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    1. #1
      Member OneRyt's Avatar
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      To start, there are planets in existence right now, which revolve around
      their sun about 100-124 ish times in one earth day. Theorizing that some
      form of life has adapted and started living on a planet like that, they
      would have a much more advanced concept of dimensions, speed, distance etc.
      (basically they'd be superior to us by far)

      Let's assume that these "aliens" are able to travel EXTREME distances in
      space (even get to earth)... what would they be like? Well... seeing as how
      their bodies had adapted to the strong gravity etc. it's entirely likely
      (Quantum physics here) that they would be completely invisible to our
      naked eye.

      Now, assuming reincarnation were true, and you reincarnated into one
      of these beings, and were somehow able to remember your previous life,
      would you return to earth to see all of your friends and family,
      knowing theycouldn't see you?

      And if all this theoretical were true, are there friends and family
      who have already done so, and are with us now?

      Thought of this the other night while stoned... >_<

      I DO plan on researching this in depth, and proposing things to people... so bugger off.

      "Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow." - Lawrence Clark Powell

      "Many people destroy themselves over what they are not, rather then marvel over what they could be." - OneRyt

    2. #2
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      Ah... very theoretical there.

      Why would a life form that has adapted to life on a planet with a very fast orbit be superiour?

    3. #3
      Member becomingagodo's Avatar
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      Ah... very theoretical there.

      Why would a life form that has adapted to life on a planet with a very fast orbit be superiour? [/b]
      it wouldnt.
      what would they be like? Well... seeing as how
      their bodies had adapted to the strong gravity etc. it&#39;s entirely likely
      (Quantum physics here) that they would be completely invisible to our
      naked eye. [/b]
      gravity is determined by mass of object not it speed. how would being faster make you invisible unless you run at the speed of light which is impossible quantum and einstein physics if you our made out of mass particle. plus if you were truly invisible your eye would be invisible so light could not be absorbed by your eye they will pass straight through you.

      you gave me the idea for another topic thanks

    4. #4
      Member OneRyt's Avatar
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      It would be revolving around it&#39;s sun at a much quicker pace, which adds way more velocity, way more pressure, and much more energy in general. If a species could adapt to the pressure involved, it would definitely have advantages... It&#39;s like when you go UP really fast... you feel the pressure pulling you down... (elevator)

      I&#39;m not saying they&#39;d BE invisible, they just exist in another kind of dimension we are un-aware of, due to our environment, and what we CAN be aware of.

      http://youtube.com/watch?v=BWyTxCsIXE4 <<< i.e. that.

      same concept... except this is movement in every direction.

      edit: don&#39;t pretend humans know everything about physics... everything we KNOW about quantum physics (in this aspect) is all theoretical.

      so in response to him saying "it wouldn&#39;t" so bluntly... he&#39;s naive. (no offence meant)

      edit2: compare the circle in this video&#39;s reaction to Dr. Quantum, with humans reactions to ghosts... Now think about the theoretical proposed...

      also... (I keep thinking of more to add >_<) OUR gravity is determined by our mass of object... at such speeds, it could be ENTIRELY different...

      "Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow." - Lawrence Clark Powell

      "Many people destroy themselves over what they are not, rather then marvel over what they could be." - OneRyt

    5. #5
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      Kind of OT, but I want to meet creatures from the fourth dimension.

      Also, I don&#39;t really understand how the pressure would be greater if the planet revolves faster around the sun. I mean...there&#39;s no centrifugal force? It&#39;s space? I don&#39;t pretend to know anything about this, I&#39;ve studied humanist subjects for the last four years

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    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by becomingagodo View Post
      it wouldnt.

      gravity is determined by mass of object not it speed. how would being faster make you invisible unless you run at the speed of light which is impossible quantum and einstein physics if you our made out of mass particle. plus if you were truly invisible your eye would be invisible so light could not be absorbed by your eye they will pass straight through you.

      you gave me the idea for another topic thanks
      Most of the extra-solar planets we&#39;ve discovered so far are hot-Jupiters, or massive Jupiter like stars in extremely short orbits. So it is very possible for a planet to have 2-3 times the mass of Jupiter and be very close to its parent star.

      I guess it&#39;s possible for them to be invisible to us, for example if they were made out of time (whatever time particles are) or dark-energy etc etc. They&#39;d also be a lot more powerful than us. Great idea to think about, but you&#39;d need a lot of education to get anywhere with that.

    7. #7
      Member OneRyt's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Squall View Post
      Most of the extra-solar planets we&#39;ve discovered so far are hot-Jupiters, or massive Jupiter like stars in extremely short orbits. So it is very possible for a planet to have 2-3 times the mass of Jupiter and be very close to its parent star.

      I guess it&#39;s possible for them to be invisible to us, for example if they were made out of time (whatever time particles are) or dark-energy etc etc. They&#39;d also be a lot more powerful than us. Great idea to think about, but you&#39;d need a lot of education to get anywhere with that.

      Screw education&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
      Albert Einstein didn&#39;t need anything further then elementary school, and he discovered Quantum Physics...

      Sorry, I just hate today&#39;s age with their bulloney education. (It REALLY sucks)

      "Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow." - Lawrence Clark Powell

      "Many people destroy themselves over what they are not, rather then marvel over what they could be." - OneRyt

    8. #8
      Member becomingagodo's Avatar
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      It would be revolving around it&#39;s sun at a much quicker pace, which adds way more velocity, way more pressure, and much more energy in general. If a species could adapt to the pressure involved, it would definitely have advantages... It&#39;s like when you go UP really fast... you feel the pressure pulling you down... (elevator) [/b]
      ...have the ship proceed with any speed you like, so long as the motion is uniform and not fluctuating this way and that. You will discover not the least change in all the effects named, nor could you tell from any of them whether the ship was moving or standing still.[/b]
      galieo see having something going really fast will have no effect on something if it uniform like the earth orbit around the sun. in simple terms ignoring air atmosphere only gravity effect pressue.
      Great idea to think about, but you&#39;d need a lot of education to get anywhere with that.[/b]
      actually it not their was a stupid program about the if a planet was similar to earth what would the alien be like. it just gave me the idea to write a post about triple helix.
      Albert Einstein didn&#39;t need anything further then elementary school, and he discovered Quantum Physics...[/b]
      Einstein did not discover quantum physics PAM Direc, Schrodinger did also the person who first ran double slit test thomas something. your sound more intelligent if you say william sidis he understood all of mathematics at the age 7 and when he was 2 he could speek latin, engish and russian or you could say picasso or leonardo da vinchi was the only genius i know that did not need further education ( einstein study physics at german university before being kicked out).
      Most of the extra-solar planets we&#39;ve discovered so far are hot-Jupiters, or massive Jupiter like stars in extremely short orbits. So it is very possible for a planet to have 2-3 times the mass of Jupiter and be very close to its parent star. [/b]
      the best candedate for life is a planet called blue moon or blue something i watched a program about it the planet atmosphere was so dense that blue whale flying creature could theortically be their says the team who made program.
      Kind of OT, but I want to meet creatures from the fourth dimension.

      Also, I don&#39;t really understand how the pressure would be greater if the planet revolves faster around the sun. I mean...there&#39;s no centrifugal force? It&#39;s space? I don&#39;t pretend to know anything about this, I&#39;ve studied humanist subjects for the last four year[/b]
      your correct pressure would not increase galieo above. fourth dimensional creatures it would proberly look like picasso cubist drawing to us. if their does exsist fourth dimensional creatures then we would not be able to see them all at once we just see bits of it like time whitch is four dimensional the creature if he did come here would see time happening all at once and all laws of causality(cause and effect) would be broken.

      another thought if you have seen some of esher work he draws impossible object that work two dimensionally but would not make any sense three dimension i wonder if their is a object that does the same but work in three dimension but not four. anyway off topic again their is a four dimensional rubics cube online just type it in google the hardest puzzle game ever?

    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by Meidi View Post
      Kind of OT, but I want to meet creatures from the fourth dimension.

      Well it would basicly look like a bunch of random 3D shapes. Think about a 3D ball its basicly made up of loads of 2D shapes that gets bigger and smaller, so if a 3D guy fell in a 2Ds guys universe the 2D guy would see loads of 2D shapes getting bigger and smaller as the 3D guy falls. Its more or less the same with a 4D shape and us.

      Im also so into theoretics like dimenstions and time parodoxes and junk

      Also i want someone to prove to me taht paralelle universes- meaning universes that are the same as ours but with one thing changed - are real. What i mean is saying that we make choises in life and from each choise we make a universe is created, one for if we did it and if we do not. Now i dont belive in this for many reasons, but before i say why see if you can prove them.

    10. #10
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      the best candedate for life is a planet called blue moon or blue something i watched a program about it the planet atmosphere was so dense that blue whale flying creature could theortically be their says the team who made program.[/b]
      I don&#39;t really understand the last bit of this sentence.

      fourth dimensional creatures it would proberly look like picasso cubist drawing to us. if their does exsist fourth dimensional creatures then we would not be able to see them all at once we just see bits of it like time whitch is four dimensional the creature if he did come here would see time happening all at once and all laws of causality(cause and effect) would be broken.[/b]
      I don&#39;t really think we&#39;d be able to see them at all, or at least we wouldn&#39;t recognize them. I mean, we can imagine time as a process...but we can&#39;t imagine it as a whole. Same with flatlanders, they probably can&#39;t imagine the third dimension as anything else than a process.

      Now that I think about it...if there are four dimensional creatures, they&#39;d be able to stay in one place all their lives (similar to how we stay on earth all of our lives); maybe the four-dimensional coordinates of that place is somewhere in time that happened billions of years ago? And that even though they could theoretically move freely within the fourth dimension, there might be similar restraints to it as to our third dimension.

      Not that this last part is really even that interesting to discuss, I just thought about it

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    11. #11
      Member becomingagodo's Avatar
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      there might be similar restraints to it as to our third dimension. [/b]
      their is concerning the fifth dimension. it is intresting because every higher dimensional creather would be crappy compared to the ones above them.

    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by Meidi View Post

      I don&#39;t really think we&#39;d be able to see them at all, or at least we wouldn&#39;t recognize them. I mean, we can imagine time as a process...but we can&#39;t imagine it as a whole. Same with flatlanders, they probably can&#39;t imagine the third dimension as anything else than a process.

      lol im glad you&#39;ve read Flatland lol

      Well remember that the square saw the ball as loads of circles, from small to big to small. Basicly the 4th dimension is just another direction, like 3rd dimention is the z axis and 2nd is the x and y.

      Quote Originally Posted by Meidi View Post
      Now that I think about it...if there are four dimensional creatures, they&#39;d be able to stay in one place all their lives (similar to how we stay on earth all of our lives); maybe the four-dimensional coordinates of that place is somewhere in time that happened billions of years ago? And that even though they could theoretically move freely within the fourth dimension, there might be similar restraints to it as to our third dimension.

      Exactly, well more or less. A 4D could stay in the same place (if it wanted to) but move in time freely as we can walk around. However the second bit about the billions of years ago i dont think so. And yes the fourth would have restraints to movement, it would not be able to move in the 5th dimention or above, like we cant move in the 4th or above, its all relative I love this subject dont stop talking about it&#33;

      Also i think that we dont have full access to the 3rd dimention as we can not really use the Z axis fully - we cant fly. But a 4th dimention guy would be able to walk through walls and stuff that we cant but is still on the 3rd dimention as he is not restrained by the same laws we are. he can go through Ana and Kata (out of our dimention and back in) so it would seem as it was walking through the wall but actually "stepping over" it

    13. #13
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      Quote Originally Posted by becomingagodo View Post
      their is concerning the fifth dimension. it is intresting because every higher dimensional creather would be crappy compared to the ones above them.
      Haha yep. We&#39;re in a low-quality, but fully functional dimension&#33;

      That said...I wonder how large their universe would be. It would be expanding in an additional direction&#33; I keep trying to imagine it but I can&#39;t, otherwise I&#39;d make myself fourth-dimensional in an LD That&#39;d be something to remember...

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    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by Meidi View Post

      That said...I wonder how large their universe would be. It would be expanding in an additional direction&#33; I keep trying to imagine it but I can&#39;t, otherwise I&#39;d make myself fourth-dimensional in an LD That&#39;d be something to remember...
      You may tell me to shut up if you want, im talking too much but anyway.

      I belive that we are 4 dimentional anyway -our spirits- and that our dreams are a glimps of that. Our dimention is actually 4D if you think of Flatland - they were 2D but they were still in a 3D universe - a round universe.

      Also a 5D guy&#39;s universe is just as large as it is to them as ours is to us, but i dont think its waht you were talking about.

    15. #15
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      You may tell me to shut up if you want, im talking too much but anyway.

      I belive that we are 4 dimentional anyway -our spirits- and that our dreams are a glimps of that. Our dimention is actually 4D if you think of Flatland - they were 2D but they were still in a 3D universe - a round universe.

      Also a 5D guy&#39;s universe is just as large as it is to them as ours is to us, but i dont think its waht you were talking abo [/b]
      i dont believe in that spirit rubbish. however the famous artist marcel duchamp once said we think in four dimension at the dumbest form it time itself that make us think. it essentialy the prinicple of Heraclitus if our brain cells were not constantly changing and firing then we would not be conscious it the fact we change with the fourth dimension that our brain can work theirfore we must be fourth dimension beings even if we cant concieve it.

      Haha yep. We&#39;re in a low-quality, but fully functional dimension&#33;

      That said...I wonder how large their universe would be. It would be expanding in an additional direction&#33; I keep trying to imagine it but I can&#39;t, otherwise I&#39;d make myself fourth-dimensional in an LD grin.gif That&#39;d be something to remember... [/b]
      misconception our universe will not have a wall or end point but warps back on itself or their no point when it does that the universe infinte higherdimensional universe will just be warped or infite.

      ages ago i came across a website that run by mathematician and they have a way of visualizing higherdimension here website http://www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/ke...s/4dplots.html it very interesting specially if your having trouble imaging it.

    16. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by becomingagodo View Post
      i dont believe in that spirit rubbish. [/b]

    17. #17
      I *AM* Glyphs! Achievements:
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      UCT or home - depends what time you catch me :P
      can you explain "auras" and the like to us, then?
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    18. #18
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      whos talking about auras, ah nvm cant be bothered (and dont start saying that youve won and taht i cant prove myself)

    19. #19
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      UCT or home - depends what time you catch me :P
      its in response to his post about not believing in spirits
      "There are people who say there is no God, but what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views." ~Albert Einstein

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    20. #20
      Member OneRyt's Avatar
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      I think Mark Twain said it best... (in re: to Galileo etc. being used as example)

      "It ain&#39;t what you don&#39;t know that gets you into trouble. It&#39;s what you know for sure that just ain&#39;t so." - Mark Twain

      "Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow." - Lawrence Clark Powell

      "Many people destroy themselves over what they are not, rather then marvel over what they could be." - OneRyt

    21. #21
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      I don&#39;t know who said this, but anyway:

      "Be open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brain falls out."

      Contemplating "what if&#39;s" is all very well, but it&#39;s useless unless these ideas at least attempt to conform to scientific paradigm and observable phenomena. It might seem conservative, but scientific method is the only way we can ever attain knowledge.

    22. #22
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      Aliens have allready landed on this earth, they send in a spy of their: McHammer. His endoskeleten forces him to walk like a crab, like we all know from his &#39;U can&#39;t touch this&#39; videoclip.
      “What a peculiar privilege has this little agitation of the brain which we call 'thought'” -Hume

    23. #23
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      its all clear now&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Im on to him&#33;

    24. #24
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      Quote Originally Posted by OneRyt View Post

      I DO plan on researching this in depth, and proposing things to people... so bugger off.

      I&#39;m curious as to what you&#39;re going to research to add to this.

      I&#39;d be interested in hearing anything aside from a "you can&#39;t prove me wrong" argument.
      <div align="center">[broken link removed]
      <div align="center"><span style="color:#FF9900">Ever think about the end of the world? Here is it&#39;s soundtrack.[/SIZE]</div>

    25. #25
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      Quote Originally Posted by Roller View Post
      I don&#39;t know who said this, but anyway:

      "Be open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brain falls out."

      Contemplating "what if&#39;s" is all very well, but it&#39;s useless unless these ideas at least attempt to conform to scientific paradigm and observable phenomena. It might seem conservative, but scientific method is the only way we can ever attain knowledge.

      Scientific is the ONLY way we can attain knowledge&#33; PAH&#33; A pox on pure science&#33; We&#39;ll move beyond the day of science one day, and look back saying "Why the hell did we care about all those details again? ..."

      Philosophy > science

      "Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow." - Lawrence Clark Powell

      "Many people destroy themselves over what they are not, rather then marvel over what they could be." - OneRyt

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