I learned about the Ed Kelog cereal in the first lesson, which is great for two reasons! The first one being that it is helpful to have an actual scale to distinguish which level of lucidity you had/have. The second reason is that I no longer will simply think of cereal when I hear the word "Kelog"--- maybe I can impress my friends.

Ed Kelog Scale:

1/5 Slightly aware. The dreamer cannot cross the borders of the dream “script”, but is able to have mental commentary of what occurs in the dream. Control is nearly impossible.

2/5 Aware, but restricted to the dream’s script. Fortunately, the dreamer is able to use their lucidity to control minor things along the way of the plot that is set up.

3/5 Aware. Has the ability to make major alternations in the dream’s “script”, or change the dream completely. However, goals and tasks can be difficult to remember, and the dreamer will probably have vague, if any thought on their physical body.

4/5 Very aware of the dream and the physical body’s state. Has recognition of either scraps or chunks of the knowledge possessed when awake---usually related to a task or long-term goal to accomplish in the lucid dream.

5/5 Fully aware--- dream is as stabilized as waking life. Control can be increasingly difficult because the realistic environment causes us to apply the laws that govern reality to the dream.

The scale is generalized and may be edited to fit my personal description for each level once I explore lucidity and obtain a more specific description.

I also learned some neat-o terms. (thank god they are not abbreviated...I'm so sick of abbreviated terms!)

Day Residue:
Fragments or full events that occur during waking life that seep into your dreams to form a plot or setting.

The laws that manifest your dreams--- schemas can be normal or strange in comparison to reality, but your mind accepts them in dreams making it difficult for the dreamer to question it.

Faulty Logic: The reasoning for schemas or any other oddness in a dream. If schemas are viewed as accepted strangeness, faulty logic can be seen as a reinforcement of why it is accepted. Faulty logic can be either lengthy or brief explanation for events---it’s the context that wraps the odd.

False Memories: Memories that help explain the dream’s events. It contributes to faulty logic.

Ego: Creates conscious awareness; it mediates between the superego and the ID. The ego is logical, so it is “shut off” when dreaming.

Superego: Creates mental boundaries, keeping you from doing things that are socially unacceptable and taboo. The superego is logical, so it is also “shut off” when dreaming.

ID: Purely instinctual mindset; runs off of emotion and primal needs. ID is not logical, so it dominates dream life.

And last, but certainly not least, attention is vital to retaining a dream. Focus on an object, but be sure not to ignore all else. Really put your senses on maximum and feel everything with great detail. Feel alive and real!

Bite into an orange as you glide your fingers over the smooth leathery peel. Taste that strong citrus taste; savor the pulp! Notice the vibrant warm color and the texture that beholds. I love oranges. Ironically, I will post an emoticon of a banana to express how much I love oranges.

Now, I need to wake up early, so I won't get much sleep. Hopefully I will get enough to dream. If not, I'll just write up a log on my most recent dream and work off that for the assignment!