• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #51
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      A Shark in Seals Clothing

      I was near a lake or river and there were some seals setting on rocks near the water begging for food. I started to feed them fish out of a small paper tray and as I did I noticed one of the seals looked strange. It was two shades of brown and oddly shaped. After I gave it a fish it went back in the water and that’s when I notice it was a shark, it looked like it was starving. It was like the shark distorted its body to resemble a seal so it could blend in and beg with the seals. I thought it must be hurt and could not hunt on its own so it had to adapt to survive. I felt sorry for the shark and wanted to help but I was out of fish. I started looking for the vending machine so I could get some fish but I couldn’t find it. I was afraid that the shark would starve before I did. I found the vending machine but before I could get the fish I woke up.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:26 AM. Reason: spelling

    2. #52
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      Lizard Man

      I was some kind of researcher in a swamp and I had a lab that was in the middle of a waterway. The water was a dark and cloudy brown and I could see ripples in the water as it flowed by. The shore wasn’t visible under the shadows of the over hanging plants. The lab was very clean on the inside and it looked like I lived there while I was in the swamp. There was a hidden door to the outside that on occasion was like one-way glass but it had a metal door that could close over it if needed.

      I was there with my wife and another researcher and I think one other person who I can’t remember well and at the time we were not in the lab. We were somewhere downstream from the lab when a lizard man was sighted. He was an experiment that was not working out. I don’t think he was my experiment. I was in the water holding the side of the lab building at the base just above the water line. I couldn’t move around to the door because I didn’t know where the creature was. Something came floating by, I don’t know what, but it signaled that it was safe to make it back into the lab.

      Then I was standing at the door of the lab looking out. It was larger than a regular door and looked almost like a small garage door. My wife was sitting about 20 feet away at a table on a pier, both of which were made of cherry wood. The pier turn left, where she was, and continued out of sight.

      There was a sound nearby and my wife looked up at me not panicked but clearly scared. I told her to hurry and get inside. She did and I started to close the metal door. The lizard man didn't know where we were before but he saw the door closing this time. The other Scientist was saying that we would be safe in the lab and the creature never got in before. I told him that was because it didn’t know where we were before. The lizard man started pulling on the bottom of the door trying to get in and the door was giving way. I rushed everyone into the bathroom and closed the door. At first I was going to stay in the room with them but after thinking about it I knew it was only a matter of time till the lizard man found us. So I pushed my way past everyone and started looking around the lab for something to fight the creature with and that’s when I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:27 AM. Reason: spelling

    3. #53
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      The City of the Demon King

      The city was built on columns that held it high above the ground, up in the light. Under the city there was water and darkness. People lived under the city but I didn’t see any place where one could live. It was only water, darkness, and the columns that stretched out into the black. The people down here were changing, becoming something not quite human. Whether it was the darkness changing them or something else I couldn’t say, but they were changing and so was I. I was becoming the Demon King.

      The corruption of this place started to spread to the city on the columns and to the people up above. The others from under the city were beguiling those from above, tempting them down into the darkness. I saw myself now completely transformed standing in an arched doorway with a golden glow coming from behind me. My skin was red and I stood eight foot tall with long blond horns protruding from my head, the bases of the horns covered by my long blond hair. Two women, who were not completely human, stood one on each side of me. They were mine or more like they were his now. The one who stood on his right, as I looked from my new perspective, swayed sensually as she moved, her ashen skin seemed to glow softly of its own accord. Her hair was long and black with long tentacles, the same color as her skin, flowing out from under her hair. The tentacles writhed rhythmically and hypnotically as she moved. I didn’t look that closely at the other one but I got the impression that she was a haggard old witch.

      I stood, now merely an observer, watching as the twisted forms of what once where people smiled and wooed those from above. Taking them gently by their hands leading them down stone stairways into the blackness below, I could see flashes of orgies and perversion like sparks in the darkness.
      The Demon King was now living in the city above in what was once my home. He was keeping my wife as his and I knew I had to save her. The bedroom had no walls, only stone columns supporting a stone roof. The floors were cover with intricately woven rugs of dark blue, gold, and silver.

      I flew through the air landing on the rocky ground just outside the bedroom. My wife was there alone and I started telling her she needed to come with me but she refused. She was afraid but not for herself she was afraid for me. She said he would hunt me down and kill me and she couldn’t live with that. Nothing I said could persuade her and I didn’t know what else to do. I move out of the bedroom, walking slowly into a wild garden. It looked like the runes of an old building that nature was slowly reclaiming. Foot square stones laid buried with only one ghostly white side showing brightly in the dark with grass growing over them hiding their edges. Among the collapsed walls and columns of the ruins grew trees. There were no leaves on them only long deformed branches. As I walked among them I tried to think of something I could say that would convince my wife to come with me. I stopped and placed my hand next to what looked like a large knot on one of the trees. But the knot moved and crawled on to my hand. I pushed it off and it landed back on the tree. I stared, both fascinated and repulsed by it. Its colors and patterns were the same as the bark of the tree but now it was moving and I could see that it was like a giant tick that had gorged itself on blood. The repulsion won and I moved away watching the tick as I moved. Thinking if I let it out of sight, till I was safely out of range, it would attack me.

      At that point one of the Demon Kings servants returned, its twisted form barely hidden beneath its cloak and hood. It was like a perversion of the human form. I jumped into the air and flew away. I watched as I flew; now my view was from just behind the creature, like I was looking over its shoulder. It started firing rockets at me as I flew. Buildings near me exploded in flames. At first I was worried about myself; I strained to see myself in the distance hoping I was alright. I thought that I was because I didn’t think I was near the buildings when they exploded and that’s when I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:27 AM. Reason: spelling

    4. #54
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      The class

      I was going to a math class that I was taking. I had missed a conference that was held there the day before. I could vaguely remember being in class a few days ago. My teacher was from India; he was in his mid 40’s and was wearing a blue jeans shirt. Something happened and I got in trouble and that’s why I was not there for the conference.

      I walked by the book store, right next to the classroom, and as I looked, I could see new books on the shelf’s. I thought they put them out to look good for the conference, the last time I was here there where only a few books that looked old. The new books I could see where Dr. Seuss books I think green eggs and ham.

      I found where my classroom door should have been but the door had been sealed over with a wall. So I started looking around for another way in. I remembered leaving through a door on the other side of the building and I think this had something to do with why I got in trouble the day before. I walked around to the back of the building looking for the door. The building was made of red brick and there was a chain link fence that ran along the back about 3 feet away creating a small walkway.


      One of the students from my class came running out of the building and he was a zombie. I don’t know how we got away from him but I found myself in a small room with some others and we were trying to find a way out of the town that was overrun. It was easy to kill the zombies but it was also easy to become infected. They could be killed with just a scratch from something silver. The problem was there were too many of them and they moved to fast and all it took to become infected was also just a scratch, so getting close enough to kill one made it easy for you to become infected.

      The infection

      The infection that caused the zombies could infect anything, plants or animals. I stopped in the middle of the courtyard and myself and another guy started stabbing into a box that had long slits in it. We were digging out some plants that were infected. It was like it was part of the source and one of the main means of infection so doing this would help slow the spread. As we worked other stood guard and one of them started trying to hurry us. Then the zombies attacked and we were in a fight to survive. A girl I was with was taken out almost instantly. Then one of the zombies came at me, I spun out of reach and at the same time slashed across its face with a small silver knife. It paused and then started turning to ash. I didn’t see what happened, the next thing I knew we were in an apartment. The apartment didn’t have any furnisher in it and it was on one of the upper floors of a large building located somewhere in the middle of the town. I was looking out the window and everything looked brown in the setting sun.

      The clown

      Some time passed and I found myself alone in a closet that had a glass window on the door. Everyone I knew was either dead or zombies and I knew one of the zombies was coming through the wall. It was only a matter of time before it got in so I was trying to set up an ambush. I had a flashlight that for some reason could hurt the zombies so I was shining it on the wall where it would come through. As it entered the room and the light hit it smoke clouded out everything. I thought I saw it fall to the floor so I move out of the closet and started heading for the apartment door. Then it rose up just behind me and as I looked at it I could see it was one of the people with me in the beginning. Now he looked like a psychotic clown. He started taunting me but I can’t remember what he said I just started running. None of the other zombies had spoken to me. It seemed that he was also waiting for the queen of the zombies who wanted to kill me herself. I ran out on to the balcony and looked down. There were some paint cans stacked up below me and I thought that if I could get away till the sun came up the zombies would be dormant and I could get out of town but for now I would just have to keep running. I jumped down on to the cans of paint using them so I wouldn’t have to jump all the way to the ground and that’s when I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:28 AM. Reason: spelling

    5. #55
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      What I must become

      They were holding us hostage while they looked for something they wanted to kill. To them it was evil and dangerous. I could see three of them and they started to move our way with their arms spread out wrangling us in. I rushed forward and attacked one of them who was a vampire. I managed to injure him enough to get him out of the way but I knew it would not last long. At first I didn’t know what they were looking for but now I knew. It had started calling to me and talking to me from a corpse on the ground just behind them. They had killed him and didn’t know the thing they were looking for was in him and was still alive. I didn’t want to do it but it was the only way we could get away. I would have to put it in me. I knew it would give me power and that’s what they feared. I also knew there would be a price. I lifted the head of the corpse and turned it upwards. The flesh had started to rapidly decay. His skin was ashen and torn with pieces hanging down oozing and dripping fluids. The lips were pulled back from the teeth and the mouth was open in a silent agonized yell. Its eyes had jelled in the sockets and looked up at me with the blackness of pools of drying blood. I grabbed a pair of pliers and started probing around in its mouth looking for “it”. I could hear it talking to me; it would send flashes of what it looked like and where it was into my mind. It looked like a white patch only a few centimeters in diameter with a web like pattern. Soon I had it and I pulled it out. All this took only moments and as I move to place it in my mouth our captors, as if coming out of a state of shock, began to run at me yelling for me to stop. Then I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:29 AM. Reason: spelling

    6. #56
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      The Puzzle

      I was seeking parts of a puzzle. I don’t know what it was for but I know it was important. I think there were 4 parts to the puzzle and each part was related to a different city. Each city had a distinctive architecture that was reflected in its respective part of the puzzle. I was in the last city; it was underground and looked like something from Bioshock. That’s where a warrior who was tracking me found me. He looked like a modern version of an African warrior. I could fly and I was able to evade him for a short time. Finely he caught me and told me to give the puzzle to him and I told him no. I told him I was the keeper of “it”. He agreed but he wanted me to show it to his people. We were on a lower level of the city and the group he was with was like a band of profiteers. They were wearing ragged close and were of all different races and both men and woman. I unfolded the puzzle that now was a star pattern on a piece of cellophane. As I started to show them I looked up and saw some solders from one of the other cities. I called them to the attention of the ones I was with calling them something like “Regulars.” They had come looking for me and the puzzle as well. There were a lot of people and I use the confusion to get away in to the sewer system. It was very clean and everything was made of metal with support beams of a purple color. I got through but for some reason I needed to go back. I tried to and found that a fan had come on and was now blocking the way. Then I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:29 AM. Reason: spelling

    7. #57
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      It’s not a Game it’s a Dream (LD)

      I was riding on a bus heading in to the middle of a city. We were on a dirt road but it was one of the main routes in to the city. The streets were crowded with people walking around and with shops all along it. The shops were old and rundown but sill nice and were mostly pastel colors. The bus was an old faded pastel blue colored with rust. I was sitting on the right side looking out the window and the town around us. I was thinking how detailed it was for a video game. As I was looking out the window I started wondering how far out the programmers created the environment. So I decided to get off the bus and see. Patrick Swayze was hanging out with me on the bus and got off when I did.

      I tried to walk up a nearby stairway and ran into an invisible wall so I started back to the road. As I walked by I put my hand on the shoulder of a blond lady setting at a small round table with another blond lady. She was wearing a white dress with small yellow flowers on it. They both looked up at me quizzically as I marveled at the soft texture and warmth of the touch. I smiled at them and moved on at this point realizing that it wasn’t a game, it was a dream. The level of detail was astounding.

      The crowds continued to move about the streets, the city was alive with activity. I walked around the building and found a small café with tables outside. There was a heavy set woman sitting at one of the tables playing with a golden lighter. I looked back at Patrick who was sitting at a nearby table and said “watch this.” I walked over to the lady and put my hand out and she gave me the lighter. Then I asked her if she needed a light. She pulled out a cigarette and I started to light it and she said “Hay I use to have a lighter that looked just like that.” I was not trying to steal it from her I was just kidding around. I asked her if she had a cigarette that I could have. as she was looking for it I look at Patrick and said “I love dreams” thinking since it was just a dream smoking wasn’t goanna hurt me. For some reason before she handed me the cigarette she pulled off the filter and I took it saying “ah why did you do that.” Then I thought, as it was a dream, I would just create a filter and I began to stretch it and the filter appeared on the cigarette. The filter was a little bigger than I wanted so I mentally made it smaller. I took a drag and felt the sting of the inhale. Feeling satisfied I started walking down the road in the direction we originally were traveling. Then I woke.

      I really enjoyed just experiencing what my mind was creating. I never felt like I was going to wake up, it felt natural to know I was dreaming.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:30 AM. Reason: spelling

    8. #58
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      Flying (LD)

      I was flying, I don’t know what came before but I knew I was dreaming. I looked down and saw a wide paved road about 20 feet below me. The road had people walking on it but no cars. I looked at my hand to stabilize the dream and it worked as always. I decided to fly higher and was a little worried because I’ve had some problems in the past controlling my flying in lucid dreams but this time I did not. The control of my flight was emotional in nature. That’s the best way I can describe it. It’s like it had some kind of emotional feel to it that would change the way and height of my flight. As I rose higher in the air I began to think that I had fallen asleep at work so I decided to wake myself up just in case. I closed my eyes and let myself fall backwards. I could feel the acceleration in my stomach as I fell and then I landed in the waking world lying in my bed. I did some state checks just to make sure it was not a false awakening and it was not. I was happy I had another lucid dream but a little sad I woke myself for no reason but still happy because this was the first time I intentionally woke myself from a dream.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:30 AM. Reason: spelling

    9. #59
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      The Message

      I was the villain, I was sent as a warning to all those in the community who did not submit to our will, especially those who ruled. I walked among the crowds of people unnoticed for who and what I was. Smiling as I walked among them knowing I could end them all if I wanted to. I moved along till I found my way to the center of the building where the leaders were. Then I stood unnaturally still looking at them waiting for them to see me. They would know me, and they would fear me, they would know what I could do.

      The crowd moved about me in a blur compared to my stillness. I stood watching them till I caught one of the leader’s eyes. Shock and fear registering on her face, now they would know, I smiled sadistically and began moving again becoming part of the crowd. Flowing with it obscured by it, I could feel my power rising ready to strike.

      I came to a crossroads and stopped. Feeling my power surge, my pupils started to grow turning the whole of my eyes black as my power stretched out from me covering all those in sight. And like a ripple in a pond people began to fall to the ground unconscious. I had suppressed the part of their brains that let them be awake. I could have stop their brain from working completely but I was just a message letting them know what they were up against. I moved on finding another crossroad and doing the same thing. Each time I reveled in my power and smiled deeply with sinister joy. Those touched by my power would not wake for days.

      As I walked I felt no fear. I knew they could not touch me but I could feel the fatigue of using my power so much so I started heading to where I was staying. The door to my place was hidden and within, where I slept, was a safe room. The only time I was vulnerable was when I was sleeping so I took every precaution to insure my safety. As I approached the door a couple came into sight. They were going into their apartment so I moved away. I didn’t want to let anyone know where I slept.

      By now word had spread about what I had done and uneasiness settled on the community. The streets were empty as most of those unaffected by me hid in their homes and those who were out moved quickly not wanting to be in the open for to long. Be hide me I heard someone yelling my name and as I turned I saw a former friend running at me. Someone he loved had been touch by my power and he wanted revenge. I smiled at him as he ran at me and I let my power roll over him but in my drained state he only fell to the ground shaking his head. Unsteady he climbed back to his feet and started towards me again, moving slower now. I turned and started moving away thinking he could not catch me and even if he did he would not attack me from behind. I was wrong on both counts. As I walked he lunged at me but my power had the benefit of allowing me to know where all the minds where around me and I knew he was lunging. I moved to the side catching him as he missed and stumbled past me. I grabbed him around the head and now that he was this close, and I was in physical contact, he didn’t stand a chance, even in my weakened state. My power struck his mind like a black icicle diving deep into his core, shutting him down. I let his body drop limply to the floor. I didn’t kill him, as I said I was just the message, but he would not recover for a long, long time. Then I woke

      I can’t recall ever having a dream were I was so clearly the bad guy and I knew it. Usually even things I do in dreams that I could not see me doing in my waking life are justifiable and done for the greater good but in this dream I was a villain, I knew it, and I was happy about it.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-04-2009 at 12:31 AM. Reason: spelling

    10. #60
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      A World Gone Mad

      The City
      It was the last City on earth and it was confined to a large group of buildings all connected to each other closed off from the world, some towering skyscrapers, others under the sea, but all connected and sealed off from the world gone mad. The mad world had “given birth” to unholy, unnatural creatures that “lived” and seemed to exist only to kill the rest of humanity. I could feel the constant swirl of loathing that seemed to vibrate in my soul coming from the world outside. It seeped into every pore of the city like a constant threat, as if the ground and sky hated us and wanted us dead. The connected buildings pulsed with the life’s of all that lived within and with their fear. There were constant attacks on the city but mostly just mindless efforts as the ungodly creatures hurled themselves against the outer walls of the buildings in a blind and mindless attempt to kill what they were created to hate. Most the attacks were ineffective but sometimes they got through.

      Under the sea
      I was standing in a tall cylinder shaped skyscraper at the bottom of the sea. There was only one window and it was at the top of the building. It formed the roof. I was looking up when the creature attacked. It was all mouths and teeth like hundreds of giant deformed parts all sown together into a beast the size of three blue whales. Different colored and shaped mouths were attached to each other at odd angles and it gave me a feeling of utter wrongness as I looked at it. With that mindless loathing that was the outside, it smashed repeatedly into the roof. With each strike, the loathing seemed to amplify in to the confines of the giant space condensing even the air. People seemed to come unstuck, the room filled the sounds of panic and fleeing as the creatures efforts were rewarded. Giant cracks began to shoot across the glass ceiling and water started to pour through. I was near a door and quickly passed through but many were not so lucky. Doors came down sealing the building and the unlucky to their fate. I moved into an elevator and started heading up.

      In the sky
      I found myself at the very top of the tallest building. This part of the city was abandoned a long time ago. Most likely because its walls were only glass windows but for now they all seemed to be intact. Desks lay toppled over and paper was scattered across everything. It was still light outside but it was moving toward dusk. I knew I should not be here. I could be giving the outside easy access to the city but I moved to the window and looked out on the mad world. From this height, everything looked like rubble with no real image of the city that once was, it was only the emptiness of a world where we were no longer welcome. At that point, something slammed into the window. I moved quickly away but could not look away. Swarms of vampire like creatures, half my size and more bat than man, swirled in great clouds off in the distance. A few were already at the windows and they began to crashed into the glass and then fall to the ground miles below, broken and dead, only to be replaced by another from the cloud. All I remember of the creature was their legs that looked like a dogs legs and a head too small even for their size. Their bodies were gray and furry and their wings were black. There was another slam and a crash. I ducked down and covered my head. When I looked up, I could see a hole in one of the windows. I looked franticly around but the creature that had made the hole did not make it in. I knew one would and that is when I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 07-29-2009 at 08:12 AM.

    11. #61
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      No Title fits

      Stowing way
      I was traveling on a cruise ship in a cargo container on the deck. It was like it was on a truck bed with only the back wheels so the cargo container was at an angle. There was only a mat on the floor for my bed and a small box that I used as a shower. The crew was looking for someone and they came to my room and one of them came to my door and acted like I was not supposed to be there but he was involved with stowing me away. He said something to me and was looking at me through a hole in the metal wall.

      The Gang Plank
      Then I was walking along a long gang plank moving off the cruise ship with the rest of the passengers. I was talking to a girl that I knew was we moved along. Tom cruise and some lady that was with him were looking for us. I moved past them but they did not recognize us. When I was almost off the gang plank someone called out to me and ask about my hair. I turned around and was looking at myself from further back on the gang plank. I looked like the rapper ICE TEA and I was wearing a light brown leather jacket that was a partial trench coat. My hair was down past the middle of my back and I called out saying I decided to let it grow long.

      Not my complaints
      I was then on shore walking around and there was another lady from the cruise. She was complaining about something. Then she started saying that I should call to complain and she started telling me all the things I should say. I told her that she should call herself and we moved over to a pay phone. I started to show her symbols on the side of the phone and told her how they could be used to explain her complaint.

      Bathroom brake
      I was then looking for a bathroom and found one at a bank. Others were also looking for the bathroom but I made it there first. The bathroom was in a large room and all that was in there was a commode.

      The Secret Priest
      Then I was looking for a store, when I found it and went inside. I can’t remember what I did inside but after I came out and started to leave I thought about something that I needed to get and started trying to find my way back. By the time I did the store was closed and it started getting late. There were some other people outside the store and we started moving away together. Demons started to come out of the darkness. I had a staff and as the demons started to come at us I lifted it and a decretive bar flipped out of the top and formed a cross. A transparent wave of white light flashed out from the end of the staff stunning the demons. I then pointed the end of the staff at the demons and a laser shot out and hit one of them and it disintegrated. The others with me also had staffs and they started to do the same thing I had done. It was like we were a secret priest patrol that tricked the demons into revealing themselves. I shot a few more demons.

      Blessings for All Who Can Cross
      Then I was about 10 years old and riding home on a big wheel. I was with a friend, a girl I didn’t know, and an elderly lady. We came to a bridge that was cursed that didn’t go anywhere and didn’t cross anything. It was like a living thing setting in the middle of the woods and it was slowly dying. The bridge was mostly covered with scorched and cracked black wood like it had been burnt a long time ago. I was the only person who had crossed the bridge all the others who tried had died. The girl needed to cross it because by doing so she would be blessed like I had been blessed by crossing it. I was only 10 but I was very calm and confident. I had no fear and seemed to understand almost everything like someone who had been around a long time. We started across and I was swinging along the top of the bridge on vines. The elderly lady made it across with no problem but the girl was having some trouble. I went back and started encouraging her and then she managed to make it across. As we were moving across the bridge I saw some red hearts and green leaves painted at places on the bridge. I started to get excited and called down to my friend, who was still on the ground on his big wheel, that I thought the bridge was coming back to life.

      Then I woke.

    12. #62
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      When reality comes apart

      All of reality had come apart and now fragments of what was real floated in the void like oil in water. I was in a safe place when reality came apart but now I was out in it. I could jump between the fragments like pushing off the walls of a pool but while in the, void between, all I had was my momentum to carry me to the next fragment. The first piece I jumped into was a cargo ship in rough seas. The sky was dark with clouds and the ship rocked violently in huge swells and waves. There was no rain but there was a large storm approaching. I jumped off the deck of the ship and slipped into the void between. This time I was in a hallway that led to a crooked stairway and a door. On either side of the door there where lanterns lit with candles, I got the impression I was in a time before the industrial revolution. Once again I jumped away from the fragment and back into the void. This time I was concerned that I didn’t have the momentum to carry myself to the next fragment. I started to wonder what would happen to me if I got stuck in the void. Then like in answer to my thoughts a woman jumped out of one of the fragments and met me in the void. She said not to worry, that this had all happened before and would happen again. We floated together in the void now heading towards a golden glow coming from somewhere off in the distance. Then the glow started to come from everywhere, like it was the void, and it was shining through the irregularly shaped pieces of reality, more real now than they were. I knew that everything was ok and that forever didn't matter in the void. We started making love and I thought this would not be a bad way to spend forever or at least till reality started anew. Then I woke.

      Just friends
      I had a store in a mall. It was just a small shop and I think that we served sushi which is strange because I hate sushi. The store had large windows but they were frosted glass. The light from outside was lighting them but you could not see out. I was wearing a dark green traditional Japanese robe and sandals. I was trying to think of an excuse so I would not have to go to my day job but I couldn’t come up with anything. At about that time a pretty blond girl (DC) I knew and really liked walked by outside. She didn’t feel the same way about me though. We were friends but that was it. I had not told her how I felt so I decided that I would. I ran after her and when I caught up she seemed a little upset. I asked her if she had a minute that I wanted to talk to her. She agreed reluctantly and now I was afraid that it was a bad time to tell her but I was already in it. I asked her to follow me to a secret room my friend and I found near the docks. The room was like the cabin of an expensive yacht and most of it was made of an old hard wood with a thick layer of epoxy on it. I wanted to tell her here so if she rejected me at least it would be in private. That’s when I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-03-2009 at 11:09 PM. Reason: Added dream

    13. #63
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      Planes In The Parking Lot (Lucid)

      I was in a room and I realized I was dreaming. Before I knew I was dreaming the room was full of people but after I knew, I was the only one there. I started looking at the environment trying to hold myself in the dream and it seemed to work. I moved to a window and looked out. It was like I was looking through a basement window. There was an air show and I could see some planes sitting in the parking lot. I wanted to go out and take a closer look at the planes. I tapped on the window and could hear and feel the solidness of it. Then I thought since it’s a dream I would just pass through the window and that’s what I did. Once I got outside I started walking around but all the planes were gone and all that was in the parking lot were cars. I realized I was near a beach and the sun was setting just over the dunes. I started walking towards them looking at the pink and blue sky just over the crest and that’s when I woke.

    14. #64
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      Gold (Non-Lucid)

      I was in my room and two dream characters showed up a girl and guy. We stole some gold and I was hiding it and they wanted to know why it was taking so long to divide it up. There was one other person who was involved with the heist but he was not there. The girl was the one who knew I was hiding the loot and she was not supposed to tell anyone. I lied and told them that I was using electrolysis to purify the gold so the ingots would be smaller and a different shape and that it took a lot of time to do that. They seemed ok with what I told them and they said they had some more gold to add to the stash. They brought in a black duffel bag full of gold and I lifted the bed to reveal a 3 foot deep hole in the floor that, while not full, did have a lot of gold ingots in it. The ingots reminded me of ones that I had seen in a kung fu movie called “Iron Monkey.” We added the bag they brought and I asked them to leave because I was tired and wanted to take a nap they agreed and the guy said he was tired too. Then I woke

    15. #65
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      Dream Life

      Bailiwick (Non-Lucid)
      I was taking some classes at a local school and a robot named bailiwick was chasing me around the room.

      She’s in the Army Now (Non-Lucid)
      I dreamt about an Arab woman in the 30’s that lived in America. I was not a part of the dream I was just watching it. She was setting on a blue blanket, eating, while she was watching war games that the army was running. A field medic was helping a soldier injured near her but he could not understand him because the soldier was speaking Arabic. The woman got up and went over to help translate. Something happened and a tank nearby exploded and at first I thought the woman was killed. The army had a press conference and reported that she had died. However, it turned out that the army drafted her because she could speak both English and Arabic and she was working in secret.
      Time passed and she got word that her parents were dying. They had her dog so she needed to go to Africa, where they were living, to get the dog. She bought a new car that looked like a 1931 Alfa_Romeo-8C 2300.
      She got in the car a drove away, disappeared, and she was never seen again. The speculation was that aliens took her.

      Paying for it (Non-Lucid)
      I was going to by a car and went to a parking lot to check out the one I wanted. Somehow, I ended up going to the home of the people who were selling the car and we were having dinner. After dinner, I was trying to help clean up but I kept breaking things. Then I drained some water out of the sink but it turned out that the mother had dissolved some mothballs in it for some reason and it cost her lots of money. I apologized and started paying her for all the damage I was doing. I felt bad because they were a poor family but then I thought if I stayed much longer they would be pretty well off because of all the money I would have to pay them.

      Robot woman and the dumb ass (Non-Lucid)

      Robot woman
      I was not in the dream at first. There was a woman who dressed up like a robot and when to work. It turned out that the head of her robot suit looked like the building she worked in. The face of the head was like a LCD and could display anything but usually had a face that looked like lines drawn on paper. The woman went to the sixth floor where she worked and walked from one side of the building to the other where her desk was. Everyone was looking at her costume and seemed to be impressed with its detail. When she got to her desk, some of the women gathered around her and started talking. For some reason one of the women lifted her shirt and started talking about her breast. I thought about sexual harassment and decided to leave.

      Dumb ass
      I got in the elevator, it was like a glass tube only big enough for one, and pressed the button for the first floor. It started moving extremely fast and I became concerned that it would not stop but before I could really start to worry, it stopped at the ground floor. I got out and started to walk around the courtyard. There were many people in the courtyard and most seemed to be very large Irish men in kilts. I walked by one who was smoking and as I passed he flicked his cigarette and it hit me in the head. I turned around and looked at him expecting him to apologize but he just grunted and walked by me. I was about to say something but another guy flicked another cigarette at me. I looked at him and ask “way he would do such a douche bag move”. Then he and three others walked over and started to surround me so I walked further into the circle. One of the smaller guys on my right started to taunt me but I just ignored him choosing to confront the one who flicked the cigarette at me. Then the guy who taunted me tried to grab me. In one quick move I shifted into him while ducking under his arm; I put my leg in front of his and grabbed him by the arm and shoulder. I did a J step and through him letting my momentum carry be back to my original position facing the guy who flicked the cigarette. The guy I through didn’t get up. A look of shock and fear fell across the dumb ass’s face as he realized I didn’t care how big he or his friends were. That’s when I woke.
      Last edited by Muhdi; 08-19-2009 at 02:15 AM.

    16. #66
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      Peeing off the porch (Non-Lucid)

      I was staying at a house that was on stilts and was over two feet of water. I could not see land anywhere. I was standing on the back porch and had to pee so I peed in the water off the porch. There was a house just behind us, separated by a fence. While I was peeing the lady that lived there heard me and asked what I was doing. I stopped peeing and went back inside not saying anything. Later she came over and was complaining to my parents that I had peed on their house. I was in the back room and didn’t come out because I knew I would get in trouble. After the lady left I was looking out the back window and could see her getting ready for bed. I was trying not to look but my brother caught me and was teasing me about it. I just denied everything and went in my room.
      Later everyone was going to get something to eat but I didn’t want to go. After they left I started rearranging the house so I could listen to the radio. Everything had to be in just the right place or I couldn’t pick up the signal. I had just finished and started listening to the radio when my brother showed up and started moving everything around. It pissed me off so I left to go to work. Work was just outside in the water. I was working on electronics and was having some problems protecting the circuit boards. Then a sales rep showed up with an epoxy that was meant to go on a floor. I thought it would work well as a protective coating for the circuit boards and decided to try it out. I coated two boards and it worked. Then I woke.

    17. #67
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      Machine domination (non-Lucid)

      I was in a world that was taken over by machines and they required everyone be converted into machines. The world was divided in three parts with the outside, the inside, and another outside that was inside. I was part of a resistance that had a secret location and I was starting to wonder about why the machines could not find us. If they flew over us they should be able to see us and they always had patrols flying around. As I thought about it I saw a machine drone take off on a patrol. Some of the machines were human in form and were part organic. There were other machines that looked like machines but also had organic parts.

      The scene changed and I was in a room that was some kind of training room. There was an observation room with glass windows near the top of one side of the room. There was an opening in the ceiling that was used for dropping combat drones in. This was an area that was used to test humans. Only those who survived were converted into machines but no one was in the room now because most people were either dead, in hiding, or converted.

      There was another hideout that was part of the inside between the outsides. Some of those left from the machine take over were there, only a few dozen people. One of them had an adopted son that people started to think was a machine spy and they wanted me to kill him. I had just got there so I didn’t know much about what was going on or why they thought he was a machine. It turned out the people were right but I was not going to kill him because I didn’t think he knew what he was. Shortly after I got there the machines found us and rounded up all the people to start the conversion process. They seemed to think everyone was ok with getting converted. The machines did release some drones that were there to keep us in line but that was all the security they had on us. I attacked one and “killed” it. Others were shocked by what I did it was like no one thought about it till I did it. Now everyone started to attack the machines and that’s when I woke.

    18. #68
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      Two dreams (non-lucid)

      They can’t take what they can’t find

      I was an observer and was watching a family that had about eight kids. An alien ship crashed in their yard but I did not see any aliens. The family wanted to keep the ship from the government who they knew were coming for it so they started taking it apart and hiding the pieces. The hull of the ship was too big to hide so they disguised it as a club house for the kids. There was a computer system in the hull of the ship that had a woman’s voice. It said something that I could not understand. I was walking around inside the ship and there were different areas set up for each of the kids. They all had the same things in them. The one thing I remember was a green sleeping bag.

      What a cat wants

      There was a small bird the size of my thumb with a black body and red wings in a cage that had bars it could fit through. I was feeding the bird and it would jump in and out of the cage through the bars when a light brown and white striped cat came over and tried to get the bird. I was holding the cat back and it was stretching its head out as far as it could trying to reach the bird. I had my hand on the cat’s neck and it could not get any closer. Then the cat started sticking out its tong as far as it could like it was trying to at least touch it.

    19. #69
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      My litany for lucid dreams

      • I choose to remember my dreams
      • I choose to know I’m dreaming while I’m dreaming.
      • I choose to wake after each dream
      • I choose to record each dream
      • I allow myself to know I’m dream while I’m dreaming
      • I allow myself to remember my dreams
      • I’ve decided to know I’m dreaming while I’m dreaming
      • I’ve decided to remember all of my dreams
      • I will know I’m dreaming while I’m dreaming
      • I will wake after each dream
      • I will remember each dream
      • I will record each dream.
      • I am the dreamer
      • Is this a dream

    20. #70
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      Dream Life

      Three in a tub
      I was in the tub with my wife and another blond woman. I was in the middle and my wife was washing my back and I started washing the blond. I was looking at us in the tub from a perspective in front of the blond. The lady was infected with zombieism but she had not changed yet and I and my wife didn’t know it. I flashed past us having sex and now I was on my back in the tub and my wife was on top of me. I was erect and the blond was going to give me head. My vision zoomed in and as she started to put it in her mouth, I saw a stream of the virus enter me through the hole. Then the woman said something strange and ran out of the room. My wife and I looked at each other like “what” and then I woke.

      He cannot do it all
      I was in a store shopping. I asked the old man that was running the place where the dishwashing detergent was and he pointed it out to me. I started looking around for a line with the fewest people in it and found one. But it was like the old man was the only one running the store. The lady in line with me said there was no way that guy was able to run all the registers by himself. That’s about when I woke up.

      The town’s people were becoming afraid of a sickness that was spreading and they were forming groups against it. It was like a form of racism and I was going to infiltrate the group. The sickness was a form of zombism. At first my friend and I were going to spy on them. There were some towers that we were going to climb to watch what they were doing but then I was going to climb the side of a nearby mountain and watch them from there. However, before I could do that they spotted me and I had to pretend that my grandmother sent me to join the group and learn all I could. One of the guys that were there was going to question me about that because he knew my grandmother apposed what they taught. The other person was a lady in an old time dress with a bonnet. They were trying to use the Bible to promote their beliefs but I knew better. It did make me think I needed to get back into the bible so I could understand the truth.

      I was going to take the GED and so were "D" and "T". I only had one part that I was taking and that was on one sheet. "T" and "D" still finished before I even started. I was cutting the sheet into the different sections and Dee and Tammy asked me what I was doing. I told them and then I was thinking there should not be that many sections because it was just one sheet of paper. Then I started to think that I had not finished my degree because I had forgotten to take one of the courses. Then I was walking around on a collaged campus and then I woke.

    21. #71
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      Hong Kong Gangster

      I was the head of a Drug cartel living in Hong Kong. I had brought my business here from America and was setting things up. I worked with some of the other gangs in the area and was well respected by them. The legitimate front for my organization was a moving and trucking company and I also operated a tow truck company.
      I was contacted by a Hong Kong police detective about one of my moving trucks getting towed. He drove me to the area and I started talking to the tow truck driver. The police detective went over to the two movers setting in the moving truck and was talking to them. I knew the moving truck was loaded with drugs and that the detective would want to take a look inside if it got towed so I told the tow truck driver to leave. Part of the smuggling operation involved the cargo getting transferred part of the way by my towing company. When the detective came back he started asking where the other guy was. I told him it was all a mistake and that there was no problem. I was going to tell the movers to go on thinking I would need to contact them once I was away from the detective and that’s when I woke.

    22. #72
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      I was talking to a woman who was telling me that she was in trouble and that someone was after her. I told her that she should go to the police. We went and she started filling out the paper work at the police station. There was something wrong with the way she was acting and I told her that she had better not be lying about what she told me. After the police station we ended up making out and shortly after that I found out she was lying about everything. I also found out she was married. The whole thing was a joke and it was played on me. I became furious about it and told her she should go and never come around me again. It was like no one could understand why I was so angry not even me. I fumed in the dream as people kept mocking me for being so upset. Then my brother came by and told me that a doctor wanted to see me. I went to see her and she said she knew the lady and I had messed around. She acted like I was trying to hide that fact and that was why I was angry. But I freely admitted it and found that I was growing even angrier and told her that was the problem because she was married. Then the doctor and my brother told the girl to hit me thinking that would stop me from being so angry. I was blocking the girl’s attempts to hit me and then told her and her husband they didn’t know what they were doing. I told her husband what we did and because he didn’t know he became angry and hit me. At that point my anger left me and I looked at him and said I was sorry, I didn’t know she was married. It was like that was all I needed to do and I woke feeling at peace.

    23. #73
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      The Swim

      I was in the water and knew I was dreaming. I don’t remember a lot about the dream before, during, or after lucidity. I moved through the water quickly and tried to focus on staying lucid and dreaming. It only lasted a few minutes and then I woke.

      Alien Convoy

      The alien convoy moved across the bridge in the distance, I estimated the bridge was about a mile away. I didn’t know if they were coming are way but I knew we needed to hide. I didn’t see the aliens but I could remember them and what they looked like. They were tall gray with a touch of light purple. Their form was like elves with long gray hair. My brother and I were near an old house that was partly fallen down. One of the back rooms was walled off where the room behind the door had collapsed. My brother suggested we close off one of the other doors so it looked like another damaged room. We started looking for material to use. All the stuff I was finding was new looking. I found a large board but I didn’t have a saw that would work to cut it down to size. I found a hand saw but the blade had teeth that were about an inch long and I didn’t think it would work.
      Then we were in a tree looking down the road the aliens would come down. The wind was blowing the tree but are weight in it was causing it to sway more than was natural and I thought the aliens would know we were there. A boy came down the road to his house and started mowing the yard. He was using a robotic mower. After he started it I don’t know where he went but I could no longer see him. There was a gorilla in his yard that was his pet. My brother jumped out of the tree and started down the road and soon was out of sight. Then I woke.

    24. #74
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      The Growth

      It was a fungus like plant that was growing out of my rooms surfaces it was purple and dark green with tiny hairs that covered most of it. At first it was something that we were experimenting with. My brother killed off the stuff I had in my room, out of spite, so my friend and I put some of the “fungus” in his room. The stuff started spreading around the room and I noticed that parts of it were moving. One stem curled up as I watched it. I reached out and touched a cylinder like tube that was about three inches long and one inch round. In the center, there was a slit and as I touched the slit it closed around my finger like a Venus fly trap. The lashes of the trap moved like tentacles as I removed my finger, each one writhing in its own pattern. I looked around the room and now there was a large pot like mass in the middle of the room. It was about five foot tall and had two forms intertwined. The forms looked like small light green dragons each about the size of a large dog. They were not fully formed. I put my head close to one and snapped my teeth at it. It snapped back. That when I started to think there was more to the growth than I originally thought.

      The growth had spread and the people of the town were coming to kill it. I looked down the hall and saw some of the fungus covering the wall glowing bioluminescent green. The glow formed into a hellish creature, like a necromorph from Dead Space, which stepped out of the wall and ran away. I now knew that the growth was acting like a portal to another dimension.

      I looked back in the room and the growth was almost everywhere. Then a large number of the villains from Doctor Who came running in the door and were about to start attacking the growth. In the middle of the group there was a cyber man but I can’t recall the others.

      In the center of the room, two lines formed, like desks side by side from one wall to the other. Setting and the desks on both sides were robots facing one another. The ones on our side looked like Japanese samurai robots while the ones on the “growths” side looked more like traditional cyber men. There was an attack from our side and the growths cyber men and their desks started dissolving in to the floor. Doctor Who yelled for the attack to stop and ran over to the dissolving line picking up one of the cyber men’s heads. Then he was pulled through the floor into their dimension.

      I was outside and Rose Tyler was returning from somewhere. She was lying on a bed that was being lowered off a cruise ship. There was someone lying next to her and at first, I thought it was the Doctor. It turned out to be someone I did not know.

      The scene changed and I was now just an observer. I was looking at part of the growth that was in the middle of a coble road. It was a large black oddly shaped form. It started to glow as if ambers were burning inside and the rest of it turned black and crumbled in to ash. It reformed into a rectangular sheet of stone with someone laying on it. The formed rolled over and it was the Doctor. Then I woke up.

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