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      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      The Ruling Elite wants Arab Spring to Fail, Who are they?

      I'm sick of hearing political bullshit like "America's interest in Israel" or Iran this, or Saudia Arabia that. Or France's interest in the middle east or Russia's or whatever!

      I don't wake up in the morning thinking "gee, I wonder how my interests in Israel are doing?". I couldn't even tell you what those interests are! I'm sure you political savvy minded people can school me on that.

      But the point I am making is I am American. I am NOT America. America is not a person. America is not a living entity. It does not have a mind. Yet for something that doesn't have a mind it boasts a lot of interests!!

      This political jargon completely distorts the truth. By using this political jargon we aren't recognizing that what we should say is "the ruling elite of America have vested interest in Israel" and so on

      Americans have falsely viewed middle easterners as religious fanatics hell bent on blowing each other up, for superficial stupid miniscule differences. WELL ARAB SPRING PROVES THAT'S ALL A LOAD OF CRAP!

      Arab Spring is:
      1. a popular movement by definition, created by and for the people
      2. cries out for true democracy
      3. liberty and human rights protected for all
      4. uses the most contemporary methodology of change - civil disobedience
      5. the first movement of its kind to use youtube, twitter, facebook and cell phones
      6. no guns
      7. no bombs
      8. no regimes
      9. zero religious fanaticism
      10. peaceful demonstrations
      11. reminded thousands of Americans of MLK

      Arab Spring has also helped to show that the ruling elite is less about religious fanaticism and absolutely about control and money, of which religious fanaticism is their tool. Arab Spring didn't just happen to Egypt and Tunisia but to every middle eastern nation you can think of. Arab Springers supported each others efforts.

      Arab Springers supported each others efforts! We are talking about people of different nations, who according to the political jargon are supposed to hate each other and see each other blown off the map. - yet here they are supporting each others efforts for true democracy-!! WWIII is a lie perpetuated by the elite.

      Arab Springers didn't just support middle eastern nations. They inspired and supported Occupy. When thousands of Americans witnessed Egyptians marching down the street we asked "why the hell aren't we doing the same thing? Arent we the original marchers?" The amazing turn out for Occupy was absolutely inspired by Arab Spring.

      Arab Springers used the social media to connect with Occupy members and vice versa. Arab Springers started to hold up Occupy signs in solidarity. Why is that important? It is. Because it means the ideologies of Arab Spring is the same as Occupy. CONTEMPORARY and having nothing to do with religious fanaticism.

      And it also meant people every where want the same damn thing, they just want to live their lives.

      Think on it.

      What if Arab Spring was a huge success for the entire middle east? What if they got their democracy? Their civil rights? Were talking genuine peace for the entire region. And its reverberating effects across the entire world.

      But less than a year into Arab Spring and the media was already trying to convince you its a failure. They called it slow and lagging, they questioned the end goals or how "normal" people could set up a democracy, IMPOSSIBLE. They predicted horrible futures, civil wars, failed states. Rarely was anyone brave enough to say "they will succeed"

      Yet there wasn't a single person on the planet who predicted Arab Spring. So how can anyone safely predict what would happen?

      Looking back on it, I have suspicions that the media wants to everyone to believe Arab Spring is a FAILURE. Think about the consequences. If Arab Spring fails, then people everywhere lose hope - or go about their lives in apathy. If Arab Spring succeeds then people everywhere believe in change and facilitate it.

      Already now they are blaming "Syria" for ruining Arab Spring. Absolutely, whats happening in Syria is horrible and far from what any peaceful demonstrator wants. But once again we are falling into political jargon. By saying "Syria", who are we blaming for the failure of Arab Spring? Because if you just say "Syria" then you are blaming the people.

      We need to be truthful. We need to say the "ruling elite" are ruining Arab Spring.

      The picture becomes ever clearer. Clearly, the ruling elite have every vested interest in Arab Spring failing. The question is, is the ruling elite of Syria isolated to Syria?? Or do they have connections everywhere in the middle east-and beyond?

      Why is that important? Because supposedly there's evidence that some one is helping the ruling elite of Syria ruin Arab Spring (the latest chemical attacks). Who benefits if Arab Spring fails?

      And lastly, we need to never forget that Syria is a part of Arab Spring. Already people are using words like "civil war" to describe the situation. Which brings up of an image of two armies within a nation, both heavily armed.

      But this is far from the truth of how it all started. Syrians, as a part of Arab Spring utilized civil disobedience, or peaceful protesting. Innocent unarmed civilians were slaughtered, thats not my definition of a civil war. That's my definition of terrorism.

    2. #2
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Who is 'the ruling elite'? What are they ruling? Not America, presumably, which looks like it may soon take action to defend the Syrian people from their Government.

    3. #3
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
      Who is 'the ruling elite'? What are they ruling? Not America, presumably, which looks like it may soon take action to defend the Syrian people from their Government.
      Well for one, we can look at the media. Because they are always lying or distorting the truth.

      The media is making a circus out of this latest chemical attack. People are so confused and transfixed by the media that they are actually agreeing with the most ludicrous of claims - that the chemical attack was by the hands of the Syrian protestors themselves!

      The claim being suggested by some is the protesters went chemical to force American intervention. Do you realize how insane this claim is? That is no different than saying Occupy Oakland tossed tear gas on themselves to frame the cops. Except a million times worse because we are talking about actual unarmed civilians dying.

      Even worse is I'm starting to hear people say crap like "assad is a good guy" and america is a bully for even thinking they should go military on him. aldjakjajfaljflafl!! NOO! He is a murderer! He has been murdering his own civilians FOR YEARS for simply being political opposition. This new chemical attack isn't all that new in the grand scheme of murders done in the name of Assad.

      People are so convinced that Assad is wiped clean of guilt. This to me is an escapist point of view. If Assad is innocent of these attacks then intervention isn't necessary. Thats the fairy tale people want to hold onto.

      Based on his past actions clearly Assad doesn't care to murder off the opposition, be it unarmed protesters. Clearly he knows this kind of chemical attack is off limits for any legit president. Clearly he does not want UN or US intervention. Therefore people have logically concluded that he's completely innocent. As if! Its way to easy for a bad politician to hire someone outside his cabinet/regime to do the dirty work. And even if that hired hand is caught, like magic there's no evidence against Assad!

      And if it wasn't Assad, then it was the CIA.

      Clearly Americans are terrified of another war. Rightfully so.

      But its one thing to be cautious of entering a war under a false flag, its another to turn a blind eye and pretend a murderer isnt a murderer.

      Look at how Assad approaches the media, he's victimizing himself! Making America look like a bully. Look at the media, look how every other Syria topic is actually about Obama. Obama this Obama that. Clearly, some one wants to distract you while innocent unarmed civilians are murdered.

      I am seeing a different situation develop - the complete opposite scenario than most are expecting. If unarmed civilians are being killed by its own so called government, then intervention of some kind is actually justified according to what the UN stands for. Therefore, intervention on behalf of Syria is actually justified - and has been since at least 2011!!!!

      However, if the media frames that this war is UNJUSTIFIED than suddenly Russia has the right to counter attack and world is magically tossed into greater chaos. This is an unholy mess. And no, I am not saying that US strikes will solve anything. But its still a problem if the world collectively does nothing. The greatest thing that we can do for Syria is to publicly admit that Assad that lost his legitimacy as a President. And we dont need to send strikes to send that message.

    4. #4
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      You realise you're claiming that the White House wants to protect the Syrians and "the media" wants to abandon them? So... you're saying the ruling elite... don't have control of the American government.

    5. #5
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
      You realise you're claiming that the White House wants to protect the Syrians and "the media" wants to abandon them? So... you're saying the ruling elite... don't have control of the American government.
      That's not what I'm saying. I am making speculation based on a disturbing growing trend, that the media is making a circus out of these events. All these talks are about Assad, Obama blah blah. All of these discussions pull away from the simple horrible truth that a mass number of innocent people were gassed.

      If the media rephrases the scenario as "innocent people were gassed, what will the world do?" suddenly people would think of the situation as something different. Something that reminds them of WWII when Jews were gassed. Innocent people who are unable to save themselves. If the media maintained its focus on that then people wouldn't be protesting in the streets against this war. They would be protesting the UN (not the US) to do something, save them.

      The media really has that kind of power over diplomacy.

      But the media is less focused on what we do know to be true (innocent people were gassed) and would rather focus more on the sketchy details, whether Assad is a bad guy, whether Obama is a capable president, blah blah blah.

      Meanwhile, more innocent unarmed people are going to die. It always worries me when I feel the media is trying to focus your attention else where. See this, not that. Feel this, not that.

      Am I saying that the media is telling us to abandon the Syria people? No, because as far as the media is concerned America is going to war no matter what.

      And all I know is that it is the benefit of the elite that America goes to war, preferably a long, drawn out sketchy war with no clear end in sight.

    6. #6
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Perhaps it'd do you some good to actually listen to some of what the media are saying. It is not as simple as "innocent Syrians were gassed by the government". That would be the concerning conduct, if they did what you suggest. It's totally partial. It is not known for sure what happened. The UN investigators haven't weighed in. The Americans haven't provided any physical evidence that it was the Syrian government who perpetrated this. The Russians have made a reasoned argument that the rebels did it. I imagine this isn't true, but I definitely don't know for certain.


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