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    1. #1
      Lurker Gewibon's Avatar
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      Post How can i find my dream guide?

      Uhm.. I asked the same thing in yahoo answer before finding this site and I quite got some negattive answers and it dissapointed me. So tell me , does the DG really exist ? And how to I find him cuz recently i got a lucid dream - quite nightmare but in the end it was happy. I'm not going to put the link cuz it's a short story:

      "2 nights ago i dreamed something like i was in my neighborhood alone and scared of something..Keep running (small distance) untill getting home. I remember that i knew why I was running. Something chased me, it was like a demon.I runned 'till my home and then just runned all home from him because i didn't knew how to contra-atack him. After this it all was cleared, i was like in a white room,all white when like ...my inner-side appeared and told me how to defeat the demon but it was not like a fizical atack, it was more like mentaly. Anyway i was not scared anymore and after i woke up. Sorry for so less details , i couldn't quite remember all things. What does this means?"

      There it is.So. I have pretty much this kind of dreams and since late i am not very scared of them. I'm getting used to it.Since I was 4-5 i remember i dreamed this kind of dreams. Usually i can't control them and then I wake up but something i can control them - becoming LD. I remember that when i was 5 i dreamed every night the same dream. It was like a demon was throwing me in a void/black hole and laught at me ... This kind of dreams don't affect me..They are very rare but It surprised me that this time i could beat them. Every time i would wake up quite scared but this time someone helped me. I was in rush so i didn't even asked him who he is ..a DC? DG ? Inner-me? I don't know yet but I'm sad i didn't asked him.

    2. #2
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      Well I am an atheist who believes in Shared dreaming but I cannot fathom why would a HIgher entity look at my problems? They must have tonnes of stuff to do . I don't deny existence of spirit guides though , there is one thing you can do . It will really help you . Now the next time you go to sleep and become lucid , just scream I WANT TO MEET MY INNER / HIGHER SELF . This should result in another version of you popping near you or maybe you may just hear a voice . Now this voice will be of your sub-conscious . The sub-conscious has a lot of power , If you believe that it can answer all your questions , it will do so . Checkout my thread , I discussed this to great extent there http://www.dreamviews.com/beyond-dre...ml#post2063189

      So I think this would do the work of a dream guide . I hope this helps , tell me if it works

    3. #3
      Lurker Gewibon's Avatar
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      I think I already did this before. I'm not sure. Like i told in the dream : "my inner-side appeared and told me how to defeat the demon" . He looked exactly like me ,just more calm. Unfortunatly, i was scared in that dream and or rush that I didn't asked who he is or his name... Was that it?
      Last edited by Gewibon; 11-27-2013 at 03:01 PM.

    4. #4
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      lol why would you ask yourself your name Gewibon ? It was you! A part of you at least.

    5. #5
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      Oh and always remember that no one can harm you in the dream , you are invulnerable and immortal

    6. #6
      Lurker Gewibon's Avatar
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      The thing is that I read here a quite detailed explication about DG and how they help you,anyway ,here said that they are/were dead and have a name. Anyway what I saw then it was me but I'd like to met my DG too... And sometime i had a dream, I don't know how was it exactly : all I remember is that I was in the point of death when I winced and wake up .. Btw what does this all dreams means ( that we talked about in this post) ?

    7. #7
      The Dream Hacker Achievements:
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      Every dream may not neccessorily have a meaning , it might just be a regualer dream or it tells you to trust yourself that you can defeat anything in your dreams

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