone in charge of the game is telling us to tell them our score, but no one around me seams to have any idea what's going on. The scene changes, and now I appear to be in a cafeteria, still playing this game. I remember I had a hand with three 7's, and that's the last thing I remember.

      I'm going to try to have a DEILD tonight. My alarm clock makes a sharp noise before the music starts playing that wakes me up. If I turn the volume off on the clock, the noise will wake me, but I won't have to get up to turn the music off. The only problem is if the sharp noise causes me to jerk awake, but I won't know until I try.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    17. #17
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      All I can remember are fragments. One where I'm in a restaurant, and another where I'm trying to escape/hide from something.

      My DEILD experiment came to a cruel end. I woke up naturally literally two minutes before the alarm was about to go off. Guess I'll keep trying. I have a late start at school tomorrow, so I should have some nice dreams tonight.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    18. #18
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      Dream was in third person. I'm dressed up as Sparky the Sun Devil, (See avatar) and am in a basketball game. I keep getting fouled, but keep making free throws. Then the players on the other team then start complaining about the refs. That's all I can recall.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    19. #19
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      In this dream, I'm in a classroom where the teachers are my old third grade teachers. Several candies that look like shock tarts are being passed around by a student to a few select students. One falls onto the floor, and I dive to get it, which I do. A girl sitting next to me says in a sympathetic way "Give him one." I somehow wind up with three or four other candies. I give one to the girl, and the others to a friend of mine sitting in front of me. The teachers tell us to turn to a page in the textbook, but I don't hear what page. Someone sitting next to me tells me, and the dream ends.


      I'm in a playplace thing like the ones at McDonald's. I see one of my friends, but the dream immediately ends.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    20. #20
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

      A fragment where I'm practicing defensive rotation in basketball.


      I'm in my old neighborhood. It appears that a party or some other gathering is taking place. I'm not with the people, at that is causing uneasiness. The middle of the dream I've forgotten, but at the end, I'm with my grandma, on what looks like a road by a beach.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    21. #21
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I'm in my room with a friend of mine, trying to explain the mediocrity of Dragonforce to him.


      I'm in a dark forest with my mom. We are in a strange stone structure, and the animals around us appear to be a bit more advanced than most animals. One, which looks, like a small pig standing on it's hind legs, has a gun and starts shooting at my mom. She escapes, and plans how we must run to safety. She moves very slowly however, and a giant enemy crablike thing is chasing us. At this point, it dawns on me that I'm dreaming. I transport my mom and my dog to safety next to me, but the crab still gives chase. I confront it, close my eyes, and kinda will myself to wake up.


      I thought that I had woken up, but it was a false awakening. I didn't move upon FAing, and tried to DEILD. I felt sensations in my dream, got up, and did a nose RC. It failed and I became lucid. I went to a bathroom, but my reflection in the mirror was foggy. I rubbed my hands and spun, and it cleared up. I noticed half of my face was painted blue, and when I spat, by spit was blue. Then my whole face became red, and I woke up.

      One thing I've noticed is that I never false awaken where I'm sleeping in real life. I've FAd on a couch, in the wrong house, in what appears to be a hotel, different rooms, never where I'm supposed to be.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    22. #22
      The Observer Achievements:
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      Sanquis's Avatar
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      Jul 2007
      #1 Dragonforce are kewl

      #2 Could you try and explain the stone structure more? Or is your recall scetchy? LOL pig with gun XD
      Yeah. Just remember : IN DREAMS NO-ONE / NOTHING CAN HURT YOU. Its hard to overcome, especially if there are other people there with you (ure mom) but I take it in my stride (ashamed to say I have shot lots of family members in dreams before xD)

      #3 Lol if your in a GODAMN HOTEL its not quite a FA. Maybe you should try to become more away of your surroundings to minimalise FA's such as these. I for one would not go back to sleep on the couch in the middle of a hotel

    23. #23
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I'm on a ship, an airship apparently, flying through the air. Three kids from my school are on the ship as well, and they all have instruments. Drums, guitars, and amps and such. It's quite windy up there, I sit in a corner, but the captain tells me I must move. I do, but the wind causes me to slide across the ship, and I try to avoid hitting the people and amps. One of the kids, a very large one, falls on me and squishes me.(Not literally) I then end up in a dark forest with a wolf chasing me. I then realize that I am dreaming. The wolf bites me, but I think to myself, "I'm dreaming, I will feel no pain," and I don't. I try to fly away, and get quite high, but the wolf chases me through the air. I punch the wolf, but he just won't go away. I dispose of him. I may have used a revolver, but I can't remember. And go on another ship, a sea one. This short lived lucid then ends.


      I'm in my physics class, and a student is going around checking to see if the students got something signed by their parents. Which is strange, because the teacher always checks himself. I open my binder to get it out, but I cannot find it anywhere. I tell the student to return to give me time to find it, but alas, it's nowhere to be found. I then make some lame joke about forging the signature, and the teacher gets quite irate and penalizes me 22% of my overall grade. Again, strange, that's the exact opposite of his personality. The dream ends.

      Well, that's three lucids in two nights, but no really special ones.

      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    24. #24
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here
      Quote Originally Posted by Sanquis View Post
      #1 Dragonforce are kewl

      #2 Could you try and explain the stone structure more? Or is your recall scetchy? LOL pig with gun XD
      Yeah. Just remember : IN DREAMS NO-ONE / NOTHING CAN HURT YOU. Its hard to overcome, especially if there are other people there with you (ure mom) but I take it in my stride (ashamed to say I have shot lots of family members in dreams before xD)

      #3 Lol if your in a GODAMN HOTEL its not quite a FA. Maybe you should try to become more away of your surroundings to minimalise FA's such as these. I for one would not go back to sleep on the couch in the middle of a hotel
      1. The friend in question once tried to tell me Herman Li is better than Randy Rhoads. Something tells me he's never heard Tribute.

      2. I can't remember too much. There were various stone formations on the ground. And I was on a higher level than the pig and my mom. I could only see the pig. It was a dark forest after all. I do need to convince myself I'm invincible, which I kinda did in my dream last night. Looking back, this was a perfect opportunity to do the basic task of the month.

      3. Hey, the way I see it, if I dream that I woke up, and I believe I woke up, it's a FA. You may have misunderstood something. I had one where I woke up on a couch in my house, and another where I woke up in a hotel bed.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

    25. #25
      Love Reign O'er Me Pastulio_'s Avatar
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      Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here


      I'm on a cruise ship, and me and my cousin are in charge of supervising a group of young children. They were pretty little, probably third grade. We go down to a pool area, and it was quite an interesting place. Up high there was a pool/jacuzzi, but the place was almost entirely filled with water. In order to get around, I would swim up, down, and all around. I could breathe without problems. I find a few of my friends in the pool, and then swim away. The scenery was quite colorful, like an... I don't know. An aquarium tank for lack of a better word. I remember a lot of pilers and stones being gold. That's all I can remember.
      08 LD's:28 Tasks of the Month Completed:5 Adopted Hollings
      Current Lucid goals:
      1: Have one WILD.
      2: Fight Agent Smith.CHECK
      3. Swing through a city like Spider-Man.CHECK

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