What is the rest of the world suppose to do about the deteriorating nuclear waste piles of Russia?
I can't remember the staggering numbers to which it costs just to maintain a stockpile of nuclear weapons.
Now that there economy has gone to the way side and the politics are all screwed up, the nuclear scientist are abandoning Russia to get payed by third world countries.
Russia seems too arrogant to let the UN in and desecrate anything related to nuclear proliferation. Probably because they have so much to hide. Just like it came to light that Iraq owed them billions in oil. Gee, I wonder why they did not want a war?

The last I remember the USA had over 10,000 stockpiled. But at least we maintain them and account for heavy water and plutonium that seems to come up missing.
2002 Russia I think was under 10, 000. like in the 8000 range.

This is from memory. SO please correct any info that is inaccurate.

What other countries have nuclear powers?
Russia - USA. North Korea - China - Pakistan - Great Britain. Who else?