Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
I have lived outside or on the fringe of society most of my life. I lived for five years in a hollowed out redwood tree in Northern California a three day hike to the nearest road. I lived in a tent in Southern Oregon for ten years. Right now I live in a tent again in Colorado. Sometimes I get bored or tired of it and rent a house but I get sick of that real quick. I lived in a house in North Carolina. I lived outside in Hawaii and lived off the land and the sea. I have learned many survival skills and have made wild food about 50% of my diet, the other 50% being simple things like rice and beans and tea. I have lived in caves, etc.. Most of the time I didn't even have a tent and lived under fir trees or built my own shelters. I am not allergic to poison ivy or poison oak so I would build my camp in a field of poison oak so nobody would mess with my camps. This was if I was close to town. Usually I lived at least a two day hike out, except in Hawaii. In Hawaii I was too social to be a hermit. So many beautiful women to hang out with.

I am planning the best way to leave society or at least be independent from it right now. I want the best of both worlds, I want to be free to do what I want, and I want to have fun with friends. My plan is to get (or build) a 80 foot sailboat (or a fleet of them) and sail the world. There are many many many uninhabited islands that are great for living on. The coast of British Columbia in Canada comes to mind and one could spend a lifetime exploring all those islands. Plus the climate is very pretty temperate there and there are lots of wilderness to live off of, not to mention fish. Then, with a sailboat or a fleet of them, I am free to travel for free anywhere the ocean goes. I know of great places in Central America where many ex-pats live in sailboats and dock for the winter. It is its own society in a way, the sailors.

I know of many uninhabited tropical islands in Indonesia and Thailand and the Philipines, but some of these areas are dangerous because of pirates and of course the mandatory death penalty for even possessing a joint. But I know that in British Columbia I could grow all the weed I could want on those islands!!!

The only problem is that the boat I want is expensive, I want a schooner. But that won't stop me. I used to live like a hermit in the woods with the animals (I have a bunch of great stories) but now I want to sail. That is freedom. Not hiding out in the woods but traveling with the wind energy eating coconuts, pineapples and fish and pickled food. Hanging out at the helm at night holding on to the wheel with my pipe of weed looking at the trillions of stars that are visible out there.

I wouldn't even mind dying out there, maybe in a crazy storm. It is a great way to die. Of course, experienced sailors do not die in storms often. I know one women who sailed through a hurricane in the Bermuda Triangle and she thought that she was going to die, but she made it.

I want to dock at port towns and throw great parties on the boat. Maybe charge admission to non-crew. Then set sail to the next destination.

Anybody want to join my crew? PM me. Special consideration goes to people with sailing experience, chill people, and people I could trust my life with in a pinch, and people who want adventure and laid back lifestyle. Also, there will be opportunity to make money. I have a friend who brought many many pounds of Vanilla from Madagascar to France and made some great money. Also, he takes out rich tourists for a week and makes good money doing that.
Yeah this is way awesome. This has been a dream of mine for a few years now. I'm not in a good place to join you at the moment, But in a few years if your still planning it I would love to join you. Maybe not on the same boat because I would like to have my own small sailboat and trail along some times or go other places at other times.