I can't remember anything up to this part, maybe beause I didn't get up and blink fast enough. Okay, well I was at a bus stop. It was about a few blocks down, and up a street from my real life bus stop. This boy. about the same age as me, 14, was there, getting off the bus. The whole reason I was there was because of my friend, Bryton, told me this boy was saying that he was going to beat up, and talking trash to him. When Andrew, (The Boy), got off the bus, he was dressed in a really weird layered jacket, it was a creme colored jacket. I went up to him, and pushed him down. And spat into his face. Then Bryton knocked a few blows into the fight as well. Just then, the bus driver pulled up and seen Andrew down, and Bryton kicking him.
And me, standing back watching. The bus driver must have called the police because we started running and fleeing from the area. We ran down the street, not past my normal real life bus stop, though. And at that point, the vision went from me running, I mean like in a video game where you see yourself holding the gun, and throwing a punch, I beleive its first person view, and change to third person view, and I seen myself running from behind my body, as if Bryton was behind me, and I was seeing my Zoo York jacket blowing up, into the wind, but still on my body. It then changed back to normal. We ran across the street, and up the sloped side walk that led to my old middle school. Then, I seen my ex girlfriend, Ashly, follow behind us.
We ran up to the top of the sidewalk, a little bit past the front doors of the school, we were holding our hands onto our knees, panting for air. I got up, and I think we started talking. I then woke up. The funny thing is that me and Bryton are going to see Zombie Land today, and I seen Andrew in the lunch line, and I seen Ashly in our new school for the first time in like five weeks.
Anyway, that was my dream for last night, October 3rd.