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    Thread: The Official Dreamviews Fit Club

    1. #351
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Big Village, North America
      Name (Username suffices): grasshoppa
      Current buddy (if applicable):
      Want a buddy?: If anyone wants to pair up with me it's cool
      Cheat Day (Optional): one day on the weekend if i need it.
      Physical Goals: improve cardio condition
      Days you'll exercise: pretty much every day
      Cardio Routine: trail running walk/run, Tai Chi. Hoping to pick up swimming and biking soon.
      Weight Routine: none atm. trying to focus on cardio now. I used to only do weight lifting, but I want to focus on health first, rather than aesthetics first and health second. Although, I may take up a light routine in the future.
      Current weight: 170 give or take
      Why are you joining?

      I am joining so that way I can hold my self accountable, set goals, and learn what other people do to improve their fitness.

      Btw, ninja. I'm sorry to hear about your knee. My dad recently got knee surgery because of the intense running he has done. He never stretched much tho, and I think that is a main reason. I'm sure you already know, but stretching lubricates the joins - preventing injury. I hope you get well soon, I know what it's like to not be able to do what you love due to physical limitations.
      Last edited by grasshoppa; 05-06-2009 at 04:45 PM.

    2. #352
      Join Date
      Jan 2009

      EDIT: Doesn't seem to be working. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvbLSgWMJec
      adopted by Walms
      LDs (good ones): 8 (3)
      WILDs: 1 (1); DILDs: 4 (0); DEILDs: 3 (2)
      Dream goals: find the dream car (two-story dolly-beetle) []; use dream car to switch surroundings []; meet []; dance with []; meet personifications of different parts of my personality []; buy the damn jersey! []
      member of the Official Dreamviews Fit Club

    3. #353
      Legend Jeff777's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by mysterious dreamer View Post

      EDIT: Doesn't seem to be working. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvbLSgWMJec
      That's you in the video?
      Things are not as they seem

    4. #354
      Join Date
      Jan 2009
      Quote Originally Posted by Jeff777 View Post
      That's you in the video?
      Not yet. I just saw it today and I think I'm gonna try the excercises he recommended and we'll see in five months.
      adopted by Walms
      LDs (good ones): 8 (3)
      WILDs: 1 (1); DILDs: 4 (0); DEILDs: 3 (2)
      Dream goals: find the dream car (two-story dolly-beetle) []; use dream car to switch surroundings []; meet []; dance with []; meet personifications of different parts of my personality []; buy the damn jersey! []
      member of the Official Dreamviews Fit Club

    5. #355
      Motion Personified Alpha Achievements:
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      I am very skinny for my age, I think I just reaching the BMI level before anorexia. Obviously, this had knocked my self confidence back. I feel unable to do things such as swimming because my body is too skinny.
      I am on a regular diet and I do little exercises. I just can't put weight on.

      I am going to take a wild guess and say I need to put on muscle rather than fat?

      Well, since this topic is for fitness. I was wondering if you guess have any advice for me. I particularly want more mass on my arms, my abdomen is more or less alright for me as I am already skinny.

      Thanks Deano.

    6. #356
      Join Date
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      Big Village, North America
      Quote Originally Posted by mysterious dreamer View Post

      EDIT: Doesn't seem to be working. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvbLSgWMJec
      That is one intense workout.

      As for Mr.Deano, try increasing your protein intake to build up some weight.

    7. #357
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Quote Originally Posted by mrdeano View Post
      I am very skinny for my age, I think I just reaching the BMI level before anorexia. Obviously, this had knocked my self confidence back. I feel unable to do things such as swimming because my body is too skinny.

      Well, since this topic is for fitness. I was wondering if you guess have any advice for me. I particularly want more mass on my arms, my abdomen is more or less alright for me as I am already skinny.
      To build more muscle, make sure you're taking in enough protein for your body to use. Lean meats, nuts, beans, etc.

      And just because you're skinny doesn't mean you can't swim. If you can get a hold of them, I'd recommend picking up a pair of fins to help with kicking exercises and hand-paddles (Example)to build up arm strength and work on proper technique. It really is a full-body workout which can also help increase your lung capacity with practice. I tend to get swimmer's ear relatively easy, so if you tend to get a lot of water in your ears, invest in a good pair of ear plugs (these are the only ones which have successfully worked for me) and a product like Auro Dry which is an isopropyl alcohol-based liquid which helps dry out the water in your ears.

      That information goes for anyone considering swimming. I'm no pro, but I did swim on a team for a number of years. It's a great all-around workout if you keep up with it.

      EDIT: Oh yah, I forgot about me.

      Report: After not going to WW for two weeks and not eating well or exercising, I found I had gained back four pounds. It wasn't really that unexpected. However, yesterday when I weighed in, I found that I had lost 4.2 pounds, in part to the fact that I'm a girl. So, I'm still at 218 and feeling pretty good. My personal goal is 180; my medium-term goal is to be under 200 by the end of the year; my short-term goal to be under 210 by the time I leave for Russia. Clothes are fitting better and while I'm losing weight, I'm starting to think that I'm losing some muscle as well. I need to start exercising again so I continue losing the right kind of weight

      I've dropped back into some bad eating habits, but I'm trying to start over. Tonight wasn't so good, but tomorrow will be better. It will!
      Last edited by Amethyst Star; 05-07-2009 at 08:22 AM.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    8. #358
      Motion Personified Alpha Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Amethyst Star View Post
      To build more muscle, make sure you're taking in enough protein for your body to use. Lean meats, nuts, beans, etc.

      And just because you're skinny doesn't mean you can't swim. If you can get a hold of them, I'd recommend picking up a pair of fins to help with kicking exercises and hand-paddles (Example)to build up arm strength and work on proper technique. It really is a full-body workout which can also help increase your lung capacity with practice. I tend to get swimmer's ear relatively easy, so if you tend to get a lot of water in your ears, invest in a good pair of ear plugs (these are the only ones which have successfully worked for me) and a product like Auro Dry which is an isopropyl alcohol-based liquid which helps dry out the water in your ears.

      That information goes for anyone considering swimming. I'm no pro, but I did swim on a team for a number of years. It's a great all-around workout if you keep up with it.
      Thanks for the reply. I have a really good opportunity to swim for the next few months for free, I am doing a ICT course involving the local swimming center and because I am helping them they have given me a free swimming pass for me to use for the duration of the course.

      More protein and more exercise seems like the way forward. I think I might actually join this thing.

      I have some arm weights, should I start using them?
      If so, what weight do I start with?

    9. #359
      Dream Name: Papi-mami Achievements:
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      I just finished my second year college and have found myself with a lot of free time on my hands. Guess there's no better way to spend it than on bettering myself physically and improving my health

      Profile for joining

      Name :

      Current buddy : don't have one

      Want a buddy?: sure do

      Cheat Day: either thursday or friday (pizza after the club is a necessity)

      Physical Goals: improve my cardio so I can run a 10k and improve muscle strength in most parts of my body

      Days you'll exercise: depending on work schedule, i can hit the gym 1-2 a week and can do crunches, pullups/chinups, tri dips, pushups at home anytime

      Cardio Routine: go on a jog twice weekly to start around a chip trail by my soccer field

      Weight Routine: Since I only go once a week usually, I hit every muscle hard when I go cause then my body has a full week to recover

      Current weight: 141.8 lbs

      Why are you joining? I have lots of time on my hands and I need to improve my cardio and muscle strength because I plan on joining the military.

      *Note* I'm going to be very committed so anyone who needs a partner, know that I will stick with it
      -The more you want something, the less obtainable it becomes.-
      Tasks of the month completed: 3 (Bas. 3/Adv. 0)
      Lucids: 7 (DILD-7)

    10. #360
      Drowning in Dreams Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_8B0000'>Zhaylin</span>'s Avatar
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      It's nice to see all the activity! Welcome to all the new people

      I've lost about 5 pounds in 1 week. It's probably water weight. I'm not trying to lose weight, I just have NO appetite and NO energy. Since I quit smoking on April 28, all I do is sleep. I sleep very poorly, but it's still sleep.
      Yesterday I was on a "kitten hunt" for an hour, so I was outside walking the property and doing some light to heavy lifting of yard debris trying to find where my cat is hiding her babies.
      That's the most exercise I've had in a couple of weeks

      I want to start smoking again just to feel partially human! But if I can't tough out this asinine (sp) amount of complaints, then I have no business EVER returning to my congregation (I'm quiting 97&#37; because of religious reasons, 2% for my hubby, 1% because of cost)

      Blah... Time to go back to sleep...

    11. #361
      tegan and sara eppy's Avatar
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      Feb 2007
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      i guess i will join

      Name : Hannah

      Current buddy : none

      Want a buddy?: yeah

      Cheat Day: friday

      Physical Goals: just be in better shape

      Days you'll exercise: everyday

      Cardio Routine: walk/run/jog on the treadmill everyday

      Weight Routine: hand weights every couple days

      Current weight: 142 lbs

      Why are you joining? i want to lose 20 pounds

    12. #362
      tegan and sara eppy's Avatar
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      Feb 2007
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      Cardio workout(s) done today: treadmill for 35 minutes
      Weight workout(s) done today: none
      Areas of body worked today: whatever a treadmill does.legs.
      Current weight:142
      Foods consumed today: breakfast:frosted flakes.lunch: turkey sandwhich with cheez-its,part of an apple. dinner:a salad. a piece of bread with butter. snacks:bowl of icecream.some taco salad
      Drinks consumed today:milk.water.diet coke.

      not too bad.probably should eat something healthier for a snack.

    13. #363
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      Today I ran seven miles consecutive, average of 8:40 per (my knee hurts now. T__T). I want to be able to run a half marathon by the end of the summer. Starting to get bored with my current routine. How often should I be running? What other types of runs should I go on? When/what should I eat before I run? These questions are directed at Ninja, mostly.

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    14. #364
      Join Date
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Quote Originally Posted by Abra View Post
      Today I ran seven miles consecutive, average of 8:40 per (my knee hurts now. T__T). I want to be able to run a half marathon by the end of the summer. Starting to get bored with my current routine. How often should I be running? What other types of runs should I go on? When/what should I eat before I run? These questions are directed at Ninja, mostly.
      I feel special, and I'm proud of you Abra, 7 miles is very impressive. You still in high school? Join the XC team

      For boredom, I alternate my routes, I have three different loops that I run. OF course, an iPod doesn't hurt either. The best running music is Led Zeplin, Bruce Springsteen, and Phil Colins

      You can run every day as long as you don't start feeling any injuries creeping up. First sign of shin splints or tendonitis, you should take a few days off. Ice every day, even if you're not injured, it's a good preventative.

      Cross country (grass) is always the best running route, it's far less damaging to your joints, but running on roads aren't much.

      You shouldn't eat before you run, you should eat after. You burn fat if have an empty belly, if you have just eaten, you burn carbs. You want those carbs to recovery. Immediately after your run, apples are best, they are high in concentrations of natural sugar, which get absorbed directly though the cheek instead of having to be digested. Then something high in protein, I like tofu or eggs
      Last edited by ninja9578; 05-20-2009 at 03:26 AM.

    15. #365
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      Just finished my first year of college. Good stuff. Last year, at this time, I was unable to run a single mile in less than 10 minutes. This is what college does to you, folks.

      Hmmm. I usually eat complex carbs (whole wheat bagle, cereal) before running. I tried my 7 on an empty stomach, and I didn't die, so I guess it's alright. I wish I would've known this sooner!

      Right now, I'm alternating every day between seven miles and three (then I take my dog for a two mile walk). When the weather is moderate again (which occurs frequently here) I might try going a full 14. You live in the south, right? How do you cope with the godawful humidity/heat?

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    16. #366
      Join Date
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      No, I live in the north It's not that hot here, and you won't die of dehydration during a long run. I just make sure that I'm very hydrated before going out, I also run a 5 mile loop, so I pass my house a few times and can rehydrate then.

    17. #367
      Legend Jeff777's Avatar
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      Shall we bump guys?
      Things are not as they seem

    18. #368
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      I've been biking the last little while, just going for intense ten to twenty minute'ers. Yesterday I went for a bike ride, did 100+ pushups, worked out at my friends house, and swam.

      Today I went for a bike ride and sit ups... I might be going to aikido later tonight, too.

      Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray,
      Look out on a summers day,
      with eyes that know the darkness of my soul.

    19. #369
      Drowning in Dreams Achievements:
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      I haven't been doing crap on a regular basis. Hubby has been using me to help install his AC and stuff so I've been getting quite the work out recently, but I need to schedule it in.
      My diet sucks royally. It's so blasted hot that all I really want to eat is ice.

      Thanks for the reminder to exercise etc.

    20. #370
      never better Achievements:
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      Name: Darien
      Current buddy : None
      Want a buddy?: Sure
      Cheat Day : Idk it varies but probably Thursdays for the next two months so I can go to the Square and have my alcohol.
      Physical Goals: Weigh 200lbs. However that's a very long term goal, so a more short tern is to lose a total of 50 pounds before January 1, 2010
      Days you'll exercise: Every
      Cardio Routine: 3-4 times a week, 50 minutes of high intensity cardio - intervals, hills and regular.
      Weight Routine: This right here, 2-3 days a week
      Current weight: 474
      Why are you joining? See above. I've been doing my own weight loss program for the past 8 weeks and have lost 18 pounds so far, and for some reason I've been wary about joining this thread, I'm not really sure why. But anyway I'm here now.
      I've been journaling my daily intake on www.fitday.com, I highly recommend it. It really helps you see just how fucked up your diet can be. Personally I don't eat much at all, ever, and the reasons for my abnormal weight is a mystery to even my doctors. Before these past two months I'd literally NEVER lost a pound in my life, no matter how hard I tried. But that's changed and the rest of my life is looking up.
      Last edited by Bearsy; 07-17-2009 at 08:19 PM.

    21. #371
      Join Date
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      Big Village, North America
      The key to losing weight isn't about eating less or little, it's about eating through out the day, roughly a handful of food (apple, banana, orange, nuts & berries) every 2 to 3 hours. This prevents your body from going into starvation mode which makes your body store more calories which makes you gain weight.

      Of course eating 2-3 hours can be a hard task, it also costs a lot more money to eat healthy than it does to eat frozen packaged foods. If you can't eat every 2-3 hours, try having a breakfast that will give you a quick boost while giving you long term energy. Packaged oatmeal is great because it has a bit of sugar in it, and the actual oatmeal stay's in your stomach for a few hours. Your lunch should be the biggest meal of the day, and dinner should be slightly less than lunch.

      Also remember the basics, grains, vegetables and protein. Grains should be the largest portion of your diet, vegetables and protein should take up roughly the same percentage of your meal.

      A very important part is cutting the sodium and excess sugar out of your diet.

      You could already know all this, but I'm just throwing it out there for everyone benefit.

      To give an update of my situation:

      I've been stretching and doing tai chi pretty much everyday, sometimes twice. My flexibility is improving, but I find my hamstrings and groin area are the most painful to stretch. I think it's a ligament on the inside of my thigh, it's pretty painful for me to stretch there, seems like I can't loosen it up. I've stopped running though, I'm hoping to pick up a YMCA membership soon and get back into swimming and weight lifting. Although I'll probably take it easy with the weights because I don't feel the need to bulk up, plus my day job is very physical.

      I should take a bit of my own advice, my diet hasn't been the greatest lately, but I haven't gained any weight yet fortunately.
      Last edited by grasshoppa; 07-17-2009 at 08:24 PM.

    22. #372
      Member bonthan's Avatar
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      Ahhh. Why don't we just have another section in DV for this bumping a 15 pages thread isn't so fun. But I'll stop my whining so here:

      Name: Bonthan
      Current Buddy: None
      Want a buddy: Yes
      Cheat day: Sunday
      Physical goal: Pack on some muscles lol
      Days you'll exercise: Monday-Friday
      Cardio Routine: Martial Arts (consider cardio, right?)
      Weight Routine: No weight! Push up, sit ups, and pull ups and chin ups!
      Current Weight: 133 lb =(
      Why are you joining: Motivation!!

    23. #373
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      BC, Canada
      Twenty five minute or so bike ride today.

      9:30am - Big bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and milk.
      1:00pm - Shot of wheatgrass and small booster juice (acai, guava, raspberries... all real fruit)
      2:30pm - Two beef burgers with cheese, lettuce, tomato on whole wheat buns.
      4:00pm - Two handfuls of popcorn and a little bit of Coke (damn you Harry Potter)
      7:00pm - Roast chicken with barbecue sauce, bean salad and potato salad.
      9:50pm - Cup of green tea.

      Weighed myself today... standing in at 165 lbs. Which is the heaviest I've been since last summer (WHICH IS AWESOME). My goal weight is at least 170.
      Last edited by CoLd BlooDed; 07-21-2009 at 05:50 AM.

      Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray,
      Look out on a summers day,
      with eyes that know the darkness of my soul.

    24. #374
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      BC, Canada
      11:30am - Moderate bowl of cheerios to curb my hunger until I cooked oatmeal.
      Exercise - 150 pushups
      12:15pm - Large bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and milk.

      Today is going to be my lax day. I might use the dumbbells later, but I do have aikido tonight.

      Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray,
      Look out on a summers day,
      with eyes that know the darkness of my soul.

    25. #375
      Member CandyCloudsOfLullaby's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2007

      Fit Fit Fit

      Name CandyCloudsofLullaby

      Current buddy ): dinny have one

      Want a buddy?: donny know

      Cheat Day Sunday- that's when I work a 12 hour shift!!

      Physical Goals:
      Fit, Healthy, Toned
      Days you'll exercise:
      Mon -Fri
      Cardio Routine: - 5min easy warm up on tredmill or Star Jumps.
      - 1min running flat out, 1min recovery (slow pace) repeat 6TOTAL 17min times each
      - Move to weight Routine.

      Weight Routine: - legs;
      - on each ressistant machine at the gym,
      - start off 40kg
      -15-25reps x2set
      - start off 15-25kg
      - 8-15reps x2
      -abs and lower back
      - as many possible
      - break
      - repeat

      Go back to cardio routine
      Stretch and cooldown.

      Go for a swim.
      Current weight:120

      Why are you joining?
      I just quit 3years of smoking, lasted 2 and a half weeks so far, I wanna get back to my once fitly self, and build stamina and strength to complete my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award this year.

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