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    1. #1
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      What's all the buzz about the disappearing bees?

      This topic appearing in the upcoming M. Night Shyamalan and Mark Wahlberg film... 'The Happening'

      60 Minutes: Why Are Honeybees Disappearing? Pt. 1
      60 Minutes: Why Are Honeybees Disappearing? Pt. 2

      Coast to Coast interview with Richard C. Hoagland 'The Bees' Needs' Pt. 1; Pt. 2; Pt. 3; Pt. 4; Pt. 5; Pt. 6; Pt. 7; Pt. 8; Pt. 9; Pt. 10; Pt. 11; Pt. 12

      Disappearing Bee Theories
      Why are the bees disappearing? Nobody seems to know. Here are some of the theories being debated about the reason for disappearing bees.

      It was earlier this year, during spring that news agencies first began reporting about a worrisome phenomenon about beekeepers going to their hives and discovering that their bees had vanished. Sometimes, all that remained were the queen bee and a few hatchling bees. The puzzling thing was that the beekeepers did not find any evidence of the usual predators of bees, such as wasps and animals that like honey. Neither did they find any trace of large numbers of dead bees nor any sign of bee diseases such as foulbrood or chalkbrood, which the developing larvae of bees usually fall prey to, nor was there any evidence of any of the mite species that attack fully grown or developing bees. Hence, on the basis of this evidence, it was surmised that the bees couldn’t have died of any sickness or predator attack. Plus, many of the beekeepers also reported that other bees, animals and moths stayed away from the newly abandoned nests, at least for the initial few days. From past experience, this phenomenon has been known to happen when bees have died of chemical contamination or disease.

      Why Should Disappearing Bees Cause Concern?

      Well, arguably, the honeybee, which is the species of bees that is disappearing, is the insect that is the most important for the human food chain. The reason being, that this species is the main pollinator of hundreds of types of food crops, nuts, flowers, vegetables and fruits. Hence, it was no surprise that many, including scientists, found the news reports of disappearing bees alarming. In fact, some of the articles even suggested that it could even result in widespread starvation. Some of them also quoted Albert Einstein, who is supposed to have said that if the world’s bees were to perish, humanity would too within four years, due to the absence of pollinators. Although it is highly improbable that Einstein had ever made this now-infamous statement about bees, however, Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD, which is the phrase that has been coined for the disappearance of bees, is a phenomenon that is real. And, according to scientists, it does have the potential of impacting honey and food production dramatically. Hence, there are a number of theories being bandied about in an effort to fathom the reason for disappearing bees. Given below are some of the disappearing bee theories that are being debated about:

      Could Stress and Diet be the reason for Disappearing Bees?

      In recent years, honeybees have been undergoing great stress as an increasing number of beekeepers have taken recourse to filling up huge trucks with them and crisscrossing all over the country seeking pollination work. These bees may be suffering from the effects of an unhealthy diet that includes concoctions that are similar to power bars and energy drinks, basically made up of artificial supplements. In a number of states, the spread of sprawling suburbs has severely impinged on the natural forage areas of the bees.

      Some say Radiation from Mobile Phones is the Culprit for Bees Disappearing

      Some researchers are of the opinion that bee populations may be adversely affected by the rise in electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere due to the increasing numbers of wireless communication towers and mobile phones. The hypothesis is that the radiation from these devices may interfere with the bees’ systems of navigation, thus hindering their ability to find their way back to their nests. Some studies found that when mobile phones were placed near their hives, bees would not come back there. Further studies are underway at present to find out to what extent bees and other insects are affected by this kind of radiation.

      Could Bees be Disappearing due to Pesticides and Genetically Modified Food?

      Many think that the growing use of chemical herbicides and pesticides, which are ingested by bees when they make their daily pollination forays, are to blame greatly. Beehives that are kept for commercial purposes are also fumigated regularly with chemicals to get rid of harmful mites. Genetically modified crops, which could be producing pollen with poor nutritional value, is another suspect thought to be responsible for bees disappearing.

      Perhaps a combination of both, pollen from genetically modified crops and chemicals, may have tipped the balance leading to the collapse of bee populations. This theory is lent credence by the fact that organically raised bees, which are not subjected to genetically modified crops and chemicals, are not undergoing the Colony Collapse Disorder that the other bees are experiencing.

      Or is Global Warming the Reason Bees are Disappearing?

      Scientists are also wondering whether global warming could be accelerating the growth rates of pathogens like fungi, viruses and mites, which are known to adversely affect bee colonies. The unusual fluctuations in weather patterns, which are also thought to be caused by global warming, could also be affecting bee populations, which are used to more consistent patterns of weather.

      Although there are a number of disappearing bee theories like these, scientists are still searching for the cause. Even though there was no consensus amongst leading bee biologists when they gathered together to discuss the mystery recently, most were of the opinion that it could be a combination of factors that could be the reason. Hence, the next time you spot a busy bee buzzing about its business, stop and marvel at this little creature, thanking it for the marvelous task it accomplishes – for, if the trend of them disappearing continues, you may not see them around any more. [SOURCE]

      Ideas? Thoughts?

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    2. #2
      Haha. Hehe. Achievements:
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      Yeah I heard of this for the first time a few months ago. It's interesting how something like bees is so significant and suddenly so threatened... I hope they decide on the actual cause soon.

    3. #3
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      real question is, where did they go? to the wild flowers where no human can bother them?

    4. #4
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      The coast to coast interview came up with an interesting theory which links it to the vibrational frequency of the bees, and geometry of their honey combs which more acutely pick up resonance changes.

      Putting the idea out there that this might be signs of the cymatics of our planet changing.

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    5. #5
      Cosmic Citizen ExoByte's Avatar
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      Sadly, its not just bees. Its species of insects and animals all over the globe. Its almost unanimously agreed that we're in the next Great Extinction cycle, largest since the time of the dinosaurs.

      Here's an interesting page on the subject. There are hundreds and hundreds of links at the bottom of the page, to reports of animals and insects 'vanishing.' It's insane.
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    6. #6
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      Maybe their vibrational frequencies are more acutely attuned to the resonance of the planet, and they just found their small window to pop up to a higher dimension, and as we reach the years leading up to 2012 other acutely attuned species may start to seemingly pop out of existence as they reach their frequencies, as well? That would be cool, but it's just a guess.

      Who knows? It's quite interesting either way, though.
      Last edited by Cyclic13; 03-28-2008 at 05:25 AM.

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    7. #7
      Member nina's Avatar
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      Very interesting. I'm also a huge M. Night Shyamalan fan...so I look forward to seeing that movie. =)

    8. #8
      Haha. Hehe. Achievements:
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      So long, and thanks for all the fish!

    9. #9
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      I love M. Night Shyamalan to bits, but this looks really, really cheesy. I hope some originality has gone into it.

    10. #10
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      Gee, I wonder why M. Night Shyamalan chose Friday the 13th to release the movie?

      It's time for some quick off-topic synchromysicism trivia:

      Did you know that in numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve tribes of Israel etc., whereas the number thirteen was considered irregular transgressing this completeness?

      Did you also know that the day before the end of the 13th mayan circular cycle of time falls on Friday Dec 20th, 2012?

      "For the Mayans, everything is numbers and the time of the 13 sacred numbers started in August 1999. They predicted that along with the eclipse, the forces of nature would act like a catalyst of changes so accelerated and with such magnitude that mankind would be powerless against them. Also, that our technologies in which we rely on so much would begin to fail us. We would no longer be able to learn from our civilization in the way that we are organized as a society. They said that our internal, spiritual development would require a better place along with a better way to interact with more respect and compassion."Taken from here

      Did you know that Friday in Japanese directly translates to Golden day, and Saturday is Earth day?

      The kanji for earth also happens to look like a cross sticking out of the ground. The southern crux which the sun comes up under on the Saturday it aligns with the galactic center on the winter solstice on Dec. 21, 2012, perhaps?


      Also, obviously Saturday is a derivative of the planet Saturn, which ancient people worshiped due to it's active role in the cosmic changes. The end of that Mayan cycle also happens to be on Saturday, Dec. 21 2012. Not to mention, The time right around the winter solstice which was celebrated by pagans was called Saturnalia.

      Cymatics on Saturn

      Saturn's Strange Hot Spot

      And to tie this to this all back to bees!?!

      Look a bees honeycomb shape compared to cymatics on saturn...

      Wheee... some more seemingly random synchromysicism connections...

      Did you know the japanese car company "SUBARU" is a Japanese word meaning "unite." It is also a term identifying the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation Taurus that includes six stars visible to the average eye. According to Greek mythology, Atlas' daughters turned into this group of stars?

      "Associations made with the movement of the stars of the Pleiades is that of time-keeping. There have many calendar systems that utilize the positions of the Pleiades, agriculturally and sacred. The pyramid and temple complex of Teotihuacan, near Mexico City, is oriented to where the Pleiades set along the horizon.

      Temples in Greece and Ancient Egypt were oriented to these stars. The Great Pyramid at Giza had been
      built in alignment with the Pleiades. Temples, stone circles and other rock formations in Polynesia and
      many other places on the planet show Pleiadian alignments. Every 52 years in the Mayan civilization
      the Pleiades would pass directly overhead of major ceremonial centers, such as Tikal and Palenque.
      Chich&#233;n Itz&#225; was "reactivated" by the Quetzalcoatl. At that time, Pleiades passed directly
      over this site, and the star called Maia, was directly over the zenith of Chich&#233;n Itz&#225;. The
      influence of the Pleiades is the most heightened in May and November every year.
      This is when Pleiadian consciousness is most accessible to humanity." Taken from here

      Did you know the greek god 'Atlas' was thought to be the bearer of burdens for the world?

      Did you know the LHC at CERN in Geneva scheduled to go online in May, has it's project symbol as Atlas and named it's main part responsible for detecting the god particle 'The Atlas detector'?

      Ouroboros & the Cosmos

      "This symbol appears principally among the Gnostics and is depicted as a dragon, snake or serpent biting its own tail. It is symbolic of time and of the continuity of life. In some versions of the Ouroboros, the body is half light & half dark, alluding to the successive counterbalancing of opposing principles in the Chinese Yang-Yin symbol. Evola says that it represents the dissolution of the body, or the universal serpent which "passes through all things." The ouroboros biting its own tail is symbolic of self-fecundation, or the primitive idea of a self-sufficient Nature-- a Nature, that is, its own beginning."
      Last edited by Cyclic13; 03-28-2008 at 04:53 PM.

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    11. #11
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      And to top it all off, look what I just happened to find AFTER I finished typing all that nonsense...

      Galactic Alignment, Floyd, and The Hyperdimensional Bees

      Maybe getting some royal bee jelly is worth it?

      Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of the larvae. It is secreted from the hypopharyngeal glands in the heads of young workers and used (among other substances) to feed all of the larvae in the colony, including those destined to become workers. If a queen is needed, the hatchling will receive only royal jelly - and in large quantities - as its food source for the first four days of its growth, and this rapid, early feeding triggers the development of queen morphology, including the fully developed ovaries needed to lay eggs. Some commercial royal jelly suppliers disseminate misinformation such as "Only queen larvae and adult queens are fed royal jelly"; the fact remains that all larvae in a colony are fed royal jelly, and adult bees do not consume it at all.

      Last edited by Cyclic13; 03-28-2008 at 03:43 PM.

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    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by SolSkye View Post
      Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in the nutrition of the larvae. It is secreted from the hypopharyngeal glands in the heads of young workers and used (among other substances) to feed all of the larvae in the colony, including those destined to become workers.
      Theres an awesome short story about royal jelly by Roald Dahl. I think it's Roald Dahl... Anyway, this beekeeper feeds royal jelly to his newborn baby, because she's not eating, and she turns into a bee or something like that...

    13. #13
      peaceful warrior tkdyo's Avatar
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      but friday and saturday are not special in chinese....they just say 5th day and 6th day...

      all the rest is good to read though
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    14. #14
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      In Japanese it is...

      The days of the week from Sun. to Sat. are...

      Literally translated to...

      Also, the planets kanji, in ascending order, are quite interesting as well...

      * first earth is land, second earth is soil
      Last edited by Oneironaut Zero; 03-30-2008 at 06:47 PM.

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    15. #15
      peaceful warrior tkdyo's Avatar
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      hehe, I know, but I am thinking from the stand point that, and maybe this information is false, chinese is to pacific asia as latin was to europe, in that several languages are based off of it including japanese. So it would be a more amazing coincidence if chinese had something like that too.

      ps, if you could direct me to some software so that I can type chinese and japanese on my comp that would be sweet
      Last edited by tkdyo; 03-28-2008 at 04:18 PM.
      <img src=http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q50/mckellion/Bleachsiggreen2.jpg border=0 alt= />

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    16. #16
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      I bought my laptop here in Japan so it comes with Japanese language support. I just take pictures of what I write using the mac's shift+cmd '4' crop ability and post the image for all to see. If I don't do that, I think people need to have language support to see it.

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    17. #17
      peaceful warrior tkdyo's Avatar
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      I do have the language support to read chinese and japanese text. but I guess I should ask my chinese teacher if she knows of any programs, cause I cant find any, haha
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    18. #18
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      When I was in America I used NJ star... I think it's a free shareware for PC.



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    19. #19
      peaceful warrior tkdyo's Avatar
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      lol, buzzzzzzz....so, scientists might start genetically engineering plants so that they can procreate themselves, do you think that is a good thing to do?
      Last edited by tkdyo; 03-28-2008 at 04:55 PM.
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    20. #20
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      Quote Originally Posted by Pensive Patrick View Post
      Theres an awesome short story about royal jelly by Roald Dahl. I think it's Roald Dahl... Anyway, this beekeeper feeds royal jelly to his newborn baby, because she's not eating, and she turns into a bee or something like that...
      Is that the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory guy? I think I missed that story..

      The kind of bees that are dying off aren't native to North America anyway. It was an unnatural existence to start with.

      What ever happened to killer bees and fire ants, anyway? Are we still plagued by them? I moved north to escape them, and so far it's working.

    21. #21
      Beyond the Poles Cyclic13's Avatar
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      I think the answer lies in the focusing of the vibrations in those cymatically shaped hexagons found in nature...


      A beehive honeycomb

      The scutes of a turtle's carapace

      North polar hexagonal cloud feature on Saturn, discovered by Voyager 1 and confirmed in 2006 by Cassini

      Micrograph of a snowflake

      Crystal structure of a molecular hexagon composed of hexagonal aromatic rings reported by M&#252;llen and coworkers in Chem. Eur. J., 2000, 1834-1839.

      Naturally formed basalt columns from Giant's Causeway in Ireland; large masses must cool slowly to form a polygonal fracture pattern

      An aerial view of Fort Jefferson in Dry Tortugas National Park

      The James Webb Space Telescope mirror is composed of 18 hexagonal segments.
      Last edited by Cyclic13; 03-28-2008 at 06:37 PM.

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    22. #22
      Haha. Hehe. Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by tkdyo View Post
      but friday and saturday are not special in chinese....they just say 5th day and 6th day...

      all the rest is good to read though
      Not just Fri and Sat, but all the rest of the days as well... except Sunday. It's all very silly.

    23. #23
      Member Scatterbrain's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by tkdyo View Post
      ps, if you could direct me to some software so that I can type chinese and japanese on my comp that would be sweet
      If you use windows: http://www.declan-software.com/japanese_ime/#XPinstall

      It's basically the same process for chinese.

      In linux I use SCIM which comes with ubuntu by default but there's probably others.

    24. #24
      peaceful warrior tkdyo's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mes Tarrant View Post
      Not just Fri and Sat, but all the rest of the days as well... except Sunday. It's all very silly.
      haha, yes, this is true. have you taken a basic chinese course? I think this language is a lot of fun, dont even have to conjugate verbs!!!

      edit, thanks scatterbrain, I will try it!
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    25. #25
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      I think the answer lies in the focusing of the vibrations in those cymatically shaped hexagons found in nature...
      I hope that's a joke... hexagons don't tend to 'vibrate'.

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