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    Thread: If you can't remember your dreams, TRY THIS!

    1. #51
      --=Dreaming N00b=-- NinjaWookiee's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      Haha love that banana smiley.
      Use this technique as a tool, like I said the results will come after some time...
      Okay, I'll give it a try some more days.

      Greetings from Germany,
      Lucid Dreams: 2
      (Sig by Xedan)

      Row, row, row your boat gently up the stream!
      Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream!

    2. #52
      Somnolent Gazer VBAnetwork's Avatar
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      The reason this works is that REM sleep works like a memory-sorter; it sweeps out useless, short-term trivia and keeps the useful, long-term memories that you need. If you do this self-evaluation of your memories in your waking hours, you'll spend less time doing it in your sleep. Of course, that means that your body will be less focused on shifting memories and more on evaluating thoughts. Since evaluating thoughts requires at least some logic, the conscious mind is more likely to wake.

    3. #53
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      Hi again, I have not recalled my dream for a week now because I have been pracctised WILD (http://www.dreamviews.com/community/...ad.php?t=94649) and I got my first WILD thanks to atkins513

      But I just realised, how important the dream recall was :S and I read through this thread and my own replies and I have not followed it -.-

      I remember that this recall method made my dreams more vivid because I were almost aware of them, I often succed MILD and DILD. But the WILD made the dream so much more realistic and I forget about this. But it will probably be easier to WILD if I have better recall and this method also made me wake up in the middle of the night and that's good for wild too.

      But it tooked to much time to write this down everyday, and actually you dont even have to save your waking day, unless you want of course.
      All you have to do is to write down or just say out loud what has happened during the day and that should work.

      Sweet Dreams!

    4. #54
      Intro To LD Grad Xiper's Avatar
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      WOW I really cant wait to try this... I stoped trying to LD 2 months ago and it killed all progress with dream recall
      Total LD's:5 Total WILDs:0
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      ***Pay it Forward! Help someone else on the forums today! ***

      Current Goals: Have a LD [x] Talk to a DC [ ] Pick up a Dream Object [ ] Get into a Fight [ ] *Fly* [ ]

    5. #55
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      sorry to reply to an old thread but it was bumped up so..

      i just wanna say thank you so much ! havnt been able to remember my dreams for days now, tried this last night and i remembered 5, more than ever! Thanks man, your method rocks!

    6. #56
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      GLAD TO HELP OMG! I am so glad that this worked to almost everyone :O

    7. #57
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      I'm loving the response to this technique, nice job MasterMind.
      This could be exactly what i'm looking for! I feel my dream recall is not doing so well at the moment so will definitely try this tonight and let you know my results. I smoke green also which doesn't help with memory all together but hopefully this method can balance that equation.
      Thanks man, peace
      The idea is to be in a constant state of leaving while always arriving.

      Life is just a ride

    8. #58
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      Good luck to you As you may have seen, it have helped others

    9. #59
      Member lucidisfree:)'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      Good luck to you As you may have seen, it have helped others
      great !! helped me alot but i used the way another person suggested just going through my day in my head

      i havent been lucid for weeks last night was atleast 3times !! and i was in full control even had time to fine tune my flying which recently has not been working

      great tecnique thats for sharing !!

    10. #60
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      Nice lucidisfree! (indeed), right now I focus in WILD before sleep the whole night with Yoga Nidra, so I only do WILD now because I really want to master that technique.
      Did you fly ? Good work
      Last edited by MasterMind; 05-05-2010 at 07:02 AM.

    11. #61
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      Quote Originally Posted by BassGear View Post
      I've have been going on a four in a row (nights) dry spell of not being able to remember any dreams..well until I read MASTERMINDS method a waking journal late last night before I went to sleep. I was able to wake up twice after dreams and remember and log two dreams!
      I used MASTERMINDS method, and wrote just over a full page of highlights of the day, and I'm back on track! I will try again tonight and report back on my results. Thanks Mastermind!
      Quote Originally Posted by BassGear View Post
      I have used this method three days in a row and have logged two dreams a night over the last three days! I would have logged three dreams last night but after making an attempt to re-enter a non-lucid dream I ended up forgetting it all together instead of writing it down right after I had it. I have been writing the events of my day just before I go to sleep, so far it's been great thanks again MASTERMIND!! What's strange to me it that I have been logging my first dream within 2 hours of going to sleep, so very early in my sleep cycle.
      Quote Originally Posted by Zerk View Post
      Mastermind, I hate writing anything down. So instead of writing down everything about my day I decided to try just reviewing it all in my mind. I've done this about 4 times today and went over everything I did in real life and Runescape in extreme detail. The longest dream i've recorded since i have started has been a little over a paragraph. After using your technique for one day here are my results. My first ever page long dream. I actually enjoyed writing it and knew a few of the characters in real life and found some signs that will probably hopefully be able to help me achieve lucidity! *note I also almost DILD which i've never done. I was only one role away. Mastermind I love your technique and am actually grateful i read it. - zerk
      Quote Originally Posted by Cosmo View Post
      sorry to reply to an old thread but it was bumped up so..

      i just wanna say thank you so much ! havnt been able to remember my dreams for days now, tried this last night and i remembered 5, more than ever! Thanks man, your method rocks!
      Quote Originally Posted by lucidisfree:) View Post
      great !! helped me alot but i used the way another person suggested just going through my day in my head

      i havent been lucid for weeks last night was atleast 3times !! and i was in full control even had time to fine tune my flying which recently has not been working

      great tecnique thats for sharing !!
      Quote Originally Posted by lschievenin View Post
      OMG. The results of the first night that i did that was fantastic.
      I prefer to write it down, cuz its easier to me delete it and make room for new toughts!

      had 2 very very very vivid dreams.
      Thanks a lot dude

      This is just incredible look at all the reults
      Last edited by MasterMind; 05-05-2010 at 08:21 PM.

    12. #62
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      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      Good luck to you As you may have seen, it have helped others
      Mastermind this is awesome!! I shall tell you my results.

      Went to bed last night and began writing my waking journal from the moment I got up to the point where I had to leave for work at 6pm (I finished writing here as it was quite late and wanted plenty of sleep to add to your technique) So I finished reviewing my day in my head.

      Next morning I woke up recalling a pretty cool dream. Afterwards I drifted in and out of sleep twice recalling two more dreams which is rare for me. So yeah, just wanted to thank you a lot for sharing the technique
      The idea is to be in a constant state of leaving while always arriving.

      Life is just a ride

    13. #63
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      Quote Originally Posted by surealization View Post
      Mastermind this is awesome!! I shall tell you my results.

      Went to bed last night and began writing my waking journal from the moment I got up to the point where I had to leave for work at 6pm (I finished writing here as it was quite late and wanted plenty of sleep to add to your technique) So I finished reviewing my day in my head.

      Next morning I woke up recalling a pretty cool dream. Afterwards I drifted in and out of sleep twice recalling two more dreams which is rare for me. So yeah, just wanted to thank you a lot for sharing the technique
      Hihi nice job surealization THIS WORKS FOR EVERYONE ! .. I hope x)

    14. #64
      Member lucidisfree:)'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      Nice lucidisfree! (indeed), right now I focus in WILD before sleep the whole night with Yoga Nidra, so I only do WILD now because I really want to master that technique.
      Did you fly ? Good work
      Yes i did fly but i think that was down to me having the time and control .. as everytime i felt me loosing the dream i would rub my hands together and spin around sorted it out everytime then i just got into the rythem and flew away

      another thing i tried was to lift a car up but first i failed then i thought im lucid anything is possible i know i can do this ive done it before and it instantly worked

      i think just telling myself i can do it works as my mind knows in the real world it would not happen

      im going to try it again tonight

      i had great recall again last night using this tecnique but did not become lucid ( i did forget a dream or 2 so may have in those )

      i will post my results tomorow

      thanks again

    15. #65
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      Try to do this EVERYTIME you get lucid, stabilize the dream until it feels like the reality and you can remember things from your waking life, then the lucid dream will be so much more fun and then it's easier to do what you have intended. And you will also remember the lucid dream like a normal memory like the waking life.
      Solaire likes this.

    16. #66
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      yes i always try to stabilize i had another few dreams last night this also worked for my friends recall

      when i was younger i was very good at lucid dreaming i had 100% control i could make things appear in my line of sight and well do anything i desired .
      i just assumed for years lucid dreaming was something everyone done untill i was about 15 and i asked someone and they didnt have a clue what i was talking about so i went home and typed in dream control and found out what it was called i was also said to have had a photographic memory from quite a few teachers at school but i dont think it works well now

    17. #67
      HWAITING~! jeonguk's Avatar
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      Oh, I shall try that! DD

    18. #68
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      Ok I am going to do a lucid dream schedule were I use all the techniques MILD, WILD, DILD, WBTB and reality checking and my remember dreams method, In one night! And I remember that this method made me recall 6+ dreams and they were vivid and I almost realised that I was dreaming everytime and I didn't had to recall the dreams the dreams were like waking life memories when I woke up! and I also remember all my awakenings during the night I woke up after each rem-cycle. I reply my results

    19. #69
      Divine Moments of Truth Astral's Avatar
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      Wow MasterMind smart technique! :]
      I'll try tomorrow I can hardly remember my day.>.>

    20. #70
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      I have to thank you for this thread and the focus you got me to put on the re stepping your day in the mind.

      I've done this now and then but never really realized that it helps whit dream recall. Now that you mentioned it here and I got to thinking back at the times when I did this for longer spells and then times when I forgot about doing it and I can correlate much better recall to the times I've been doing this.

      So I have to thank you for getting to make a good association between the two. I only before had a loose thought it helped whit long term memory on just what I have been doing in waking life not that it could improve memory overall and least on improving my dream recall.

      I see it now was really obvious and silly I missed the thought you put fourth.

    21. #71
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      I'm going to try this tonight, it's sounds like a really interesting thing to do to help recall dreams,

    22. #72
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      Quote Originally Posted by Astral View Post
      Wow MasterMind smart technique! :]
      I'll try tomorrow I can hardly remember my day.>.>
      Reply your results But have you ever thought about this? "Why remember your dreams if you don't remember your day ? " and if you remember your day you WILL remember your dreams.
      Like this thread has shown.

      Quote Originally Posted by Nighthog View Post
      I have to thank you for this thread and the focus you got me to put on the re stepping your day in the mind.

      I've done this now and then but never really realized that it helps whit dream recall. Now that you mentioned it here and I got to thinking back at the times when I did this for longer spells and then times when I forgot about doing it and I can correlate much better recall to the times I've been doing this.

      So I have to thank you for getting to make a good association between the two. I only before had a loose thought it helped whit long term memory on just what I have been doing in waking life not that it could improve memory overall and least on improving my dream recall.

      I see it now was really obvious and silly I missed the thought you put fourth.
      Glad to help I actually came up with this idea because of my friend who is writing a diary and she started to speak of her dreams, that she remember the dreams more and more and she misstaken them to be real. And she don't pracctise lucid dreaming

      Quote Originally Posted by Willowleaf View Post
      I'm going to try this tonight, it's sounds like a really interesting thing to do to help recall dreams,
      It helped me to have a lucid dream without reality checking
      But now I do reality checks because it makes it even easier.

    23. #73
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      I don't do much during the school week because of cyberschool, so writing down my day activities are usually very short. Does it matter though?

    24. #74
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      Not really.. its detail you want to pay attention to - thats what helped me the most.. just try to really get your memory going on picking minor things such as stuff people said to you etc.. plus if you don't have time to go over it all, going over it in your head before you sleep, that also sorta works.. but its not as effective as MasterMind's proper technique.

    25. #75
      Japan XeL is offline
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      I'm glad someone else is using this technique as well =)

      I've been doing this for a few months now, and it's great.
      ~XeL's DJ~
      ~Adopted by Cygnus~

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