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    Thread: How are real life movies/games/shows interprited in your dreams?

    1. #1
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      How are real life movies/games/shows interprited in your dreams?

      one thing about dreams I like is how different movies and video games are in dreams. I'd have a dream about watching a batman movie or playing a game that doesn't exist. One time I had this dream about breaking bad, this dream happened after breaking bad ended but in the dream it involved a time travel plot where the recent walter and jesse get sent back in time to where they were in the beginning of the series. it made perfect sense to me in the dream and when I questioned why breaking bad was still on when it had ended, it was like my brain uploaded some false memory to make sense of the logic gap.

      another one which is more recent, (2 weeks ago) I had a dream where my parents took me to some ladies house for a visit. during the stay, the lady asked me if I wanted to play some video games with her son. I went into the kids room to play with his Nintendo 64 (in this dream, the Nintendo 64 wasn't old at all and crash bandicoot was on a cartridge) I found myself playing what looked to be crash bandicoot only it played nothing like it. it was completely different from the real life crash bandicoot games. kinda hard to explain it through words but it was just completely different. I was also playing a crash team racing map which looked and played like the real crash games but the map was something completely new and original. it's weird because it's like a director who takes on an existing story and takes a totally different approach to it.

      Does anyone have any experiences with this where a real life movie or game is interpreted completely differently in your dream? or maybe even a song, I don't have any memory of listening to songs that don't exist but maybe one of you have? if so can you give us some details like what movie or game it was, is it based on a real life product, what was different about it. if it was a song, was it by an artist you know? was it a real song that had lyrics that differed from the real one?
      Last edited by intheworldofnim; 03-26-2014 at 01:04 PM.
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    2. #2
      Fragmented Subconscious DreamscapeGoat's Avatar
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      I've had dreams of reading books that don't exist, but are written by authors I read.

      I can't offer as to why this happens, but I can assure you you're not alone in these experiences.

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    3. #3
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      Songs that may not exist or re-worded - it happens to me.

      Games - they often look the same but have really weird sound effects. Years ago I dreamed my friend and I were playing pac-man on atari 2600 and instead of the crappy sound effects, it was some angry man's voice yelling about something.

      TV shows - At the end of the old show "Little house on the prairie", some little girl jumps and the scene freezes at the end of the credits. In a dream, some bear was laying on a hammock and he got up and roared. The little girl ran away and the jumped in the air (but it was a side view instead of front-on), the scene froze, and there were credits.

      Yes I am a bit older so that is where these things come from.

    4. #4
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      One time I was watching "Top Gun" movie in my dream only to realize the only thing in common between real "Top Gun" and dream "Top Gun" was that Tom Cruise appeared in both of them. It was a completely different movie with different characters and plot.

      From time to time I have a dream in which I listen to one of my favourite bands and suddenly realize the particular song/album I'm listening to is for some reason very little known/forgotten and wonder why I listen to it so rarely. Of course the dream song/album doesn't really exist.
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    5. #5
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      I have had several dreams about commercials/music videos etc where the song is normal but the commercial or video is really weird.
      One was Men at Work - who can it be now.
      In the dream, they were in a studio and trying to set up props and on the part where he says, "I like it here with my childhood friend" he was sitting in a chair next to some really creepy looking doll, maybe like the clown from poltergeist (remember that bundle of love?)

    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by PeterP View Post
      One time I was watching "Top Gun" movie in my dream only to realize the only thing in common between real "Top Gun" and dream "Top Gun" was that Tom Cruise appeared in both of them. It was a completely different movie with different characters and plot.

      From time to time I have a dream in which I listen to one of my favourite bands and suddenly realize the particular song/album I'm listening to is for some reason very little known/forgotten and wonder why I listen to it so rarely. Of course the dream song/album doesn't really exist.
      was it a good song?

    7. #7
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      Whenever I hear music in my dreams (which unfortunately is not too often) it sounds great or at least it appears so as long as I'm dreaming. I wonder if it would sound equally good if I could memorize the melody or have it written down note by note and could replay it when I'm awake.
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    8. #8
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      it appears to me there is time travel in your dreams. You travel back to the beginning of Breaking Bad. The characters in that film get sent back in time, apparently. I am not much familiar with the show except for the original episode. But then you are "back to," and I do not know this game or system Bandicoot 64. So, it seems not impossible to me you are back to 1964...breaking bad.

      If I were you, if it was my dream, I would spend a whole lot of time trying to describe the game you are playing in the 64 system. How it is different from the real, "fake" video game. It would be my guess the game you are playing in the dream is more real. Related to, perhaps, Breaking Bad.

      For me, at least, you are providing about 10% of the necessary information to make some sense of this.

      Expand on this.

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    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hummer View Post
      But then you are "back to," and I do not know this game or system Bandicoot 64. So, it seems not impossible to me you are back to 1964...breaking bad.
      I'm not exactly sure what you are saying here, when I mentioned the characters from breaking bad, traveling back in time, I meant from the very last season to the first season. in the last season, the characters are not very fond of eachother, after they get sent back in time, they are pit up against their former selves, back when the characters were good friends/business partners.

      about the game, its gonna be a bit hard to explain if you never heard or played the games before. Crash bandicoot is a platformer game on the PlayStation 1, it came out in 1995 back when I was a kid. In my dream, the game was on a Nintendo 64, which used cartridges instead of a CD which is the first drastic difference. In the game you play as a genetic marsupial in which you traverse through several different linear levels littered with obstacles. In my dream, these levels were completely made up. There were boss battles that didn't exist, gameplay that didn't exist. if my memory of the dream wasn't so fuzzy, I'd be able to give you better details but here are a few things I remember.

      first, I remember starting of in a jungle environment. this part is pretty true to the actual game which often uses jungle environments though I'm not sure how different it was. then near the end of the level, I have to climb this large indian tower. again not sure the details of the tower but this also rings a little true for there is a similar section in the first crash bandicoot game. the difference comes after I reach the end of the tower. Their is a boss battle. in the real games, No boss battle ever took place within a regular level. it was always a separate event. The boss is kinda hard to explain due to lack of details but it looked as if he was a human sized tiki statue with 6 arms, 3 on each side. I could be wrong on that but again, my memory of it is fuzzy so I can only go by a vague image in my mind. I don't even remember how the boss fight played out. After that I can also remember the tower being connected to another one by a wooden bridge. I remember a vague scene of my game character moving along the side of the first tower running to where the bridge is. the towers are pretty high up so only fog can be seen beneath.

      All that was fairly normal despite being very different. The next thing I remember felt like a different dream, im also in a different environment from the last one. The bizarre part comes when my character has a line of character following right behind him along a windy pathway in some grass field. there looked to be a number of 7 or 8 characters following closely behind like they were physically connected. A few of the characters I remember only one of the characters being from the actual real life game which was an Uka Uka floating mask. In the real games, the camera never pans vertically or horizontally. it's always still and only moves when you move ahead. in the dream it's pans whichever way. The rest is lost in memory but it was kinda bizarre. I only remember the character walking in a grass field with a windy path. I have no idea what the objective was if their was one but at no point in the real game is this possible.

      the next part of the dream I was playing a race in crash team racing. the race took place in some kind of mixture between a forest and a tiki temple. I remember constantly hitting drift every corner to get a boost. this part of the gameplay is true to the real life game where drifting allowed you to get boosts. I remember driving on a ramp over a fallen tree then later racing through a temple. I remember making several trips around this temple then near the end, It suddenly felt like I was the one in the game. I'm no longer in the kids room, I'm suddenly the one thats driving the kart. near the end of the race I see one of my cousins driving a kart too. He nears the finish line while I tailed him from the back. Once we turn around this corner I hurry up sticking my hand out as far out as possible to reach over the finish line beating out my cousin by a millisecond. He raged right after. that's all I remember.
      Last edited by intheworldofnim; 04-01-2014 at 12:07 PM.

    10. #10
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      You have extraordinary detailed dream memory. Breaking Bad I cannot handle except to the extent there is a motive for the "breaking bad" theme, meaning there is a reason main character makes a "deal with the devil," involving, I think, health care, cancer and money. Ok, he "breaks bad" to the degree he sells drugs, becomes an amphetamine entrepreneur, etc. That "solution" to the main character's dilemma is presented to you, us, as one (crash bandicoot) possibility in this system.

      Then, in the next dream, part of the dream you play this game. Even though this is an old game I am still prior to that! Only one I know is Mario Brothers. But it sounds like the same format -- a linear progression of tests, challenges to an ultimate goal. Bosses, bosses and more bosses with three arms no less involved in excelsis deo.

      This is a program. Can I suggest it is a Matrix program that you "kids," and I don't know how old you are but younger then me, are being asked to play in your dreams? You are playing it in your life and you are playing it in your dream and even if you win what are the outcomes?

      I can't answer that, but dreaming's a heck of a lot more than a programmed game, as is life, as I'm sure you know.

      Thanks for your fantastically detailed introduction to crash bandicoot. I am now an "initiate"

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    11. #11
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hummer View Post
      You have extraordinary detailed dream memory. Breaking Bad I cannot handle except to the extent there is a motive for the "breaking bad" theme, meaning there is a reason main character makes a "deal with the devil," involving, I think, health care, cancer and money. Ok, he "breaks bad" to the degree he sells drugs, becomes an amphetamine entrepreneur, etc. That "solution" to the main character's dilemma is presented to you, us, as one (crash bandicoot) possibility in this system.

      Then, in the next dream, part of the dream you play this game. Even though this is an old game I am still prior to that! Only one I know is Mario Brothers. But it sounds like the same format -- a linear progression of tests, challenges to an ultimate goal. Bosses, bosses and more bosses with three arms no less involved in excelsis deo.

      This is a program. Can I suggest it is a Matrix program that you "kids," and I don't know how old you are but younger then me, are being asked to play in your dreams? You are playing it in your life and you are playing it in your dream and even if you win what are the outcomes?

      I can't answer that, but dreaming's a heck of a lot more than a programmed game, as is life, as I'm sure you know.

      Thanks for your fantastically detailed introduction to crash bandicoot. I am now an "initiate"


      your welcome and thank you,

      And yeah I guess you can call it a matrix program and it's amazing how the matrix that is formulated whatever it can be is often interpreted completely differently in our dreams. It's makes me think that if we had total dream recall and someway to influence more of these interpretations then the ideas for books, movies shows, or even songs would be endless. maybe watching tv or playing a game in a lucid dream can be my next dream goal.

      About my my dream recall, I'd say it's still pretty bad I have to admit. I stopped writing in my dream journal because of laziness and now I can only remember small bits and pieces like in this dream. the details I spelled out in that dream were merely vague images & motions. barely enough detail to describe but thank you! I was worried that my description of my dream might be a bit hard to follow. Have you had a dream like this where your watching a show or reading a book that doesn't really exist before? If so, do you have any details to share? I find these very interesting. in-fact this just popped in my head but I remember a dream from awhile back when I first started where I was on this very site, and I clicked on the "switch to day" mode at the top and it actually switched to a day version of the site. I actually wrote a post about it on here somewhere.

    12. #12
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      Well, the site just ate my homework, the entire response I carefully composed. I am not going to try to recreate it now.

      I think this site, forums in general, function somewhat like games -- with various levels of achievement from the lowest, whatever I am at the moment to, at least "Dream Guide." To achieve that sort of level one must "play the forum game" correctly, not lose one's temper, etc. There are minds, "architects" behind the game and moderators, so in that sense, yes, there is a day mode of this same site. And, I do believe that we precreate our days in dreaming.

      I am not enough of a game aficionado to have them appear in my dreams much. Films, yes. Three if can mention right off hand -- Cameron's The Abyss, Shyamalan's The Village and currently The Evil Dead, a really tough oner to deal with.

      My other post contained some details on this. Maybe I will try again.

      Don't give up on the notebook! A dream journal becomes a personal "sacred text."


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      My two cases from this year:

      1) Night of 27th/28th September (I remember the date because it was the night of a total lunar eclipse, colloquially called a "bloody moon").

      I had a dream about the Swedish band ABBA in which I heard the beginning of their non-existent song that was a slow, psychedelic ballad and sounded like a mix between their real song "Eagle" (but only a little bit - just the general mood and tempo) and some of the music by Pink Floyd. I also saw a publicity photo of the band that I'm sure doesn't really exist - all four members were taking a nap in sleeping bags (or one big sleeping bag) lying on a roof of some skyscraper in the middle of a sunny day.

      2) Last night

      A funny variation of a movie scene in my dream. "Rocky II" with Sylvester Stallone has a scene where Rocky is making an aftershave commercial in a caveman outfit, holding a wooden club in his hand. In my dream instead, in the same scene someone chased Rocky and tried to attack him with a big hammer. He didn't stop until Rocky shouted out a secret password which turned out to be "AMERICA".

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      Sadly I cannot recall any good movie dreams I had- if I had any good at all.
      But video game dreams are usually pretty.. sick.
      Because the dream is a mix of the game's graphics and.. a dream. Sometimes I even have some sort of HUD or blend-in information.. which is really not cool.

    15. #15
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      Here it comes again. In my last night's dream I was watching "Ghostbusters". What I saw was supposed to be a "director's cut" of the classic movie (that's how it was announced in my dream) but it turned out to be a completely different film. It still was about ghosts, some of the cast matched the original cast (Sigourney Weaver, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray), but there were also important differences. Peter Venkman was played by more than one person, depending on a scene (Bill Murray and, in some scenes, Chevy Chase if I remember correctly). The plot was a lot darker than in the original movie (even though the real one had its dark moments, too), it was more of a horror than a comedy. The single bits of the dream that I can remember:

      1. a ghost of some young (late teens or early twenties) girl passing through the door without opening it - the door opened itself as she was passing through it

      2. generally, a significant part of the movie was focused on some younger characters (kids, teenagers)

      3. if you saw the real "Ghostbusters" movie then you probably remember a scene where Peter (Bill Murray) meets Dana (Sigourney Weaver) when she's possessed and floats above her bed. The same scene in my dream looked different: Peter and Dana both got possessed by some evil force - after a short conversation they suddenly started talking to each other in some unknown language, with shocked faces

      4. in some scenes Ray (Dan Aykroyd) looked the same age as in the real movie while in the others he was an older, balding man

      It was one of the most intense and entertaining dreams I've had for a long time.

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