Ok, I just woke up about 30 mins ago, collected myself and got on here...

I had a dream that I can't remember most, but I will tell you what I can remember. I was living in a house and I don't know if my family was there or not. I remember walking on some hill outside of it where other people would walk their dogs. There were these two yellow labs trying to get to me (not sure if they wanted to hurt me or not, I just had a feeling that is what they wanted to do) and they were coming from the top of the hill. One started to come, but his legs slipped and he slid all the way to the bottom of the hill and looked up at me. The second one came to me from the top and the same thing happened and that one slid to the bottom. Once I got to the top other people were there and they were telling me that they would slide their own dogs on a hand rail (that was only at the top of the hill) all the way to the top to avoid the dogs from sliding down like the yellow labs (doesn't make too much sense seeing how the hand rail is only at the top). One person was walking up the hill and was sliding a stuffed german shepard dog on the hand rail, not a real one but a stuffed toy.

After that I went inside and it wasn't a house I had ever been in before. The house was mostly dark except for a few rooms. As soon as I got in, I for some reason knew that someone had tried to have sex with my underage ex-stepdaughter (ex wife's daughter). But she had overpowered him and cornered him in a closet. When I went into the closet there was an old lady that I didnt recognize and no guy. Only a little weird toy old-timey radio inside a plastic package. But it was on and I could hear a guy talking. The talking sounded like he was talking through a broadcast from a radio station. I knew this was the guy (radio?) that had tried to have sex with my ex-stepdaughter. I told him I wanted to confront him then through the broadcast he started speaking cryptically and told me in a poem where to meet him. So as I was trying to figure out where it was to kick his butt, I looked down and found myself standing in a bathtub. Other people were in that room now and I am not sure who they are. All of their heads were down looking at things on the floor. But there was someone else, my grandfather (who has been dead since 2010). He looked a bit younger but only as young as I had ever seen him in real life). He was in the suit he was buried in and pointed to the wall behind me and asked to see "that thing" I didn't turn to see what he was talking about but I asked him instead "Hey, is everything better now" referring to him being dead ( I had figured in the dream that he was a ghost come back to give me advice or something). Once I asked him that, his skin started to change to a sickly color and spots and boils started to form on his skin. He kept a smile on his face and said yes. I told him that I wished I could have known my grandmother better (who died years before he did) As I said that, his mouth started to get bigger and revealed an even bigger smile. His teeth were long and uneven and his new smile dominated most of his face at that point (looks like this smiley right here --- only a real life 6 inch grin). He then asked me for a hug, but I didn't want to. He was saying other things, but I can't remember. I stepped back into the closet to get the radio I had been talking to that guy through and I heard my grandfather say "It doesn't matter, he will be king of the earth anyway" I don't know what he was talking about.

After that I woke up (real life) and washed my face off. I am a bit disturbed by this obviously and hopefully you fine folk here can help me.

A few things about the dream: The yellow labs were just like one we had that died earlier this year. And the toy german shepard the guy had on the hill was just like one that my ex-stepdaughter got for her friend who moved away yesterday (got to see it after she bought it)(I remain in good contact with my exwife and her daughter as I have a biological daughter with my exwife).

If you need anymore details, let me know. I will not have a problem giving out details of my life that may relate to the dream. I would like some interpretation if you fine folks wouldn't mind. Thank you.