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    1. #26
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      Baby Kylie

      In my dream I went in to get an abortion (very random, I know) but it didn't work. About a week later I had a baby, and she was about two years old for some odd reason. I completely loved her to death, though her intelligence freaked me out. She could understand everything I was saying to her and ask complex questions. She was modeled after my cousins daughter in real life, "Kylie". Anyhow, watching her all day and night was a supreme hassle and I wondered what I'd gotten myself into. I also remember thinking how could I have ever considered abortion when she was so precious (which is odd becuase in real life I am very pro choice).

      Then in another semi-related part of the dream, I was wondering why I still got pregnant anyway. And I was poor because I am too young to keep up with a child. So I went to the company head building of the people who radiated me (Yeah, the abortion procedure was oddly some form of radiation). The elevator freaked me out really badly. I pressed the wrong button three times, but when I pressed the right one, the elevator went all the way to the top and I got butterflies in my stomach.

      When I got to the main guys office I demanded he tell me why my abortion didn't work. He said it was because he wanted me to be poor because of my descision. I said, "What sort of crazy lesson is that? Why would you want me to see that, now a child has to suffer" And he said "I dont want YOU to see anything. I wanted everyone else to see you. I wanted you to be the example. A living example for people and how they should live. If God really doesn't exist then I will FORCE his rules upon people with my science"

      It was sort of retarded, and I suspect my dream went in this direction because I've been watching too much "Fringe". So then I was walking around the town, dirty, alone (without my child, oddly). And me and a bunch of homeless people had to hand in homework (???wha). We all drew about how hard our lives were being poor and then in the end when he graded our papers he said I changed his mind because of my story. Then I woke up.


    2. #27
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      I had a bunch of dreams since I last updated.
      The weirdest was this one...

      Alternate Visions Nightmare
      I was sitting in a field of some sort, and the clarity was like a lucid dream, but I didn't know I was dreaming. Its just that my thinking was in that odd very realistic clear state and it was so realistic I was positive I was in real life, and I haven't been practicing LDing for a while, so I forgot to RC.

      I was chewing something metal, I forget what, probably the end of a pencil, and suddenly I noticed sparks in the air. Then they started coming out of the tips of my fingers, the golden flecks everywhere. I was so confused, and my only reasoning I could think of was that I'd finally cracked and was heavily hallucinating. So I decided to go to Colleens house, because when weird things happen she is the go to girl for me, we both have odd lives and she's easy to talk to about messed up stuff. So I'm walking there, and my mind was SO clear, and the dream was so vivid that I still remember the faces of everyone who passed me on the street. One guy I thought I recognized but wasn't sure. He was wearing a black touque (its a Canadian thing) and had earphones in. He looked at me too, so I was even more confused if I knew him or not. You know, like when you think "Did he look cause he's thinking if he recognizes me too? Or just because I looked at him first, I don't know" and he kept walking. There was a black guy who passed me and an old lady across the street walking, I remember everything. And I could see Colleens house at the bottom of the hill as usual. Suddenly I noticed smoke coming from somewhere, and I looked and it appeared to me coming from my arm, or my sweater on my arm. It wouldn't go away no matter if I patted it or not. I was of course perturbed. My dream synced up with real life in the way that irl I had been drinking and was dehydrated, so in my dream I stopped into a corner store thinking I still need a drink, I'm dehydrated, I need some Gatorade. I walked into the store, and the same clarity was there. I remember every drink I saw. There was sprite, cream soda, water bottles and these GIANT vats of Gatorade. They said "G3" on them, which was weird cause in real life I drank "G2" recently. I suddenly notice the smoke again, and panic and run out of the store for two seconds saying aloud, "Am I hallucinating?" composed myself, and walked back in to buy the drink. I get to the counter and I say, "Uhm, this is going to sound weird.. but can you see that long wisp of smoke coming from my arm?" She said, "... Uh...no...?" SO I bought the drink and utterly freaked out I leave the store.

      Everything was dark. There were no street lights on. There was no one in the street. It was apocalyptic. And when I looked down towards colleens building, there was only a tall, brick wall. It had a white logo on it, that said something random like "Convent" or "Corvette" or whatever, I can't entirely remember. I was mortified. I said out loud..."Did I just..step into another universe..." And the most frightening part was I couldn't tell if it was me going full out crazy and hallucinating or if the world around me was changing. Dread filled me... I looked up the street where I came and it just went on into blackness. I looked up at the dark gray sky, that looked as though dawn was just coming. Something large and white that I can't identify was tipping slowly from the middle of the sky, falling down towards me... and I woke up, in sleep paralysis. SP doesn't scare me so much anymore, and I thought someone was in my doorway but quickly realized it was an SP hallucination. My first few thoughts were Holycrapitwasadreamnoway. Definitely messed up.

      And like I said, I've been having lots of nightmares which I'm going to just chop up to stress. Another nightmare I had...


      My head fell off, or something. I picked it up, and I could see it in my hands, which makes no sense cause I had no head, but dreams are like that I guess. When I thought of moving my eyes, my face that was in my hands would move its eyes. I tried attaching it back on, but my dream was inconsistent, apparently it switched and it was only the top of my head that was cut off. Like the brain part. And I tried fitting it back on. I freaked out and was like, Mooom you need to take me to the hospital now! Dave said "Nah, they can't fix something like that. Once its off its never fixed the same again". "But, you have to..." "Just keep it on the way it is, it looks like its on pretty tight now"
      Then I woke up again.

      Another nightmare, same theme basically...

      Hair Dye
      I was in a parking lot with someone, I forget who. For some reason I had two deep gashes doing down my scalp, but I was in the middle of dying my hair red, so I worried about getting the chemicals into my wounds. So we tried leaving for a sink to rinse in, but a plethora of birds flew over head, and I mean a LOT of birds, and shat EVERYWHERE and some got in my hair and I freaked out, (This happened in real life, the bird part, that is, a while back. I think thats where the subconscious thought came from or something.) And I went inside. When I went inside I guess I forgot about the bird crap, thus in my dream it wasn't even on me anymore. I was like we HAVE to wash this out now. I looked in the mirror and it was turning blond instead of red, but parts were red. But it looked so GOOD, which is sorta hilarious but I was in a panic anyway. We started washing my hair and I woke up before getting to see how my hair really turned out after it was blow dried. I was actually like DISAPPOINTED when I woke up. . . So, it was only half a nightmare.

      I had some nice ones, last night and last week.

      Sweet Rotten Fruit
      Last week, I was in school with Josh, but he doesn't go to my school.
      I was surprised the teachers didn't care that he was there. I had my free period soon after and me and him put on rollerblades and left. But he fell, and I was like "Yeah rollerblades are pretty intense" which is odd cause thats SO not true. The I got to Colleens house, Josh was randomly not there anymore. No one was home, but she had Christmas decorations out. There were fruit in the table ensemble, but there was a large pear that was sorta rotting a bit. I bit into it anyway, which I would never do irl without cringing. But it tasted really, really good oddly. The sweetest thing in the world. I put it back because it was rotten, but the taste was so sweet I had to take another bite. I woke up.

      And last night, I dreamt such a plainly realistic, stupid, yet fun dream.

      Me, May Wong, and Maya Wright were having a drinking get together, and we were in my bedroom and for a while the dream was really normal light a real life party. We were drinking that new lychee drink, "Girl". At some point we decided to do body shots. I had to wash Mays bellybutton (fucked up, I know) but when it still grossed me out, so I couldn't do it. May was like, "Yeah, Alcohol isn't meant to go into bellybuttons" I was like "For sure" So we're almost done the alcohol when I decide to light up a smoke, but I'm drunk so I don't light it properly and burn my lip. I ran to the bathroom and put cold water on it and walked it off, decided to light up another smoke (like an idiot). Then I went to bed and May & Maya went home. I tried to go to sleep but couldn't, so I got up (It was 7:00am) and ran out and told mom, "I know this is a little fast but I really want pancakes like right now" and her and Dave were already eating pancakes, with ham through them. Dave said there were some left but ham & pancakes is disgusting so I decided against it. Woke up to Colleen saying she's going to work D=

    3. #28
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      Nightmare & Happiness Medley

      I had about 3 intense dreams last night,
      I think due to the supplements I've been taking
      (They have all the B vitamins in 100% daily dosage, enzymes and antioxidants)
      They were more vivid.

      The first one was a terrible nightmare.
      I vaguely remember seeing May's sister, and that she was pure evil. & she didn't look as hot as usual. The reason I dreamt this I'm positive, is because the night before May told me her sister tried to kill her.

      I still can't remember why at all, but there was a group of what I assume were important people after me. In fact I think one of them was her sister. I was in my own house and I KNEW they were coming for me. They were going to torture and then kill me, so I ran into my mothers room and I told her to shoot me in the head with the gun if they came in, or actually "shoot when I say to". I told her I'd rather die than go through what they were going to do. She reluctantly agreed to do it and I told her I loved her and that I had a good time and she raised me well, we hugged and she went to go off into some specific heartfelt thing but we had no time, and I had to stop her and say "I know, don't worry okay?"

      The people busted in through my door and they came into the room, we exchanged some stupid unmemorable words and I said to my mother "NOW". I remember before that thinking, am I really ready to die? Will it hurt? Will my life just repeat, will I be reincarnated, or is it absolutely nothing? But I was in the end very ready. She clicked, and nothing happened. ".....There's no bullets!?" & thats all I can remember of that dream.


      Kayla is sitting on a couch. We are watching something intense on TV. God forbid I remember what it was, but it was important. The whole time I am on this couch, I think about how much of a sadist she is (its based off of a long IRL story, but she is) We end up eating human flesh, which tastes like wild game to me instead of how I imagine it would taste---pork. I am turned off to this immediately. Caribou makes me gag. That's what it tasted like.

      Suddenly I am in a game store. Aladdin is on the television screen and I am intrigued, like the nerd I am.


      I'm in a classroom with Tyler Wheaton, & some other people. These other people (I wish my memory was better these days) went over to a table where you could make your own breakfast. They said you have to grab candy and patch it together. There was everything imaginable. I had a bowl of milk, that had Fruit Loops & Count Chocula in it. I then added caramel turtles, Coffee Crisp bars, Marshmallows, Oh Henry, Sprinkles... It was absolutely revolting, in the best way possible.

      The classroom I suddenly notice has Saining in it. Some guy behind me tells me that his friend is going to hit on her and try to pick her up. I recognize this friend as someone I've seen in real life, whom I know to be sketchy and even somewhat of a stalker. Immediately I am horrified and I get up and tell Saining the plan and I tell her to leave, the boys get involved and they're livid, angry that I would sabotage their plan. I tell them she doesn't want their attention and they insist that I can't possibly know that. I say I know her well enough to know she doesn't want creeps all over her. The creepier of the two tries to get aggressive and so me & Saining run and somehow, (because dreams have loose ends) end up in my grandmothers basement. Becky is there, and I tell her about what just happened. Somehow the creep is there as well, out of the blue. He is more docile but is still arguing with me & I am trying to keep Saining at a distance from him. Becky is wearing a headband and there are like 5 of them on a table. I pick one up and put it on for lack of somethign better to do. Alex I think is there as well, vaguely. We're all sitting down talking when I notice a small walking skeleton that freaks me out. Its jerky movements made me cringe, and suddenly a dog ate it up. In the dream suddenly there are dogs in my grandmothers basement and I do not clue in that this might be weird. I accept it completely. Another dog came out, only this one was saggy & bleeding. It took me a second to realize that it was dead, like a zombie dog. I kick it and it keeps coming back after me, either Alex, Becky or Saining stopped it, I can't remember who. Suddenly my cousin Lucinda is in the basement, feeding the dogs. I wake up.


      I woke up and heard Dave in the kitchen making a smoothie. I fell back asleep and dreamt of making rootbeer floats. I woke up very dissapointed, having no icecream or rootbeer.

      I have to stop dreaming about food.

    4. #29
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      Corpse & Cutie?

      I'm really sick right now,
      So my dreams have all been sort of broken apart.

      I was in a house, or hotel, or SOMETHING.
      Kyle was there, Jesse, May, Saeko & I think Alexandra were, too.
      I was clinging to Kyle for some reason, telling him how he grew up to be so cute, which is just weird because I haven't talked to him or even thought about him in forever. I vaguely remember there being big bolted doors, and weird creepy people who were trying to get in and we were trying to shut the doors against them.

      Cut to another scene. Me & someone vague are walking by the woods near my house. It is nightime, and we can see the faint glow of a persons leg in the dark... We go closer (suddenly its daytime out, whatever) and we can see this grey body. But oddly enough this scene was repeated twice. First when I approached the body, it pulled out a fucking flute (no kidding) and started playing some weird song to alert something, and a dog came. Then it just goes back and I'm by the body again like the first part didn't happen, only the dog is still there and the body is dead, or at least very close to death. We inspect it closer, and are mortified. There are cuts on her wrists and the back of her ankles, they're all seriously deep, purple, grey & blue... We aren't sure if she's dead or not but we take her to our trailer, which in real life doesn't exist because I don't have a trailer -_-. The trailer was right beside the apartment building I live in too, like in the middle of the street. Very weird.

      We put the body in the trailer, and the body didn't speak at all but I kept getting the immense feeling that she would be furious with me for having kept her alive. The dog is sick, dirty, and a little hostile. We take that one into the apartment, because I was thinking the body is way too dirty to put in my house. My mom sees the dog and somehow pacifies it by picking it up. Now its being nice, and I ask my mom if its okay to bring the dog in the house because of fleas or ticks or wherever that dog has been.
      We end up spending too much time inside (time that I do not remember, but I remember being frantic in my next part of the dream) and when I run outside I'm in hysterics, "Oh my God! We can't call the cops NOW the body is IN OUR TRAILER, They're gonna think we killed her!"

      There is no resolution, I just wake up. Both disappointed & relieved. Relieved that I'm not going to jail, disappointed I never find out what happens.

      Also, recently I had a DILD about jumping from rooftops to rooftops. It was so shortlived I really don't have much to say about it.
      Last edited by Yume.no.ato; 04-25-2010 at 07:57 PM.

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