Nothing is better than power rangers. nothing.

especially Mighty Morphin Power Rangers aka the original. aka the very essence of the core of perfection aka the key to immortality (that is if the key to immortality was in fact Perfection)

And they have extremely well developed Lord Zedd, and the Red ranger, Quantrons, Tyrannodrones, dont forget Baboo..and Hexuba and Evil White Ranger Clone and Two-Headed Parrot and Wolfgang Amadeus Griller and White Terrorsaurus II and OCTOPHANTOM and the Pink Ranger Kimberely...and Goldar and Goldgoyle and Zords and etc! anyways the list is literally endless.

why has the show not won more grammys, oscars and goldenglobes?

Power Rangers even taught me to fight and battle, when I was 4!

and they even had animal/dinosaur trucks that could In Fact connect and become one large robot, they called these exceptionally devised additions to an already fine plot, Zords. Zords were prehistoric, mythical, and ninja animals. They were created by Ninjor, a wise warrior who also created the Power Coins and the Battle Borgs. Yah they keep it real..almost too real.
first they had Dinozords and then Dragonzords and then Thunderzords, Ninjazords and then Shogunzords...each zord more mathematically geniusly created.

Also the power rangers theme songs were "bitchin" pretty sure were written by The Beatles + Bob Dylan.

Here they are writing the Power Rangers Zeo Theme.

Also i think Rita Repulsa was played by Madonna...maybe.

Power rangers also come in an array of different colours, and inspired the creation of what we now call a "rainbow" and it was awsome how the black ranger was african and the yellow ranger chinese!

anyways it was a good show...anyone else like it?