Let's start just a *regular* dream tracking thread. Maybe this will encourage me to diligently work at building my recall.

September 23, 2009: All I pretty much recall is my dad setting up a TV or something in my room. He was behind the dresser plugging something in and told me to go away and quit bothering him. Later, something popped up on the television saying something along the lines of "IF YOU CAN READ THIS, YOU ARE NOT GETTING OUR SIGNAL" and it had the NBC peacock below this yellow text. The background was a blue gradient and there was smaller writing underneath the NBC peacock that I didn't make out. I remember distinctively thinking that didn't make any sense, but brushed it off. Later, I pressed some button on the set-top box and the channels changed like our old cable box. Earlier in this dream, I remember moving around a bunch of computer peripherals sitting on the dresser underneath the TV. They were mostly things like DVD burners, etc. But one I remember looked similar to the figure below. I do not know what it does or what it was.

September 24, 2009: One dream I purchased a Jeep! I don't exactly remember why but I remember wondering what my parents would think. They endlessly praised me for getting such a good price. I remember some sort of paper saying I paid about $17,000 for it. The interior of the Jeep had loooots of gauges, almost like a jet cockpit.

Attempted WILD, but didn't do a decent WBTB so consequently I was very tired and failed often. But I may have ended up inducing an extremely low-level lucid. I remember getting up out of bed, walking around the room, and counting my fingers over and over again as an RC since I make a note to do an RC after every failed WILD. The first couple times I checked, there were ten, but my left hand eventually developed another finger and I was like "wow, lucid. whatever." and didn't get very far. But it's getting there.