(I know a topic was posted like this one before, but I have a different take on it all)

There are about a dozen (or more?) dreamscapes that I go to in my dreams. None of them take place in an entirely new location. There are three houses, some stores, hotels, a school campus, and one huge place that looks like a post-apocalyptic town. I have been different people in my dreams before. It doesn't matter the gender or personality or looks. Sometimes I dream in third-person, and others in first. However, I am never in a location I have never been in in my dreams before.

I do have another topic I would like to discuss in this thread, too. It's about abilities in dreams. In my dreams I can fly, but only if I believe it hard enough. The same goes for when I teleport in dreams. The teleporting is a recent addition, though. I was only able to do so first a few weeks ago. This doesn't happen with me being lucid, though. I have never tried teleporting or flying when lucid. Also, while not lucid, I seem to have the ability to change other's perceptions (this came about the same time as the teleporting, after a fox spirit guide came to me). To teleport, I simply snap my fingers, but I have to focus very hard on it and it does not always work. Changing others' perceptions is hard, as well and does not always work. I have to basically put my influence in their mind to force them to see what I want them to see, and sometimes people will realize what I am doing to them. Things I have shown the ability to change currently are the way I look and colors of objects. I am not sure what this means or if I should try it when lucid, if I get the chance.