I'm still a bit new around here. I've talked to some people, but I'd like to get to know more regulars around here. My favorite way of getting to know people is seeing what kind of movies they like.

So here's my Top 20.

1. Yojimbo
2. The Good The Bad And The Ugly
3. Eraserhead
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Rashomon
6. Taxi Driver
7. M
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey
9. Raging Bull
10. Casablanca
11. Le Samourai
12. Mulholland Drive
13. Once Upon A Time In America
14. Infernal Affairs Trilogy
15. In The Mood For Love
16. The Big Sleep
17. For A Few Dollars More
18. Caché
19. A Better Tomorrow
20. Spy Game