Hello everyone.
I got interested in lucid dreaming for some time now but dropped the subject after I realized that I don't recall my dreams usually. As in...almost never. Immediately when I wake up I feel like I just woke up from a blank state of mind, no memory whatsoever about any dream. Sometimes I get a faint sensation that I had a dream and usually once a month I dream of something, sometimes it's strong and I can recall it but for as long as I can remember my dreams are usually hazy and blurry. And, I guess, monochrome
This held me back as I had no chance of sustaining a lucid dreaming program on such large time spans between dreams that I can remember. Usually I try to recall the whole dream when I wake up so I don't forget it, and that only on the rare occasions when I wake up knowing that I had a dream.
Also I must say that I have real trouble falling asleep. Usually I feel tired at about 12PM and go to bed no sooner than 1AM and then spend 2-3 hours getting asleep every night. I usually try not to think of anything but then I'm just blank for 1-2 hours when I finally go to sleep. I can only fall asleep fast if the night before I get no sleep. Then, I can go to sleep at 10PM and usually takes 5-10 minutes to drift away. But when I do that I guess I never dream. Also I have trouble waking up in the morning, I tried many approaches but in a matter of days I get "used" to the tactic and my brain chooses to ignore it completely in the morning. I connected my phone to computer loudspeakers, rotated all possible alarm tones, in a few days I just wake up at 10-11AM being late for work
Is there any natural way (no drugs for me) that I can regulate my sleeping pattern and make my dreams more vivid? And for that matter, remember the dreams every time I wake up? For all that I know we dream every night, just that we don't remember the dream when we state that we haven't had a dream the night before.
All suggestions are welcomed!
Thank you.