I know a dream is based off experiences etc...But what is a dream physically made of? So basically what state of matter is dream im guessing like electromagnetic stuff? I know i sound very uneducated but i have no idea how to word this question for real so bare with me please.

So the universe is made of matter right? so what kind of matter are thoughts made up of because its problaly safe to say thats the same kind of matter dreams are made up of. anyway what kind and how does our brain manipulate this matter to its will so easily to create basically infinite effects in your head? You know when you visualize something in your head what is that made up of? Okay stay on dream topic here i know.

Last part of my question when you hear sound in your dreams what the hell is that made up of now that i think about it it cant be real sound waves if so could A strong sound energy translator thing be able to hear into your dreams?? As a matter of fact if your brain does produce sound waves when you think could we create a device that could pick that up and actually be able to read minds?

Any ideas?