Hey everyone. I've just recently started to explore more deeply into the profoundness of dreaming, and I'm happy to have found Dreamviews.com. I figured I'd dive right in so I read the tutorials on DILD, DEILD and WILD and also some tips that people posted, and I took some advice right off the bat. A few nights ago I set my alarm to go off 4 hours after I went to bed, then 2 hours after that, and then each hour before waking up for the morning. My sleep patterns vary, but the first night I was really curious about how it might turn out so I tried to give myself enough time asleep to experience something. The first alarm went off after 4 hours and I awoke from a pretty vivid dream that I could remember some of. It wasn't a lucid dream or anything, but it was cool to experience some control over waking from it by using an alarm. The next alarm went off 2 hours later but I didn't recall any dreams and I was pretty groggy, and I had to start waking up for the morning before the next hour passed. But the first experience after 4 hours was interesting. I tried again the next night and I knew I wasn't going to get as many hours of sleep, so I adjusted the alarm from 4 hours to 3 but that didn't work as well. I think it went off before a REM cycle started. Last night I didn't sleep much and didn't recall any dreams this morning. Tonight I'll try the 4/2/1 alarm again. It's kind of tricky getting the timing right, but it's an interesting thing to experiment with. I never knew dreaming was such an intricate process