So, the past few days I've had a sinus infection that had led to pharyngitis. I've noticed whenever I am sick I have very odd dreams, not that dreams aren't odd to begin with, but they are extraordinarily weird. Last night, I had a dream that the couch in my shed turned into a little pool. Also, a little background info for this one; A few years back when I was 13 to about 16, me and my siblings, mainly my two brothers, all close in age used to get into many fights, verbal and physical. I would always get really mad and yell at my mom or something and punch holes in the wall. So another dream I had last night, I was in this kind of situation and I can recall yelling at my siblings and mom then running up the stairs smashing a few holes in the wall. My mom kept yelling at me, etc. I haven't been angry like that in a long time and I'm wondering if me being sick had played a role in having that dream? Anyone with similar experiences that would like to share? Also, I'd like to throw this in, while napping yesterday, I had a dream that I got into a very long fist fight with a friend, he would be winning for a little bit and then I'd start kicking his ass haha. I think this had to do with the fact that my body is fighting an infection and that my friend in the dream may have been representing the infection. Any opinions on this?

Thanks for reading.